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Topics - luke83

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Fan-Stuff / 3D Models - Unit, Craft
« on: Today at 10:50:00 am »
 Im looking for any 3D art assets that anyone has modeled over the years for a little non OXC project I'm toying with, i remember seeing some Snakeman in development many years ago but the few links i had found via search seem to be broken.

Im looking for any:
Alien Terrain objects

Just want to see what's still floating around before i dust off my Blender skills and have a crack ( and even then I'm only ok with structures not organic objects like aliens  :P ).


Resources / Community Map Pack
« on: January 28, 2020, 07:15:10 am »
So i was already planning to upgrade my Hybrid Globe into a Large map set in the future but since i have received a few PMs of the past few weeks, i think it would be best if i expand this goal into creating a new Community Map pack.

The Goal:
 To provide a one stop shop download to add more map variety to Vanilla UFO  &  the Hybrid Vanilla Globes.
 The Scope of these new maps should be Vanilla in focus, if a map set does not make sense in relation to the Vanilla Story lines than it should not be added ( for example  i have several maps creations that make perfect sense in my OXC - FACTIONS mod but would not be used in this set as they are too far from Vanilla.
 To encourage other modders from the broader OXC modding community to contribute Maps, Sprite Sets or even Special Scripts to this pack so its not just a IDT only map pack.


Who can use this  Map Pack?
 Everyone, feel free to use this on your one off games OR build the entire set into your customer MegaMod ( just dont complain to me if we make a update and you need to manually patch your data). All maps, sprites, data ETC contributed to this map pack are done so under the condition that you provide them under the Creative Commons  Attribution Licence (CC BY NC) see link :

What do i need to do to donate some maps to this project?
Basically the same thing you would do if you where building it into a Mod yourself, just provide the Rulesets file just for your maps ( please remove any Vanilla data from them) and all the necessary Maps files, Terrain File and Routes. Also, if you could include the Mapview Ruleset data ( please use MAPVIEW2 if you can as it make it easier for me) that will allow us to also provide the mapfiles in the downloaded mod for Other modders to expand your work.

Can i just contribute a Map Block instead of a map set?
Yes, BUT, if your expanding a vanilla mapset, you need to make sure your new block is in the same "style" of the original map and you will need to ensure you provide a  working Ruleset also to allow this to mix in at the correct "ratio" so it doesnt look out of place.

I have this mapeset you can include but i have modified one of the Vanilla MCD/PCK/Tab files when i made it, what do i do?
Simply rename that file with a unique ending so it wont overwrite any Vanilla files when i merge it, as an example, i am sure everyone modder has seen a Terrain file with "_L83" on the end, these are vanilla files i modified instead of making from scratch. Also, dont forget to update your Ruleset to the new file names before sending them in!

Can i create 2 version of the same mapset, donate one edition to the community but still keep the other version free of all your licence BS?
Yes, once you contribute a set of maps to us, they become the property of the whole community and will NOT be removed even if you request, but as the original creator, you can have your own set and  choose to do what ever you please with them even use them on a commercial project if you wish, the originals are still yours.

Hey, i have this script that Mixes mapset A with mapset Z, can i contribute it?
Yes, BUT, the 2 mapsets should blend together seamlessly and they total feel of the map should still be maintained. As you can image, if you where mixing a Desert block with some Polar Blocks, expect to be told no :)

Will the map pack contain UFOs?
Yes, however for TFTD the Vanilla game states that the aliens USOs are all based on Underwater Animal Designs, as such to keep the Vanilla feel, we will only support USOs that look something like a animal (it doesn't need to be perfect just not a huge 8 level high cube  :P ) For Vanilla UFOs they game is a little more flexibly when it comes to the shapes so as long as its not to far from the original designs they should be acceptable . Each UFO though should come with the correct interception ( dogfighting) image. Note : any NEW ufos should be similar in total Size to a existing class of ufos.

Hey, i found a error on Mapset X, who's job is it to fix it?
We would prefer the error be flagged with the mapsets original creator ( and a list of who made what will be in each download) so they can fix the error. If they are unwilling or unable to fix the error, then we will have a look and try to fix it ourselves.

Who is running this thing?
To start with i ( Luke83) will act as Administrator of this map pack but i would love it if some other Senior members of the modding community volunteered to help out with this also to spread the workload a little would be great, In a perfect world, this would not just be a IDT team project but a mix of several modders form several "projects", let see who else would like to contribute. All Assets contributed become the property of the community but credit for each contribution will always be given to the original creator, the Administrators are only involved to act as Quality Control and merge and release the data.

Will you be updating the Globe with more Textures?
Eventually YES but due to other modding obligations it may not be for several months, however if you have any TEXTURES for the globe that you would like to contribute, please send them in :)

OXCE Suggestions DONE / [DONE] Instant Battle - Hide entries
« on: December 14, 2019, 09:52:11 pm »
 So doing a hybrid mod means i need to duplicate a lot of entries, Sure these are needed for testing and tracking issues but i fear the end user ( who eventually tries the mod) is going to be scared away if he just wants a quick battle.

Can we have someway to hide some items from the Instant battle screen and prevent them from being used when RANDOM BUTTON is selected? Im thinking we add a extra line of code into the ITEMS/CRAFTS etc and have a toggle button somewhere on screen to show/hide if needed...


IDT Modding Hub / Hybrid Globe - Vanilla
« on: November 28, 2019, 07:58:28 am »
Well since every man and there dog is getting on the hybrid Mod band wagon, i thought i may as well do the globe for the community. I was going to use SupSupers one as a starting point but its in the OTHER format, where i like to use Falkos Tool. I will just keep chipping away at this a hour here and there until its done, it will mostly be done when i am stressed out with Code changes for my own Hybrid mod so I am guessing it will take a few weeks. I am resisting the urge to start off someone else work as if they took some shortcuts it could cost me days trying to patch them up later so i will just start from scratch....the things i do for this community :P

below is 1 hours work.

IDT Modding Hub / Doom mod - IDT community Project
« on: September 27, 2019, 02:46:15 pm »
So im not really working on this, hell im not even the biggest Doom fan ( i do like Classic doom but not any of the remakes). Anyway, this was a mod from someone named Uncy and i found it on one of my old HDD, i believe it was originally posted on the stratergycore site.

The sprites had issues and couldnt be loaded but Kevl came to the rescue and got me this far ( see image below, still have demon and lost soul to fix), i have started bringing these into OXC and i am only working on it really as a distraction from my other 2 projects :)

Anyway, i have this flagged as a community mod,A few of the other members from the IDT community have contributed some items or offered some help on this to but done expect it to be completed anytime soon as we are all busy :) I would like to do some Doom Mapsets, perhaps early next year, we will see.

Help / Learning to Mod
« on: August 25, 2019, 12:53:45 pm »
Hello All,
 Not sure if its PIN worthy, but i have been updating some of my old How TO guides for OXC to reflect the changes made over the past 5 years.

I will continue to update these over the coming months in the hopes of  encouraging more players to try there hands at modding. Also to any other experienced modders, if you feel like you want to contribute something to these notes, please feel free to let me know, also if you see anything that is wrong, please PM me and we can fix it :)


Rejection reason: not enough space on the UI

Any chance we can get the pop-up box that shows what UFO you are fighting to allow some larger images? I wanted to use Mapview images as the UFO here ( to save me trying to draw the Front views of the ufos) but when i scale them down small enough to fit into this window it looks like crap.

Now below is a Example of what i am after ( and yes i know i shouldnt of used the TFTD UFO as the example as it already has correct images from TFTD but i was simply testing a Larger UFO in this tiny box, trying to see how crap it will look....and it looks very crap :) )

Request   - can we use end of month payment to issue items/units to xcom. My goal is to provide x amount of units or weapons based upon score (note the calculations for x and thr types of units and or weapons i would  like editable and dependent upon some research items)

Most likely in the too hard basket but i thought i would lf ask :P

OXCE Support Y-scripts / [Solved] Fun with Scripts
« on: January 23, 2019, 07:17:02 am »
 So its pretty clear i have no idea what i am doing with script ( see below) but even if i get the LOGIC right, how do i link it to a specific unit type/ sprite? Perhaps i should say, how do i get the game to call and trigger the script, i must need to link it to something else in my rulesets right?

Code: [Select]
#*** Update units Health Bar graphic for each player unit***
      - offset: 1
        code: |
          # var int frame;
          # var int frameLength;
          # var int recolorPeriod;
          # var int desync;
          var int color;
          Var int HealthValue # see current health value
          Var int MaxHealth # See Max Health Value
          Var int HealthPercentage # Hold Percentage of Health values
          Var int ColourOrange; # Mid Health
          Var int ColourRed;  #low health
          Var int colorToReplace # how do i select this?
          var int newShade;
          var int temp;
          # var ptr RuleArmor armorRuleset;
          var int hpDamageDone;

          if hpDamageDone;
          unit.getTag Maxhealth =getHealthMax;
          unit.getTag HealthValue =getHealthMax;
          HealthPercentage = ( HealthValue/MaxHealth ) * 100

            if HealthPercentage <30;

            #turn RED
              get_color colorToReplace
              set_color ColourRed
              return new_pixel;

            else if HealthPecentage >30 AND <70;

            #turn ORANGE
              get_color colorToReplace
              set_color ColourOrange
              return new_pixel;



Resources / Alien Stats - in Excel
« on: January 04, 2019, 10:13:13 am »
 Has anyone taken the time and made a spreadsheet of all the alien unit stats in a excel spreadsheet? Going to need it soon and would like to avoid doing something twice if i can.


Help / Globe Terrain info
« on: January 01, 2019, 02:23:47 pm »
 Has someone got a link to a Ufopedia article or a forum post about modifying the world terrain, wondering if there are still limits on number of differnt terrain items and the sprites used to Texture them? I did a quick search but didnt find what i was after.

More armor transformations:,6785.msg108311.html#msg108311

Sell price coefficients:,6785.msg135883.html#msg135883

Hello, 6 points i would like some feedback on:

1) - Can we have a way to force Aliens to pickup weapons if they dont have one (My Zombie problem)

2) - If i have several Factions in the ruleset, can we have the game pick X amount of factions randomly ( but perhaps with some groupings to ensure correct mix) to bring in game when "New game" is started OR am i best to create each faction as a separate ruleset and and have the player turn on which Factions he wants to fight ( obviously if the game does it, the player wont know who he is up against so this would create a different game every time)

3) - Sell Price,  Can we have adjust the Sell Price based upon difficulty level selected EG: Beginner - you sell everything at Sale price listed in ruleset * 1.4, on  Ironman mode you sell everything at price listed in Ruleset *0.4.

4) Linked to above question, can we vary the prices of items each month for both buy and sell By setting a price Range, each month the black market would change thus affecting your buy/sell prices

5) as per the below ancient post from Warboy1982, can we add a 4th group that is hostile to both Xcom and Aliens at the same time:,280.105.html  - Note: if point 6 ever go implimeted, this could change how this group works on a mission by mission basis.

6) Could some basic diplomacy function be implemented into the game so factions can track scores ( separately to council) and either align them selves with my faction or leave my faction? also some factions would need to HATE another faction so if i align with Faction A i can never align with Faction B or vice versa. Was hoping to have a separate button in Basescape where this could be modified instead of controlling this with research.

IDT Modding Hub / [TC] [OXCE] [WIP] - OXC FACTIONS ( AKA Alien Civil War)
« on: January 01, 2019, 08:33:22 am »
After many years of doing odds and ends, this will be my first Total Conversion ( maybe Total Conversion is the wrong words as you will see below), OXC Factions is an idea i have been thinking about since 2013 when i started making my first recoloured aliens and Civilians with Guns,until now, i was unsure as to how i would pull  it all together without upsetting people by breaking the X-com Lore but with inspiration from StarTrek, its actually really easy, this is a alternate timeline/dimension where the aliens won the war ( see Easy, if StarTrek can do it, so can X-com) :P I was going to keep this secret until i at least had all new maps built but its quickly becoming a bigger job than i realised and i may need help from the community moving forward, so lets go public.

Aims of OXC-Factions:
  • To borrow assets from TFTD and merge with Xcom in a new time period both above and below water
  • To be able to play with some alien units as part of your squad ( and eventually have a separate ruleset to play as a alien faction or Human factions)
  • To expand the game for replay-ability but still try to keep it as simple as possible for new players .

General Story line (its kinda rough at the moment as i am a mapbuilder, not a story teller but i am sure you guys will help me shape  the story as i progress):
During the First war, the Aliens noticed Xcom had adapted their technology to use against them and signalled for aid from T'leth. Forced to fight on two fronts, Xcom was eventually overrun and the Aliens took over the earth. Once in control they destroyed all major cities, rounded up and enslaved as many humans as they could find & started their Terra-forming activities on the earth. 50 years on ( give or take) the aliens loose all contact with Cydonia and any vessel they send to investigate is never heard from again. Without the orders of the Brain, the Aliens start fighting amounts them selves and form separate factions, each thinking it is there time time to rule the Solar System. In the ensuing chaos, a small group of humans rise up to liberate themselves from Alien Rule.

Note: i actually wanted this to be a Open game with each faction a separate AI fighting with each other over Geoscape and forming Alliances via screen (similar to Apoc just simplified) but without major code re-writes that can not happen, as such i will build what i can into the exisiting system and see how close i can make it feel.

0.1 - Create basic game for testing of new mapblocks ( i have Import most of the TFTD aliens,ships & weapons  but am having issues working out what sound is used for what and fixed it, if your a TFTD expert and want to help let me know)
0.2 - Create trial MCD & Map sets for each new map type ( lots of NEW alien Cities, Bases and new map concepts). Also Create new Geoscape World with Lower sea level, wreckage from first war ( downed craft,  Nuke waste land, destroyed cities ETC) & Alien Forests.
0.3 - Working out which aliens are part of which factions ( and which factions have Human Allies), and how many new sprites i need to create or borrow from others
0.4 - Finish building all maps ( including any Faction specific terrain & new Xcom Base layout) and create "Luke Expanded USO" for TFTD ships ( this will be 6 months work here at least).
0.5 - cleanup Rulesets and workout best layout ot move forward that allows future expansion of the mod with new Factions,weapons & craft.
0.6 - start building mission scripts
0.7 - Work on game Balance and Bug Fixes
0.8 - Research Tree & UFOPedia
0.9 - Bring in END game faction
1.0 - playable Mod
2.0 will have a separate rule file for a "Play as Aliens" option, including new Base and Missions.

Active Contributors:

OXC Factions also has a Channel on the IDT Discord server, please check it out below:

Help / Mapblock size rules
« on: December 28, 2018, 05:08:13 pm »
So for mapblocks sizes, i have always stuck to units of 10, can someone confirm if this is a set rule or more of a general standard?

I ask i want to rework my xcom base but blocks of 10x10 dont give a lot of room for creativity and making each square 20x20 is a little excessive so was wondering if something in the middle would cause issues.

Also can anyone confirn, will the gane accept the larger map blocks for xcom base defence mission or is it locked to 10x10?

Suggestions / Mixing up the BASE
« on: December 19, 2018, 06:14:38 pm »
Hey just want to make a Suggestion,
 I would love to have a option to increase the size of the Base from its current size to at least 8x8 ( or 10x10). I would also like the option to have some blocks on baes build be un-usable ( so you can never build a base item there).

this would force me to finally use some different base layouts & i would be able to add hallway blocks to the game to mix in with my Security blocks for better Defence/layouts.

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