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Topics - Foxhound634

Pages: [1]
The X-Com Files / Teleporting 2x2 units in base defense
« on: August 27, 2022, 07:13:45 pm »
I'm in the middle of a base defense at a base with only an access lift, no hangar. I have 1 soldier and a ton of drones right next to the lift, so when they step out of it i can gun them down en masse. It seems the MiB who attacked my base didn't care, because suddenly a shot is fired at one of my rear drones, from furthest back in my base. I turn around and see a sectopod down there, so unless it's a bug, i assume the AI cheats and just teleports 2x2 units into your base if you don't have a hangar? Or is it because it's literally impossible for it to get into my base, due to the layout of the drone bay right next to the access lift?

Attached save file.

EDIT: Ok so more turns go by and i manage to kill the sectopod, so back to focusing on the access lift. The enemy is starting to panic a lot, and suddenly i see an attack dog running around in the back of my base as well, and i can see panic plasma attacks from down there as well. What gives?

The X-Com Files / Sickbay absolute vs. relative bonus?
« on: August 18, 2022, 01:39:22 am »
What exactly do the sickbay bonuses mean, regarding 'absolute' and 'relative'?

The X-Com Files / Cult missions re-enabled?
« on: July 19, 2022, 01:57:34 pm »
I could have sworn i terminated the black lotus, but after doing so i discovered one of their bases. Fair enough, it probably spawned before terminating. But then their missions (outpost investigation) started popping up after destroying the base. I went to check the research tree, and i guess i didn't terminate them after all...but then i saw an assassination attempt mission from red dawn, and i DID terminate red dawn many months ago, and double checked in the research tree. Is this a bug?

The X-Com Files / Osiron missions not showing up
« on: July 11, 2022, 07:20:37 pm »
I'm in June 1998 right now, and i unlocked the 'osiron' research topic about 6 months ago, but i have yet to see any osiron missions. Am i missing anything?

The X-Com Files / David stole my files?
« on: July 11, 2022, 03:03:14 am »
I just did the David Vincent mission, and i noticed a briefcase of Ultra Secret Files lying on the floor. For whatever reason i decided to have him (David) pick up the files and put them in his inventory. After the mission i noticed i didn't get any files. Is this a bug?

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