Suggestions / Proper instastly primed granades
« on: July 03, 2022, 02:03:24 am »
Currently granades that primed instantly are technically shots: see screenshot.
Suggestion: add prime+throw single action (without priming screen).
For example it may be made by adding 'costPrimeThrow' parameter to ruleset. In that case object is thrown as normal granage, no priming screen, explodes on landing
Or perhaps by adding sub-parameter to 'costPrime' 'throwImmediately=True|False' for same purpose. First option seems more valid, but ofc actual implementation up to developers.
If that already been proposed, excuse me, but I have not found such request.
Suggestion: add prime+throw single action (without priming screen).
For example it may be made by adding 'costPrimeThrow' parameter to ruleset. In that case object is thrown as normal granage, no priming screen, explodes on landing
Or perhaps by adding sub-parameter to 'costPrime' 'throwImmediately=True|False' for same purpose. First option seems more valid, but ofc actual implementation up to developers.
If that already been proposed, excuse me, but I have not found such request.