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Topics - betatester

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The X-Com Files / Love Animal Combat statistics and a weird idea
« on: September 26, 2024, 03:13:29 pm »
I have laughed out loud the fist time a farmer interrogation gave me cows, pigs and sheep combat stats.
But just after that 2 thoughts followed:
- There's no rabbit stats
- There"s no Killer Rabbit mission (part of the Zombie Vampire arc)

I have no idea how to implement one but my 2 cents
- A holy grenade of Antioch Event that gives you a holy grenade
- A vampire rabbit that can't be damaged (but hitting it makes it change it's path on the opposite way)
- The holy grenade has to be primed for 3 turns to be effective
As a mission description

"And the Lord spake, saying, ''First shalt thou take out the Holy Pin. Then shalt thou count to three, no more, no less. Three shall be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be three. Four shalt thou not count, neither count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out. Once the number three, being the third number, be reached, then lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch towards thy foe, who, being naughty in My sight, shall snuff it.'

The X-Com Files / Land Rover cost
« on: September 15, 2024, 09:41:25 pm »
Even if I  understand the utility of a Land Rover for the game and that balancing and realism is not the main focus of the game
Purchase Cost   $150000
Rental Cost   $25000

the rental cost is 10000 more than an Osprey or a AH6 and 19000 more than an Helicopter (this one is very cheap).
The purchase cost is debatable too 1.5 the price of an helicopter and more expensive than a AH6

The X-Com Files / Chitin classified as Junk
« on: September 13, 2024, 01:30:32 pm »
I feel that classifying Chitin as Junk is unfair because you can use it to build Carapace Plate.
Classifying it as Junk may incite you to sell it before you know you need it.

The X-Com Files / Virtualized HQ and AI units
« on: September 13, 2024, 11:33:59 am »
I thought that maybe the Virtalized HQ could raise AI training caps at the gym since they could use some virtual training programs

The X-Com Files / Advanced Itelligence Idea
« on: September 08, 2024, 07:31:17 pm »
I had an idea and I would like to know the community feelings about it.
At the start of each month if you got an advanced intelligence building you  can choose in a limited list one mission for each building that will appear this month (or maybe the next one) in the base detection range of a large radar

Of course you will need some prerequisites for the mission to be available
- mission is available naturally
- mission can spawn in the vicinity
- you have made some researches like having researched rats to be able to trigger a rat mission or other topics depending on the mission
- some missions may need a specific building like radar, hyperwaves radar, HQ, Virtualized HQ, bio Lab and so on
- some missions are excluded from this choice (because no matter how you focus on some mission type you can't schedule the invasion)
- you may search for bases or mansions that are here but you fail to spot. But if there aren't any you will have a message can't find any base in the vicinity at the end of the month

When the mission pops you got a message like Base X Advanced intelligence center have spotted a nest of Bullfrogs and the standard EA mission but you know it's bullfrogs and gear-up accordingly

It may or may not cost money because you put extra effort and extra working hours into it

I see it as a way to correct a little bit RNG.

The X-Com Files / searching weapons with at least 2 commendations
« on: September 02, 2024, 08:54:06 pm »
Not counting the Master of X commendation I'm looking for weapons with 2 or more commendations
For the moment I have found
- All Flamers Technician, Purifier
- Taser Incapacitor, Tasemaster
- Forceblade Warrior, Sorcerer
- Baseball Bat, Tonfa and most blunt weapons Warrior, Suppressor

Any other?

The X-Com Files / A question about mind shield
« on: August 16, 2024, 05:37:11 pm »
I wonder if the base is knew because  it was already attacked is building a mind shield still useful ?
If a base with a mind shield is attacked is it worth it to keep it (because they know where it is now)?

The X-Com Files / the frustration about base size
« on: August 16, 2024, 05:29:49 pm »
I love the mod but the size of the bases is one of my biggest frustration
You only have 36 squares for each base in a 6x6 grid
There's many things we will not build because we lack space
- Radar craft because we have at most 3 hangars (1 for interception, 1 for troop transport and 1 for construction or undercover operations)
- base defense automatic systems
- missile defense (you really need many of them be effective but no place)
- laser, plasma, fusion defense, gravity s  mind shield
- hallways. I really want to design a base but no place for them
- auxillaries armor testing because they are huge and you lack space even with a 2x2 hangar
- huge versions because it's hard to put a 3x3 structure on any base

My idea a 8x8 grid or a multi level base (there's a little space above the grid for level buttons)
I know it's a lot of work but a bigger base is what we really need I think.

The X-Com Files / weird situation with David Vincent
« on: August 13, 2024, 04:47:30 pm »
David Vincent mission popped near my special underwater mission base with a an osprey with coelecanth HWP.
It ended up with a coelecanth in the basement with no way to get out and a mystery on how it has gone there.
Maybe 2x2 HWP should be forbiden in this mission or pop outside of the house.

The X-Com Files / Sanity gain
« on: July 19, 2024, 09:04:40 am »
I wonder what triggers a sanity gain at the end of a mission.
As far as I can tell the mana xp of agents is always at 0 but sometimes agents gain sanity.
So can you help me training my agents to better endure transformations?

The X-Com Files / Agricultural Flamer and Flamer
« on: July 13, 2024, 02:59:57 pm »
I love Flamers
I like the aim mode of the Agricultural Flamer for perimeter defense it's TU and ammunition efficient
I like the Auto Fire mode of the Flamer for damaging enemies
But I wonder why the Flamer doesn't have the aim mode of the Agricultural Flamer. It would be very convenient and doesn't imbalance the game in any way and will be very easy to do.
When I got flamers from reinforced weapon boxes I feel sad because I know that I still have to  carry agricultural ones

The X-Com Files / AH-6 weapons
« on: July 13, 2024, 02:07:59 pm »
Some questions on the AH-6 weapon settings before promotion III but with reinforced weapon box and maybe other boxes (Osiron, MIB)
- What is the best machine gun you can use on an AH-6  ?
- What is the best weapon combination against cults ?
- What is the best weapon combination against UFO ?

The X-Com Files / What definive choices do you make on XCF?
« on: June 30, 2024, 12:33:21 am »
On many occasions you have to make choices that are definitive like do you share tritanium and many others
I wonder what the others players choose
Did somebody made a list of all the choices because exploring the tech tree is a bit boring?

Open Feedback / Norton safe search problem
« on: February 27, 2020, 02:13:38 am »
The openxcom url is classified dangerous 'warming) by norton safe search since today

OXCE Support / [Answered] Prison Type - multiple values?
« on: February 24, 2020, 02:32:50 pm »
I have tried to make a prison for XCF that can store different types of prisoners
I have tried

prisonType: [0, 1, 2, 3]

Like for the weapon types in crafts
but apparently it doesn't work, it's a standard alien prison

Am I right with the syntax above ?
Can it be implemented ?

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