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Topics - Biggieboy

Pages: [1] 2
Hi Guys!

The "pages" its very good in Ufopedia, but i needed "requires" too, because some ammo type need research, but the pages is there, before researched.


Code: [Select]
        ammoSlot: 0
        ammoSlot: 1

Thank you!

Work In Progress / [OXCE] Heavy Plasma Blaster
« on: March 19, 2019, 09:03:17 pm »
Heavy Plasma with Blaster Launcher!

Download from here:

Version 1. (worked, testing):

Heavy Plasma: Aimed + Snap shot
Blaster Launcher without waypoints

Version 2. (future plan, Yankes working on OXCE function - its work now, 03.18. Thanx for Yankes)

Heavy Plasma: Snap Shot + Autoshot
Blaster Launcher with waypoints


Items: Done
Graphics: Done (Thanx for The Reaver of Darkness)
Research: Done
Manufacture: Done
Ufopeadia: English - Done, Hungarian - Done

Now testing!

Future plan:

More projectiles:

- Stun
- Incendiary
- Flash
- Smoke

Thanx for: Meridian, Yankes, The Reaver of Darkness, ohartenstein23, Solarius Scorch

Offtopic / Hungarian Topik - Magyaroknak
« on: February 27, 2019, 02:38:50 pm »

Remélem rajtam kívül vannak még páran akik érdeklődnek a téma iránt és itt megbeszélhetünk pár dolgot a saját nyelvünkön.

Én magam csináltam pár modot (Building Mod Pack), ehhez rögtön kérnék egy kis segítséget:
- Akinek van kedve próbálja ki, használja és jelezzen vissza, ha talál valamilyen hibát, vagy lenne bármilyen javaslata
- Keresek továbbá 1-2 embert, aki szintén modol és lenne kedve csatlakozni hozzám, mert elkél a segítség (akár grafikában, akár programozásban)

Köszönöm és jó játékot mindenkinek!

Help / Mission drop
« on: November 05, 2018, 04:59:18 pm »
Hi guys!

This is my plan:

i wanna make 8-10 missions (for my facilities). This missions can DROP all races of aliens (soldiers, enginers..). I try "getonefree", but nothing happened. "unlock" not good, because all races can drop all mission, but not the same time.

i try this (not work for me..):

Code: [Select]
    cost: 300
    points: 15


Work In Progress / [OXCE] Recruitment Office - BMP
« on: October 18, 2018, 03:22:28 pm »
Recruitment Office

- Can hire Elite, Veteran and Psionic soldier
- Normal and Upgraded version (in standalone mod)
- Deployed version (part of  the Building Mod Pack)
- Research and Mission

Beta version (0.99)

Mission avaible (need the Building Mod Pack:

Please feedback, subscribe and like it!

Thank you!

Resources / OpenXcom Extended and Steam
« on: October 13, 2018, 01:08:40 pm »
How to play with OpenXcom Extended and count the playtime in Steam?

- Buy the game in steam and install:
- Download the OpenXcom Extended:,5258.0.html
- Go to the "..\Steam\steamapps\common\XCom UFO Defense" folder and extract here the zip file (overwrite files, if needed!)
- Rename the "OpenXcomEx.exe" to "dosbox.exe" (overwrite it!)
- Go to steam and start the game, or use the game shortcut (steam) in Desktop.

Released Mods / [UFO ]Building Mod Pack - OXCE+
« on: May 30, 2018, 03:41:09 pm »
Building Mod Pack

1.6 Version:

Juno reported many bugs:
- Large building crashed the game, fixed
- Bug in UFOpedia, fixed
- Baseshape reworked

1.5 Version:

- Large Hangar (3x3 size)!
- New file system (for modders)
- Bug fixing
- UFOpedia translate fixing

1.0 Version (dont use, too much bug!):

- Upgraded (higher capacity), Deployed (faster building) and  Large version of Building
- General Building
- New items for building: Building Resources, Special Resources
- Many Research
- UFOpedia: Hungarian and English (US). In english version its not perfect, please help me to the translation!

If you have some idea, question, or you found bug, please write here:,6272.0.html

Thank you!

Download here:

(Please like and subscribe for new release!)

Help / Recruitment office - is this possible?
« on: May 06, 2018, 09:39:24 am »

I wanna create Recruitment office, but i dont know, how can i do.. Build first this building, and after can buy this soldiers, but how definite this in ruleset?

"requests:" its for only research right?

Thank you!

Work In Progress / [OXCE+] Building Mod Pack (BMP)
« on: May 02, 2018, 12:19:04 pm »
Building Mod Pack:

This is my plan, now some feature done and working good!

Buildings versions:
- Upgraded buildings:
 Same size, but incrased capacities
- Deployed buildings:
 Reduced Buildtime, but need building resources and high price
- Large buildings:
 Larger versions of small buildings

Many research and new items!
UFOpedia, hungarian and english!

- Upgraded, Deployed and Large versions:
  • General Store (thanks for: Dioxine)
  • Living Quarters (thanks for: Dioxine)
  • Workshop
  • Laboratory

- Upgraded and Deployed versions:
  • Hangar
  • Psionic Laboratory

- Deployed versions:
  • Alien Containment
  • Small Radar System
  • Large Radar System
  • Missile Defences
  • Hyper-wave Decoder
  • Laser Defences
  • Plasma Defences
  • Fusion Ball Defences
  • Mind Shield
  • Grav Shield

New buildings (Upgraded, Deployed, Large versions):
  • General Building, low cost and fast building. Reduced the buildingtime for other buildings when overbuilded.
  • Training Room, for training your soldiers (thanks for: Warboy1982)
  • Medical Bay(1x1) and Hospital (2x2), Healing for soldiers

Future Plans:
  • Large Hangar: 2-3 craft capacities, upgraded version and/or 3x3 size

- Combined buildings:
  • Living room+General Store+Hangar+radar+Access Lift(??) for fast new build base building.
  • Mind Shield+Gravity Shield+Hyperweave Decoder+Access Lift(??) or Plasma Defense
  • Training and Medical Station (Upgraded Building, 1x1)
  • Training, Medical Station, Psionic Laboratory+ Living room (Large Building, 2x2)

Any questions, feedback, you can find me on Discord:

Dear Developers!

I have 3 request:

- Hangar can show all craft. If 2 crafts avaible, then show this 2 craft next to each other, when 1 is in mission, show the other.
(I see in 4.0 version, "hangar types", i hope this is it!)

- UPOpedia text avaible the strings, example: STR_RESOURCES show the result, not the code! Maybe can use with special characters: {}, ', <>, []

- When upgrade the building (overbuild) 2x2 Large building, the buildtime decreased only just the 1/4 day, not all. Example:Large General Buildings built time 12 days, Hangar 25 days. When overbuild the General Building with Hangar, only just 3 days the different, not 12. Please fix it!

Thank's your job!

Good day!

Open Feedback / Strings in UFOpedia
« on: April 27, 2018, 12:53:32 pm »
How can i insert strings to UFOpedia?

I know, {NEWLINE} its work, but others?

I wanna insert example this: STR_BUILDING_RESOURCES , but show the original code, not the result.

Thank you!

Work In Progress / General Building in progress!
« on: April 22, 2018, 08:12:45 pm »
Hi Guys!

I create General Building and Large General Building for save building time for other builds!

1 for small buildings and another for large buildings.

Now i testing, the base attack works!


Large version not working good, because not give back full building time.. so maybe just the small version relesed first!

Released Mods / Large Workshop 2.0 OXCE+
« on: April 21, 2018, 03:24:23 pm »
Large Workshop 2.0:

- Many versions of Workshop!
- Deployed Workshop's, faster building!
- More research!
- New resources!
- Recalculated price and buildtime!
- UFOpeadia!

Large Workshop 1.0:

400 Engineer
25 Storage Room
Craft storage capacity: 1 (You can build here, if Hangar its full!)
Build over Workshop!

Buliding cost: 4.000.000
Mothly Cost: 175.000
Building Time: 60 Days

Alien Alloys: 100
UFO Power Source: 4
UFO Navigation: 2

Research needed!

- Alien Alloys
- UFO Power Source
- UFO Navigation
- Sectoid Engineer

- Hungarian
- English


You can use this addon, just mark the source!
If something wrong with the english translation, or you can help me other languga, please tell me!

Thank you!

Work In Progress / Large Workshop 2.0 in progress (Done!)
« on: April 21, 2018, 01:59:34 am »
Large Workshop 2.0:

Deployed Workshops!

Many versions of workshop:

- Upgraded Workshop
- Large Workshop
- Deployed Workshop
- Deployed Upgraded Workshop
- Deployed Large Workshop

Deployed Building need new resources:
- Building Resources
- Special Resources

Many research and manufacturing! Deployed building high prices, but low build time!

Work in progress! Release just few days!


And this is the begining for the Building Mod Pack!!!

Large workshop 1.0:
Large workshop in progress!

Size: 2x2!

Can build craft! But very high price and monthly cost, so not change the hangar function.

Now its test phase, but if you have an idea, please tell me!

Thank you!

Done, released here:,6245.0.html

(My english is bad, if you look some mistake, just tell me!)

Help / UFOpedia resources for building
« on: April 20, 2018, 03:10:06 pm »
Dear all!

If i made for resources to building, how can i show this in UFOpedia? (Its only show the building time and costs)

Thank you!

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