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Topics - Skullar

Pages: [1]
Open Feedback / To merge a collection of mods into one
« on: April 03, 2022, 05:36:40 am »
As the title says, is it possible to merge a long folder of mods into a single mod, that activates them all in just one-click similar to the long mod packs? Switching a long list of mods on and off it's quite tedious when some mods crash :-[ ;D

What I mean is that on PC I have it installed five times, one for each big mod, I don't know if this comes as weird but I like to experience XCOM with different mods, so I was wondering if the same could be done on Android by any mean?

Open Feedback / In need of new faces
« on: July 25, 2021, 02:56:27 am »
I remember there was a face pack around in the mod portal before the mod apocalypse, feels weird to be recruiting the same guy over and over, is there some compilation around?  Or if someone can DM that old mod will really appreciate it thanks!

OXCE Builds & Ports / [SOLVED] Mods not showing on OXCE 7 android
« on: July 22, 2021, 02:34:24 am »
I have another little problem, some mods doesn't show on the mod list, it only shows the ones with metadata file, I tried to add them manually on the .cfg but didn't work, I'm not sure what could be possibly wrong since those mods run without problem on the older OXCE PC version

Help / Help with Area 51 (oxce 8.0 compatibility)
« on: July 22, 2021, 01:41:53 am »
Hello there, long time  8) so this afternoon I installed OXCE v7 in my Android tablet to have more XCOM in there, I'm trying to run the Area 51 mod but I have this error showing up :-\ :

[21-07-2021_14-28-57]   [INFO]   Loading rulesets...
[21-07-2021_14-29-02]   [ERROR]   Crossing the prime meridian in mission zones requires a different syntax, region: STR_SOUTH_ATLANTIC, zone: 1, area: 6, lonMin: 359.82, lonMax: 0.95
[21-07-2021_14-29-02]   [ERROR]     Wrong example: [350,   8, 20, 30]
[21-07-2021_14-29-02]   [ERROR]   Correct example: [350, 368, 20, 30]
[21-07-2021_14-29-04]   [WARN]   disabling mod with invalid ruleset: Area 51
[21-07-2021_14-29-04]   [ERROR]   failed to load 'Area 51'; mod disabled
Error for 'HYBRID_WEAPON': offset '-2' has incorrect value in set 'BIGOBS.PCK' at line 2103
[21-07-2021_14-29-04]   [INFO]   Found candidate method ID: 0x71562dcb98
[21-07-2021_14-29-04]   [INFO]   Returned to native code!

I tried to fix it myself but failed miserably, I looked up in the mod portal for a latest version but wasn't able to find any trace of this mod anywhere, and it's one of my favorites   :(  if anyone can help me or point me in the right direction with this one I would appreciate it a lot, thanks in advance  ;D

Hi guys, since the mod portal has been down for awhile I would like to ask if somebody can send me the extended inventory mod or the other one mod that I can't remember it's name and neither it's author, but it's the one which has a 3 vertical squares holster. The Extended Inventory is the only one mod that I'm missing to have a decent gameplay, I would really appreciate the help guys, thanks in advace! Cheers :beer:

Troubleshooting / Error 523: Unable to enter
« on: March 03, 2017, 01:29:02 am »
Hi, I'm not sure if this is the correct place to post this, but I'm getting "error 523: origin is unreachable" when trying to enter the mod portal, everything is fine on the site but I can't reach the mod portal, it's been like almost a week that I've been unable to enter :( ... is the site on maintenance? or is the error only on my end? thanks in advance guys!

Troubleshooting / How to change openXcom user folder
« on: January 04, 2017, 02:36:49 am »
Hi guys, I'm having a little trouble in figuring out how to change user folders and I need to do so because I have both V 1.0 and nightly sharing the same user folder :\

I read at the Ufo wiki that it can be changed by passing a command line argument when running the game but I don't know how to do that, i already tried but with no results, do I need to install something else in order to do so? I'm totally lost in here :(

if somebody could help me I would really appreciate it, thanks in advance!!!!!

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