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Topics - R1dO

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If a facility has 'buildOverFacilities' defined it will bypass any checks on 'forbiddenBaseFunc'/'provideBaseFunc' as assigned to a country/region when placing the facility.
Or at least .. that is what it looks like to the player.

This was verified on the 7.12 linux release from:
Using the mod and save attached to this post (save is in the root of the zip).

To reproduce:
* Start OXCE with the attached mod active.
* Load the save from the attachment (or start a new game, but then you have to position your 1st and 2nd base correctly)
* Observe the following (for both bases):
  + One can place both the "Living Quarters" and "Small Radar System" even though it should be forbidden by the country (1st base) / region (2nd base).
     With place I mean: Click on basegrid is honored and we are presented with a "under construction" image.

Expected behavior:
 The game should forbid the placement at the moment the player places it.

To test if the ruleset was setup correctly one can disable the ´buildOverFacilities` parts in the ruleset.
In that case the game recognizes those facilities are not allowed to be build (albeit it does it slightly earlier when it creates the list of possible facilities).

Currently the armor (family) worn by the selected soldier will not be visible if there are none left in base stock.
This could lead to situations where one would first need to dress up in a different armor and then revisit screen to see (family of) the previously equipped armor.

My proposal is to change the algorithm to always include the armor family for the one worn by the currently selected soldier.
This makes equipping (or using MMB to see current armor pedia) a bit more convenient.

Please note that the benefit is limited to use cases where armor sharing is 'needed'.
- Newly discovered armor used extensively by player but manufacture has not caught up yet.
- Not enough supplies to manufacture/buy desired amount of armors.

At the moment I have a working proof of concept for this functionality on my personal branches.
Before casting it into a PR (or outsource it to the main devs) it's probably wise to check if it is actually deemed desirable.

Any thoughts?

P.s. With armor family I'm referring to armors sharing the same store item.
P.p.s. See attached image if unsure about the screen I was referring to.

OXCE Suggestions DONE / [DONE] Storestate grand totals.
« on: August 07, 2022, 10:19:27 pm »
As a player i would probably never noticed it, but found this one while browsing through the code.

In StoreState::InitList() when tallying items for the grand total this method goes to great length in order to include every item that can theoretically return to a base.

It feels like it is missing two options though
1) A scenario 6. "Items in manufacture if they are refundable"
    To have the same behavior as scenario 4, which includes items that are destroyed after research.
2) Armors worn by soldiers while in transfer to a base.

Was this an oversight or design choice?

I'm not sure if intended but it doesn't hurt to ask.

Noticed this when trying to unload all soldiers from a craft using the route:
base->crafts->Select a craft->Soldiers button-> Unload all shortcut ("x")

What did i expect:
 Only soldiers from the current craft would be unloaded
What did i observe:
 Soldiers from all crafts on the current base were unloaded

Were my expectations wrong or is this unintended behavior?

Not sure if this is a bug or intended behavior, my search-fu came up empty-handed.

This is about accuracy display as shown in the action menu for the throwing action.
I did not check if throw calculations are affected since it could just as well be an OXCE feature.

I noticed that for two handed weapons the accuracy to throw the weapon itself is influenced by 2-handiness of the weapon.
This differs from openxcom where only the shooting actions are affected by 2-handiness.

To reproduce:
For both OXC end OXCE start a new battle
* Equip a vanilla 2-handed weapon
* Equip any other item in the off-hand.
* Start mission
* Take note of the accuracy display in the action menu
* Go into inventory and drop the offhand item
* Take note of the accuracy display in the action menu.

See attached image for the difference.

P.s. I am aware that the appimage for OXC is a bit older. This should not matter since there have been no changes to the actionmenu part of the code in OXC since that appimage version.

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