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Topics - Ruberto

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XPiratez / Hideout defence tinkering
« on: July 08, 2023, 06:33:20 am »
Hello everyone
I want to modify how the lowest map level of hideout/ base defense missions works (one filled with slowing green "sludge"), as enemies getting stuck there ruins all the fun (for me at least) from otherwise exciting mission. Questions are:
1) can I change the code to remove it completely? pedia article mentions "tunnel Data : level : 2" - maybe if I change it to 1 the level won't spawn? Where do I find the code line for it?
2) Where do I find code for the green sludge's stats? If I can make it cause damage every turn, like fire tiles do, it would also solve the problem.

XPiratez / Last bastard mode
« on: June 28, 2023, 02:38:27 pm »
I wanted to ask what file and what line governs when (after how many turns) Last bastard mode is turned on (all remaining enemys shown on minimap)?

XPiratez / Modding beginner
« on: March 03, 2022, 09:34:46 am »
I like this project so much, I am thinking about contributing.
Nothing big at first, maybe some new monster or map or two.
How difficult is it and how do I start?
(I have 0 modding experience, had done some basic Python coding and map-making with editors in Heroes2 and Incarnate)

XPiratez / Sea oddity / Underwater passage missions wtf
« on: December 31, 2021, 09:44:00 am »
So there is this type of missions, where you go underwater, fight some deep ones and then go ashore on an island to fight ghost girls.
Problem is ghost girls are pretty much immune to everything but lasers and plasma, but you can't take those weapon types since they aren't suitable for underwater.
Has anyone found the way around this problem?

XPiratez / Ninja base question
« on: October 26, 2021, 08:57:33 am »
I have a question about ninja bases
In my play-through, I have several smaller ninja hideouts (approached in transport, square outer wall, central tower) and one stronghold (approached on foot, line of bunkers with airfield behind it).
I am thinking about attacking the stronghold. I see it will be very long, painful and costly mission.
Question: after I destroy the stronghold, will ninjas disband and smaller bases disappear?
Or will one of the smaller bases become hq and morph into the stronghold soon after I destroy the current one (so I should destroy the small bases first?)?
Also does destroying all ninja bases ends their threat or i will need to unlock some special mission to end them?

XPiratez / Civilian interception question
« on: October 20, 2021, 10:55:16 am »
Does shooting down a civilian (green) craft in itself incurs Infamy penalty?
I know the crash site cleanup missions won't give me much positive score, but does the act of shooting them down in itself causes penalty?
sometimes Very small ufos are shown to be 3 dudes running around. how can i distinguish whenever they are civilians or not and can I somehow assault them with troops instead of shooting them to bits from on high?

XPiratez / Ninjas attack Government mission help
« on: October 17, 2021, 03:00:50 am »
I need some advice with mission where ninja mobile base attacks government compound.
I'm at early/mid game; my best weapons are mortar, rpg and various machineguns. No plasma/rail gun.
Ninjas with space age -level weaponry and force fields are bad enough, but the mobile base sports  2 Base defence turrets on top of the base. they dominate battlefield, and kill with return fire anyone i try to use to fire with rpg or recoilless rifle (of which i need to score don't know how many hits).
When I assault ninja bases, i don't engage the turrets directly, but sneak up on them from behind the wall and lob looted emp grenades or satchel charges while remaining out of line of sight. This tactic is not viable here.
Am i missing something here, or should I just skip those missions, suck up their huge de-spawn penalty and pray RNG doesn't give me 2 months in a row of this bullshit, which would give me auto-loose without being able to do anything.

XPiratez / Where did Weird thingie go
« on: October 10, 2021, 08:48:06 am »
In some combats, I kill enemies that carry weapons and items that are marked as "weird thingie".
It seems it is high tech guns that stuff that my gal's can't use right away.
But where does it goes after the combat? I don't see it in research / fence screens; does it gets auto-sold or something?

XPiratez / Melee evade question
« on: October 04, 2021, 08:37:24 pm »
Does having a melee weapon in hand rises your melee evasion?
That is, does having sword (or rifle with strike capability) helps gal defend herself from melee attackers?

XPiratez / Convoy craft vs aircraft
« on: October 03, 2021, 08:37:42 am »
I am in situation where there is this Sky Ninja hideout that I want to storm, but if I try, it sends out inceptors and shoots down my transports.
So I had this idea that I take the toughest craft available to me - the supposedly tanky Convoy (, arm it with some guns ( so that when interceptors come, it fights them off.
But when I tried, despite coming into shortest range and firing hundreds of shots before being destroyed, my poor convoy not just looses a fight, but seemingly fails to score any hits at all.

What guns do I need to put on it for this scheme to work, or am I doing something radically wrong and land craft (Maximum altitude 1) cannot can't hit enemies at higher altitudes at all? Would seem very bizarre if vehicle with AA gun can't engage with aircraft  :-\...

OXCE Support / [Answered] leeroyJenkins doesn't work?
« on: October 01, 2021, 11:09:36 am »
I would like to bring an issue to your attention.
The melee enemies, especially beasts ( so far encountered zombies, megascorpions and white shamblers), seem to operate like this:
1) if within range to move and attack player's gal they do so;
2)  in out of range to attack this turn, the beast mills around aimlessly, neither advancing meaningfully, nor purposefully hiding out of line of sight.
As a result they often wander around and stay in sight of my soldiers, who happily shoot them to bits turn after turn.

Perhaps it would be possible to change melee-only enemies action algorithms to something more meaningful like:
1) if within range to move and attack player's gal they do so;
2) if out of range, move to end it's turn closer to nearest enemy*  but out of sight or in cover from maximum number of enemies (advancing from cover to cover, so to speak).
3) if unable to do so, either charge straight at nearest enemy, or hide out of line of sight.

When measuring what player unit is nearest to "advance under cover" to, ai melee units should ignore units that can fly (unless they can fly too, or mission is in tunnels where units can't fly very high), to avoid parrot or some other flying unit baiting away all the monsters who can't even touch it.

Also, the "advance under cover / charge towards nearest opponent" might be changed to "advance to end up as close to as many opponents", calculating lowest sum distance.

Note that when saying "closest" I mean "requiring least TU to reach it", not just linearly closest, otherwise if there is a wall between monster and soldier, monster just bumps into wall, because going around would take him linearly further away from it's target.

XPiratez / Help 4 noob
« on: September 14, 2021, 09:08:46 pm »
The mod looks fantastic and super-fun,
But I seem to be missing something crucial, as on by both runs (blackbeard difficulty) it seemed things are going well, but after 4-5 months my rating collapses, governments stop paying money and my crew mutiny and game over.
I did missions as they popped up (retreating from some and ignoring others, but doing 2/3 of them) (I hate save-scumming, so i regularly loose some hands).
I suspect it has to do with me being unable to get aircraft +aircraft weapons to shoot down transports flying by? 
Do I have to somehow ignore all the interesting researches and rush to interceptors or what?

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