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Topics - Banshee

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Work In Progress / Servitors (wip)
« on: September 04, 2017, 10:16:25 pm »
  mk1 0.8 - I making mod for myself, new xcom units, hwp-soldiers, to replace rookies in a role of meatshields (cause i don't like it). And to replace dogs in a role of reaction shot-magnet (cause i don't like to use dogs in this way, but it's frequently needed).  Oriented on 1.0(no more) nightly versions oxc and Final Mod Pack.
 Servitors have lots of hp (120 for now), reasonable armor (mk1 is 36-22-22-22) and acuracy (70, but for 2-hd weapons it'll be only 50) but they're very slow (40tu now). All this stats i chosed from the beginning, and through tests i made, looks like it's near optimal. They will not be available from the start of the game, need to learn some of the technologies to open them.
 Still doing Completed 1st model, melee one with second normal hand. Want to do gunner type next. And double-gunner/ gunner-melee 3rd and 4th, if i find how to make (on 1.0 oxc) hwp with 2 weapons (there is no way to do this in 1.0, so it's necessarily to use nightlies for this). Also, making new models is long enough, at least for me, so i decided to do just one another model for now- melee+boltermachine gun. Autogun with HE ammo, mb.
 mk1 1.1 - Actually, mk1 still not complete, need to change weapon type from melee to firearm with 1-square range (and choose proper sounds for it or find new ones, and ,possibly, this is too hard for me) and balance it, and balance overall mk1's stats, it need some buffing...
 mk1 1.2 - 1st servitor is just as fine as i planned it to be. It's cheap, tough, slow, can break obstacles (although, to break something strong will take some time) and can carry enough weight to be usefull pack mule or to use the heaviest guns. Time to proceed to next one...
 mk1 1.3 - graphical fix

mk2 1.0 - initial version, i keep them separated for now, will combine them later...
 Also, i don't know yet what to do - to increase the number of slots for hwp for each aircraft or transfer servitors to soldier-class (if it possible, while ceeping built-in weapons, idk)

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