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The X-Com Files / Sharing / Selling technology?
« on: June 16, 2022, 02:53:18 am »
I am curious what technology people chose to share and which they chose to keep. I also wanted some clarification for M.A.G.M.A. sharing as under each share technology it lists "affects game progression", is it important to make sure to share them due to this or is it not as important as it sounds? I am guessing looking at the wiki it's just due to 1 or 2 more missions but are those important to get?

So far I've only had 2 options to share, I have shared Tritanium and am currently trying to make the decision for selling Sonic technology as the weapons sound nice but the instant money now sounds better? I have seen there is some good looking stuff for sharing the other technology but not sure what is or isn't worth it. But of course since this is XCOM I'm probably going to share everything since what are morals?

The X-Com Files / Is "farming" cults worth doing?
« on: May 09, 2022, 11:18:40 pm »
So in the base game I often indulged in "farming" an alien base for supply ships and raids, is that also worth doing in this mod with keeping cults active or should I actually be doing XCOM's job properly and forsake the morally questionable funding?

My current example for the question:
I've just cleared my first Cult HQ and gotten the item needed to research their containment, I've checked the tech tree to see I need to contain all 4 for the next promotion which is making me wonder if I should keep them around until finishing the other Cults for more potential missions (unless theirs get replaced with others) or just take care of them for good once I've captured their special agent like Lo Wo (only one I found so far).

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