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Topics - AndO3131

Pages: [1]
Work In Progress / Terror from the Deep support
« on: June 15, 2013, 10:48:51 am »
Hi. With recent @Warboy1982 activity - new sprites, sounds, etc. I thought it's time to talk about Terror support. I'm a big fan of hybrid game, so I made some efforts to get this started. My first though was that we need more complex folder support, so I' ve implemented this @Daiky's idea. It's available on Github. This branch is quite complete, so it can be pulled to the main code, if developers want it.

Based on it, I tried to pull in some Terror images (ufopedia). It works, however colors are bad, since Terror used different palettes. My second thought was trying to add 32bit surface support - this would allow drawing all necesary colours as needed. What do you think about this? Is this something we want or not?

For now I managed to get both globes drawn, but shading doesn't work. I don't get these template shader functions. They don't work with 32bit globe surface, and I don't have a clue how to get it fixed. I'm hoping for some help, ideas, thoughts from you guys.

If someone wants to check out how this works, get the code from this branch and compile it. Here's the settings.cfg entry I use (your folder structure might be different)

    vanilla: UFO1/
    openxcom: UFO1_openxcom/
      - name: Pathfinding
        folder: ""
      - name: Xcom1Ruleset
        folder: UFO1/
    vanilla: Terror from the Deep/
    openxcom: UFO2_openxcom/
      - name: TFTD
        folder: Terror from the Deep/

And some screenshots of the globe.

Work In Progress / XcoumUtil feature(s)
« on: October 17, 2012, 03:57:49 pm »
It may not be exactly battlescape development, but here it goes :).

If you played with XcomUtil, you probably will recognise it - that's Interceptor on a mission. To get it working you only need to copy these files to OpenXcom data directory (they come from XcomUtil):


Also you would need to include these lines in Xcom1Rulest.rul in the str_interceptor entry
Code: [Select]
    soldiers: 6
    vehicles: 1
      name: INTERC
        - BLANKS
        - PLANE
        - name: INTERC
          width: 10
          length: 10

It seems to work with NewBattle option, too.
Compared to XcomUtil scary batch file, that's a leap forward. Good job, @SupSuper ;D.
And a question: in mapDataSets section I had to use plane, rather than interc. Can it trigger some unexpected behaviors?

Programming / Terror from the Deep implementation
« on: September 29, 2011, 08:12:18 pm »
Hi to all. I've recently found out abot OpenXcom. Played UFO: enemy unknown many times over, but always thought it could be little better, ahh, those bugs.... :)).

Since it's an opensource project I spent some time trying to add my favourite part - terror from the deep and that underwater climax. I must warn here: don't know much about repositories, but tried to make this patch as well as I could. Running game should add two entries in options.cfg - then you need to change
version = ufo
line to
version = tftd
Patch contains reading files from DATA/TFTD/ subfolder (you need the same catalogue names as in DATA/) and changing NewGame screen as it should be. Of course it doesn't work much further, but if the direction is right, I can add more features. Hope to hear some positive reviews ;)

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