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Topics - hairybert

Pages: [1]
OXCE Builds & Ports / Strange delay of control key effectiveness
« on: October 07, 2024, 11:41:00 am »
I'm on Debian 12 Bookworm, KDE 5, Wayland.
Installed current OXCE from this link
Also I'm in XCom Files mod.
I'm using an external USB keyboard + mouse connected to my laptop.

I have the impression that in Ctrl+Mouse click combos, the there is a tiny delay in the activation of the ctrl key.
For example, when I want a soldier to drop a weapon in the equipment screen, I have to do it as Ctrl...tiny delay...left click. Without the tiny delay, the weapon will be selected like from an ordinary left click.
Another example: Ctrl...tiny delay...right click on a weapon will set a red square in the upper right corner of the weapon. Without the tiny delay, I get the yellow square as from a ordinary right click.

In constrast to that, Ctrl+key combos like Ctrl+E for getting the "no experience yet" window works without any delay. Also, using the primary laptop keyboard, the problem disappears [edit: not so sure any more about the latter...].

I'm not sure if this is an OXCE problem or if it comes somewhere from the OS.
Posting it anyway as it is a bit annoying. Maybe someone has an idea / is experiencing the same problem.

The X-Com Files / Frustration with Syndicate retaliation
« on: September 29, 2024, 03:54:36 pm »
It's Jan 1998 and I'm on promotion II (problem for promotion III is that no cult forward base has shown up yet, and I missed to capture the VIP at the Durathread factory).

Now I'm getting lots of hostile "Syndicate retaliation" Dragonflys. So far, I didn't succeed in a single shoot-down, no matter what I try. The only vehicles with weapon slots available to me are the Humvee and the Little Bird. Stat-wise, Little Bird should be the better option. But it is always the same: I chase that Syndicate Dragonfly and eventually the air-battle window pops up. But it closes again immediately, before I could do anything. I guess the moment I enter the air-battle, the Dragonfly accelerates and my Little Bird cannot keep pace.

Is there anything I can do? Or will it inevitably end in a base defense mission (which I really would like to avoid)?

Also, what are the Little Birds actually good for? I guess Dragonflys are at the lower end of the spectrum of enemy crafts.

The X-Com Files / Best usage for early alien alloys?
« on: September 23, 2024, 11:08:00 pm »
I got a "military shot down a ufo" mission in November 1997 and thus I have 12 alien alloys (as well as ufo navigation, ufo power source). What's the best usage for those, any suggestions? For example, I could go for 3 personal armors. Or produce some alloy ammunition.

The X-Com Files / How to fight ghosts
« on: September 05, 2024, 12:33:27 pm »
It's my first XCom Files run. As I soon learned and as discussed elsewhere, it's very painful to play XCF as a newbie without being spoiled, so I've read a lot in the wiki.

I'm on Commendation II, my standard weapons are BlackOps Sniper rifle, BlackOps Shotgun mostly (started a bit experimenting with Light Cannon and Thrasher Heavy Shotgun lately). Now I got a "Ghosts! in the Asylum!" mission, which took me by surprise.

From looking at
standard guns with kinetic damage don't make sense (which I also learned the hard way). Apparently, Psi weapons would be by far the best choice (which I don't have). So what are good weapons for fighting those ghosts (are there any)? Maybe Tasers for dealing electric damage (but with the disadvantage of their very small clip)? Also, what is the "DAMAGE" damage type? (This one is listed with 100% in the wiki.)

The X-Com Files / Randomized starting item: Early Gauss rifle
« on: July 01, 2024, 11:51:33 am »
I just started a game of XCom Files. And I got a Gauss rifle in the first day (or second). I got pretty excited, but now I don't know what to do with it. I guess I cannot use it (lack of ammunition). Also, the game does not allow me to select it for research nor manufacture. Should I just sell it and take the 135.000$?

Also, I guess it's a randomized item. What are generally the best items you could get at this point?

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