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Topics - ave369

Pages: [1]
XPiratez / Submod: Transport Zeppelin
« on: December 16, 2022, 09:19:02 pm »
I didn't like the removal of the transport function for the Spy Zeppelin, so I made this mod. This mod adds another airship, separate from the Spy Zeppelin, that replicates the transport function of the old Spy Zeppelin. It does not work as a radar craft, but it carries up to 20 Hands and 3 large units. The ability to build the Transport Zeppelin is given by the same technology as the Spy Zeppelin. It is cheaper and faster to build than the Spy Zeppelin because it does not carry surveillance gear and uses all the freed space to carry troops instead.

It is NOT undetectable and it is still unarmed. Only use this to assault enemy bases if you have a good armed escort.

Has English and Russian locales.

This submod is a beta. I tested it for the most obvious bugs but I might have missed something.

Released Mods / [TFTD] Aqua Weapons Starter Pak
« on: November 23, 2017, 10:22:44 pm »
The TFTD Aqua Weapons Starter Pak is an attempt to recreate some of the popular community-made X-COM: UFO weapons for Terror from the Deep. TFTD has very few mods; yeah, there are big mods that remake everything, but I didn't want something that grand. I was looking for the TFTD equivalents of small mods that add early game weapons such as machine pistol and shotgun, and did not find them. So I decided to make my own.

This mod was made for my own use first and foremost, I played TFTD with it and enjoyed it very much. So I decided to share this mod with others. It is my very first OpenXcom mod, so it is not very "well made": there are no custom handobs and groundobs, and the Ufopedia images show some color shenanigans (I haven't yet figured how to deal with them). But it is functional and very playable.

What does it do? It adds early game weapons based on the community-made weapon mods.

TFTD Weapon             X-COM UFO community equivalent
Harpoon Pistol            Magnum Revolver
Dart Carbine              Machine Pistol
Flechette Gun             Shotgun
Crossbow                   Sniper Rifle
WP Melter                  Flamethrower
Titanium Knife           Combat Knife
Freezesprayer            Taser

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