Hello there.
Imagine if you will, Orks and Sisters, gallivanting about the galaxy with more guns, armor and toys. Happy as they can be. A beautiful world. Let's make it happen.
This mod is now combined with IGMA, forming ROSIGMA, available here:
https://openxcom.mod.io/rosigmahttps://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,9687.0.htmlWhich combines ROSE with IGMA!
Go download that for the latest version of ROSE.
Last Pre ROSIGMA version: ROSE Standalone v09 dated 20210405https://drive.google.com/file/d/19usDJTYkHV1xOoXehQv90P-2hqZLhlwY/view?usp=sharingIn short:
-This is a *sub*mod for the 40k mod
-It adds a bunch of gear and units for Sisters, Orks and Chaos (primarily Khorne and Slaanesh, but some for tzeentch and nurgle too).
-It adds several early armors and new units primarily for Adeptas
-A dozen+ new enemy "racelists" (what XCOM calls a enemy force) that can appear in various missions.
-Some cost (less grind) and balances changes (shorter grenade ranges, less accurate and twitchy enemy turrets for example).
-New SFX and VFX for weapons and units.
-New ufopedia artwork.
To give a fresh experience playing the 40k mod!
You *can* play it as a new player, if you want all the new fun toys for an Adeptas playthrough, but while it makes the mod a little easier in some places, it also makes the mid and end game tougher with new challenging foes.
Mod name subject to change but its the gist of it. I got advised by BrainDaMijj to get a thread up for my mod-of-the-mod. Not just my sprite reworks and changes, but also some of Xom126 excellent spritework.
Disclaimer: I update this mod pretty often, stomp out bugs (faster with your bug reports as help!) and add content.
That said, this submod has some rough edges, mostly in placeholder inventory art or unfinished ufopedia pages for some enemies that I slowly replace with the real deal.
If you can live with that, this mod is perfect for a second playthrough!
Some of the new guns I've cooked up:

~and there's more~
What this is expanded summary:-Global rebalance. Started out as an easier version for new players and less grindy, but I've generally tweaked things along the way. See below for more indepth breakdown of what is changed. Rule of thumb: Is this more fun/interesting? Does it fit the lore if you squint? Alright! Doesn't work in practice? Let's change it then.
-New Units, armor and weapons. Started out adding some small things to the Sisters, but now there's dozens of new enemies and a expanded "tree" for the Sisters. Eventually, maybe some sort of Inquisitor branch with Acolytes.
-New Enemies: Primarily Chaos and Orks are expanded so far, with lots of things in the work.
New Orks include Burnaboyz, Kommandoz, Stormboys, Meganobz and Warbikers. They are primarily higher end Ork enemies, so be careful! New Ork lists may appear in Space Hulks and other side missions.
New Chaos units are primarily Chaos Sisters, spread between the 4(5) Chaos factions and will show up in early and midgame in both mixed and dedicated lists.
-New and changed race lists. You'll face much expanded/varied enemy forces.
-Chaos path for Sisters, eventually.
-Quality of Life changes for Imperial Guard: No more -10 strength for carapace, and other minor buffs that will make your guardsmen about 10% more survivable!
-Stealthy rework, partially implemented for the Kommandoz. Certain units will use camo to sneak about, other units (scouts, officers, assassins) will use anti-camo to detect them!

Some of the new Ork enemies with their new weapons. Light Kommandoz and 'Eavy Burnas.New Assets, for anyone to play with:
-Sisters, Orks and Chaos.
New units, armors and upgrade paths, pictured left to right: 1) New Sisters starting soldiers, the Novice, 2) Upgrade to Cantus armor and 3) Medicae Armour.
4) Elohim armour, first upgrade to standard SoB armor, 5) Retributor armour, devastation equivalent, 6) Sister Superior armor upgrade for experienced SoB.
Complete with customized voice lines, equipment and new upgrade paths.New Weapons and changes-Overall, all* small arms (lasguns, bolters) have extended drop off range from "5" tiles across the board to 6-12 drop off range, depending on if its a close combat or "rifle" version. Pistols are generally in the "5-7" range.
-Heavy Bolters have their drop off accuracy dropped, so they are no longer quite the sniper guns of before.
-Grenades range is dropped from 20 across the board, to 10-17. Heavier grenades = less range. Should make AI grenade spam a little easier to deal with.
-That Ork cannon turret? Less accurate and now with drop off range included.
-Armor changes across the board, good armor in the front, slightly less on the sides, a lot less to the rear. Flanking now awarded.
-Chaos Daemons beefed up, and some now come with nasty abilities.
-Plasma guns range shortened just a lil bit, from 24 to 18, with exception of the added guns with their own shorter/longer ranges.
Sisters new toys:*CHANGED GUNS*-De'az Bolter and other light bolters: More dakka. Along with some other light bolters, it now has 4-shot auto and more ammo. Mostly a gameplay change to set them apart. Special ammo = less shots per mag. Now accepts inferno rounds.
New Weapons:
-Harborym Incendiary and Krak "Faust" disposable rocket launchers. Can be used off hand and take 2-3 inventory slots.
-Scourge pattern Bolt Pistol with a bayonet for melee cutting.
-Seraphim Bolt Pistols, high rate of fire and special extended magazines.
-Cantus Light Bolter. Semi-fluffy, but a sister trainee bolter. Lighter weight, less recoil, less damage. Baby's first bolter. Some simple sprite modifications of the De'az bolter.
-Elohim Light Bolter: Battle rifle kinda bolter, 2-shot auto fire, but longer range and punchy. Weights more. Has the ability to use INFERNO rounds and AP rounds. Now custom spritework just yet.
-Retributor Heavy Bolter: Sisters get this tastefully red Heavy Bolter, based on the Godwyn. Lighterweight, less recoil, slightly less dakka than the Space Marine MkIV. Uses 3 kinds of belt ammo (60 rounds).
-Arche Sniper Rifle, Sisters now got their own unique sniper/marksman rifle. Not quite as long ranged as the Astartes, it can feed Elohim light-bolter ammo and has a "double-tap" select fire.
-Malthus Light Lascannon, Sisters now get this hand held Lascannon. It sacrifices a lot of firepower and accuracy, but it has small power packs that fit in the pocket and it's more mobile than the full size lascannon.
-Cherubim Grenade Launcher, less ammo capacity but higher yield, gives sisters quite a bit of early grenade firepower.
-Redeemer Shotgun, for close encounters. Has several ammo types.
-Throne Missile Launcher. Has a autofire option that can fire the full ammo capacity of 3 light incendiary missiles. Not very long ranged or accurate, might get an anti-armor melta option in the future.
-Beamer Meltagun / Harmonic Melta Gun. A mid range meltagun option that fires a single beam of armor searing melta fire.
-Hellspite Kombi-Bolter. A further development of the Elohim Bolter, can fire several types of 40mm grenades from its underslung launcher.
-Mephisto Kombi-Bolter. A bolter with a underslung light flamethrower, what's not to love?
-Dominion Pattern Bolter. A "Elite" bolter for the Sisters, with a better bayonet and fun "detonator" rounds.
-Retributor Mk.2 Heavy Bolter. Now even lighter, and only takes box mag ammo (40 rounds).
-Potestas Heavy Kombi-Bolter. Take the Retributor Mk.2 and merges it with a light melta gun for armor peeling at close ranges.
-Clovis Plasma Spray Gun, it's a light barrage gun, instead of single shot it does autoshot! Less damage per shot and less accuracy though. There's a chaos version too!
-Jupiter Gravgun, a gravgun with an AoE effect. Quite nasty! Gravguns no longer just ignore armor, they damage it severely and causes a fair amount of stun damage to anyone that survives. Also gets a chaos version.
-De'az Storm Bolter, lighter, less recoil, less range. For when you're not in a Terminator Power Armor but still want that sweet storm boltin'.
-Galgalim Assault Cannon, lighter, close less range. Has a smaller ammo drum/box.
-Hilebard melee weapon.
*NEW GRENADE*-Phosphor grenade, burns heretics and creates some smoke cover.
*NEW AMMO*: Adeptas De'az and Elohim bolters can now use the Light Bolter Inferno Rounds, expensive but highly effective against meaty boys and daemons alike.
*CHANGED AMMO*: Inferno rounds for the Sisters Retributor that can be stored in the "belt" slot (no backpack required). Needs costum sprite work, and AP round version. "Works", but a little fiddly to fit in the right slot now.
*NEW SPRITE*: Alternative darker red version of the basic Sisters armor is now selectable from the armor menu on all Battle Sisters.
*NEW UNIT*: Sister Novices are now the base Sister recruit. Much cheaper to recruit and run than full Sisters, they can be ranked up to Sisters with more experience and higher stats. Custom sprites/inventory screens etc all done and new voice lines (from DoW).
*New ARMOR*: Cantus armor for novices once they've ranked up. Makes them more survivable. Custom voice lines added.
*NEW UNIT*: Fraternis Militia replaces Guard recruits. They are very brave! And very terrible. Still need some custom inventory spritework and voice lines, but there's some ersatz ones in now.
*NEW ARMOR*: ADEPTAS ELOHIM Armor, I've not coded any hard limit on using it on lower rank Battle Sisters, aside for the price, it offers a decent upgrade over the starting Sisters armor.
*NEW ARMOR*: ADEPTAS RETRIBUTOR Armor, sacrificing rear, under and flank armor, as well as melee ability, the Retributor armor strength enables it to use heavy weapons with ease and have advanced targeting systems. Custom voice lines included!
*NEW ARMOR/UNIT*: ADEPTAS SISTER SUPERIOR Armor. Only max ranked Battle Sisters can be promoted to Sister Superior, on their way to becoming the Canoness! This is a rather good suit of armor, a step up from the Elohim. Got custom voice lines. Needs some testing so all the upgrading works.
*NEW UNIT*: Adeptas Assassins/Imperial Assassins. Work in progress. High stats, high cost. Eventually: Callidus etc assassins.
*REBALANCE*: Most Sister armors rebalanced, both armor and stats changed. More survivable on the high end. Maybe even too good! Retributors/Assassins are now rather effective at getting across distances alive to chop things up.
I've played around with damage resistances, so pay attention to these. Some armors are quite good vs plasma!
*NEW* Novice Medicae, upgrade path/unit to Hospitallers. Early research and cheap armour option that can be used by Novices. It got unique voice lines.

The Adeptas start is changed to include the new weaponry and low tier units, Elohim and Retributor armors can be built with adamantium and money, without more research needed (for now).
Your starting force of Militia, Novices and Adeptas will look something like this:
New Sisters based Enemies:
There's a lot of them, but not just because I like the Sisters, they serve as a pretty useful mid-game enemy like the Snakemen in OG X-Com. Branching the gap between the early cultists and traitor guard, and then the actual Chaos Space Marines.
- Balance wise they have lighter power armour than the Chaos Space Marines, and worse stat (with the exception for some possessed/elite/commander variants).
- They have less of a focus on plasma weapons(with the exception of perhaps the Tzeentch ones) and instead use a variety of sister weapons, bolters, meltaguns, flamethrowers etc. I'm gradually adding in chaos variants. When they do use plasma weapons its the (newly added) lighter plasma variants like the carbine. You will not be plasma-sniped across the map quite as often with these.
- They have some gimmicks and surprises of their own, like adding more (ranged) flying units, assassins and transforming units.
- Their addition allows us to rebalance the Chaos Space Marines to be more impressive, with more health and armor and "The best" weapons chaos got to offer. When they do show up, they're a bigger deal. Note: Not quite done here on rebalancing them all, so some may still be a little on the weaker side.
- They can be mixed in with other forces easily, both on the low end (traitor guard/cultists) and on the high end (Marines).
Vanilla Heretic/Chaos Sisters, straightforward Sister baddies but also fitting in here are defectors and anyone branded Heretic by the Ecclessiarchy itself. Could be misfiled paperwork (knowing how 40k works...). Somewhat easier to dealt with than CHAOS as they don't have very fancy equipment. Often they'll be mixed in with defectors of various kinds, or with actual chaos sisters that may be misleading them.
On to the four flavors of Chaos Sisters: each god gets their own little niché and theming. Khorne has variations on Repentia and Retributors with heavy firepower, Slaanesh gets "devoted", elite units and weird daemon-stuff, Nurgle Sisters with various blight abilities and higher health pools, Tzeentch Sisters have the higher tech, flamers, krak/melta and long ranged weapons.
Orks new stuff:
-Orks now have access to the BURNA/SCORCHA combo flamethrower/melta weapon. Very dangerous up close. Weapon sprite crafting from Xom126.
-Orks have access to Sneaky close combat weapons, a shiv and a slugga, used by the Kommandoz.
-Orks have access to Stinkbombz, which can stun and knock-out your units! Placeholder sprite for this grenade.
-Orks have access to Tank Busta Rokkitstikks, one-use rokkits for close combat anti armour work.
-Orks have access to Krakk Stikk Bombz, much like the Krakk grenades, but Orky!
-Orks have access to Tankbusta bombs, think very big melta bombs. Short throwing range luckily! Used by Tankbustaz.
-Orks have access to Tank Hammer, a dedicated anti armor rocket hammer. Don't let them slap you with this.
*NEW ENEMY* Ork Meganobz, thanks to the spritework of Xom126. These guys got twin shootas and ersatz Power Klaws/Killa Saws. Verydangerous. Dead 'ard.
*NEW ENEMY* Ork Warbiker, thanks to the spritework of Xom126. Early terror unit, sadly no quite the smoke belching coal rollin' bikers as envisioned. They do explode though.
*NEW ENEMY* Ork Burnaboyz, very dangerous up close, and will epxlode on death. Xom126 turned my mockup into a beautiful battlescape spritesheet so expect these lads to pop up.
*NEW ENEMY* Ork Kommandoz, simple recolor by me. Can be encountered. Very sneaky (bring recon), very purple. Very killy.
*NEW ENEMY* Ork Tankbustaz. A whole load of new weapons, but no custom sprites just yet. Can be encountered.
Most new Ork units are *in* and may be encountered, but do not yet have custom spritework. Still figuring out the best way to have them show up at different levels of Ork bases and patrols, scaling with tech tier.
New Ork Meganobz are the 'ardest there is. Proper stompy too.*NEW ENEMY*: Ork Stormboyz.
*NEW ENEMY*: Ork Weird Boyz. With their trusty wyrdboy stikk, they're quite the menace (see page 2 of this thread for more info).
In progress:*NEW ENEMY*: Attack and Bomb Squigs, Xom126 working on that stuff right now! Will be deployable by certain Ork units.
*NEW ENEMY*: Ork Dead 'Ard Ladz/'Ard Boyz. I'm working on some new sprites for these. Coding draft is done.
*NEW ENEMY*: Ork Kommandoz Nobz. I'm working on some new sprites for these.
*NEW ENEMY*: Ork Warboss to be encountered in high level Ork bases! Thanks to the sprite work of Xom126.
New Chaos Foes:-Slaangors, Ungors and Brays are in with a new set of Slaanesh weaponry. These are early-mid game enemies, but may appear in some configs late game.
I drew a snakey boy, and then put him in the game. He's very friendly. -Slaanesh Anointed, elite snakey infantry, boosts the variety further.
In progress:
-Slaangor Bullgors and Fiendgors.
-Slaangor Turnskins.
*On the to-do list* Chaos Daemon Nurglings, Heralds, Furies, Possessed, Spawn and doggos to round out the Chaos daemon enemies.
Other new stuff and changes:-"Dekker" Pattern Twin Core Plasma Gun, a long range, twin-shot, plasma gun that will be available for both Chaos and Imperial forces. Capture it to research.
-Orks changed to not be 20% resistant to Lasgun fire. Credit to Buscher for this idea (he got a mod that handles this across the board for guard).
-Economy rebalance to be lighter on the grind. Personal preference, but adamantium and promethium costs are down across the board and money rewards are up. Feel free to tweak this to your own liking!
Download and Testing:I've been working on this for a couple of months and have it in a playable state, even if all new assets aren't done yet, so I'm looking for playtesting, both for stability, bugs, missing things and balance.
Of course, if you're feeling inspired and want to make some sprites, either to patch up holes or got a cool new idea, feel free to contribute! You can find most of the "team" (as it is) on the 40k mod discord, we're happy to help out.
Some known issues on my fix-it-list:
-Enemies may appear dual wielding like Rambo. I've gone through the deployment files to minimize this, but it may still occur on occasion due to a couple of issues where I don't want to break something with the main mod or haven't found a solution.
-Some adeptas/chaos guns may appear for purchase in store for guards/space marine on occasion after I add a new weapon after midnight and forget to scrub a "buy" or "requires", give me a heads up and I'll fix it.
-Some sprites are not done yet and uses placeholders, goes for inventory sprites and floorOBs, and a few "spawns on death" units lack proper transformation animation. On the fix it list, but takes the most time.
Give me heads up if something is not working or you run into bugs and feel free to discuss the mod itself, And of course, you may reuse the sprite assets or make other changes.