Troubleshooting / Framedrop while moving units
« on: April 11, 2016, 06:48:36 pm »
I'm playing the mod X-Piratez for the record.
Stable 60 fps is normal but when I move a unit it drops everytime to a lower (sometimes to 5) fps, when unit takes a step. Of course mainly when the screen is full of stuff like smokes. Sometimes without smokes but terror missions. Makes the game somewhat to a stop motion video. It is annoying because turns takes longer than they would.
playing on 1280x1024. Borderless and openxcom-filter. battlescape x1.5
What can I do?
I don't really want to change one of those option except the filter. I hoped using a filter with opengl would fix it, but no
Stable 60 fps is normal but when I move a unit it drops everytime to a lower (sometimes to 5) fps, when unit takes a step. Of course mainly when the screen is full of stuff like smokes. Sometimes without smokes but terror missions. Makes the game somewhat to a stop motion video. It is annoying because turns takes longer than they would.
playing on 1280x1024. Borderless and openxcom-filter. battlescape x1.5
What can I do?
I don't really want to change one of those option except the filter. I hoped using a filter with opengl would fix it, but no