Work In Progress / [TFTD]Terrain Expansion
« on: June 02, 2016, 09:46:40 am »
This is a collection of new terrains and maps for Terror from the Deep, some original, some integrated from other mods, and some originally intended for UFO. So far it also makes a few modifications to the geoscape with new cities and a few changes to the regions and countries. Current status is a work in progress with testing still to be done, especially on the gameplay and thematic sides.
List of terrains:
-Polar Island Terror
-Polar Island Artefact Site (unused in game)
-Industrial Port
-Urban Beach
-Polar Island Terror terrain with experimental above ground artefact site
-North atlantic region extended south
-Alaska extended into north pacific. USA extended to cover new york and bermuda
-Fed Korea replaced with Pan Pacifica centred around Hawaii, Free China given former territory
-Added some new cities around the atlantic and poles
-Converted and modified desert-mountain into seabed mountain
-Added small chance of plane, galleon, pipes, and msunk on all geoscape textures.
-Optimised routes for several atlantis and mu maps
-Integrated additional artefact sites by Civilian
-Extended Atlantis and Coral with new maps
-Converted terrains: Comercial
-Modified Urban into beachfront with new beach tiles
-Converted Alien Hive terrain as alternative to alien colony level 2
-Converted Industrial as additional port map with new coast tiles
-Integrated additional liner ship maps
Hobbes - Many terrains created and compiled for Area51/Terrain Pack
New_Civilian - Mu and Atlantis artefact sites; Adaptation of Urban for tftd; Additional liner maps.
Robin - Human suit civilians, adapted by Hobbes
Bagirov - Industrial terrain design (originally developed for UFO2000 via Area51/Terrain pack)
Solaris Scorch - additional maps and tile images for Commercial terrain
Dioxine - tile images for Commercial terrain and civilian sprites
Tentacular- tile images for Commercial terrain taken designed for other mods
This represents old work that may need updating although it might also work just fine. Credits may need looking at again.
For my part, my intention was to create resources that can could be freely used within the openxcom community. Any work that is my own (especially original .RMP and .MAP files for Polar Island) can be freely used by anyone, as long they do not prevent others from doing the same. Any work based on other peoples work in your own work, adapted or otherwise, including UFO and TFTD, should be used at your own risk