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Topics - doctordetroit8

Pages: [1]
[Bug Report] - OpenXcom Extended 5.5 v2019-5-19 Xcom UFO. No mods; vanilla.

#1 - Go to Purchase/Recruit, Right-Click an item, item disappears. Can't get it back. For example, Right-Click Smoke Grenades, the option to buy Smoke Grenades disappears for rest of game.

#2 - Smoke appears before explosions with grenades. For example, throw a Proximity Grenade at alien. Hit Next Turn. The camera then shows a smoke cloud. Then the camera shows the alien moving. Then the camera shows the explosion animation from the triggering the Proximity Grenade, and then the grenade explosion sound. Then the alien falls to the ground and you hear the kill sound. It's out of order. You should see the alien move, then see the explosion, then see the smoke cloud.

#3 - Fatal wounds on Plasma Tank. A Plasma Tank was shot by an alien. A few turns later, a pop-up shows that reads ~"Plasma Tank dies of fatal wound."

#4 - (Suggestion) Option to order soldiers by Strength should order them in descending value, not ascending. Early on, you want your high strength/TU units at the front of the Skyranger. Should be an option for descending/ascending.

Troubleshooting / Save Failed in OpenXcom Most Recent Nightly
« on: May 31, 2019, 08:47:38 pm »
In the most recent nightlies, every time I try to save "1234", I get this pop-up error:

Save Failed

Failed to save 1234.sav.bak

It seems to be the same error as this, but I cannot find the solution:

I can still use a nightly from a couple years ago, but the most recent ones have the same issue.


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