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Topics - gchevallereau

Pages: [1]
Work In Progress / scripting
« on: January 11, 2012, 09:49:18 pm »

I have recently started playing with SWIG( I have tried to bind some parts of OpenXcom in python. So far, i have a working version which allow to run some python script. I have uploaded some example scripts i have tried here :
I will push this to my personal git repo soon, but I want to know if there are people interested?
I think that this would be an interresting addition to OpenXcom. This can be used to help development and maybe later this can be an interresting tools for modders.

Programming / Research developement
« on: August 26, 2011, 06:34:40 pm »

Over the last weeks, I have tried to implement research in OpenXcom. It's now working and I would welcome feedback on it.

What's need to be done:
* Documentation(especially the Dependency/unlock parts).
* Minor bug : If no project can be listed when Clicking on New project, you will be back the base view.
* UI bug : Colours are wrong in the Project Setting State(and sometimes in the End Research State).
* Research cost : According to, Research cost have +-50% cost modifier. It should be to easy to add it.

I have also added a CMake build to OpenXcom. I have checked that it work on Linux and Windows(MinGW build). It should also work for Visual Studio.

You can get the code from my personal git repo here:
Code is in the research_cmake branch. The cmake branch hold the CMake build system port.

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