Programming / Crash to desktop after last alien in TFTD harbor attack mission
« on: January 04, 2016, 02:06:06 am »
Hi, I was playtesting and encountered a reproducible crash bug in a TFTD harbor attack mission (Gillmen and Deep One). After the last alien is killed and I hit the turn-button, the game crashes every time.
Using the nightly from 2016-01-03 and I am on Windows 7 64-Bit.
This is from the log file:
This is not the first time this happened since soldier diarys where added (not only in TFTD, also in EU), but luckily now I have a save file and the crash is reproducible every time.
The only active mods are aliens pick up weapons and my own modpack, but it changes nothing important on alien missions, except minor loadouts and number of aliens.
I attached a zip file with the save file, openxcom.log file and the created crash dump file.
Hope this helps somehow. Maybe it has something to do with commendations, because some crashes happened with the original standalone version in the past too.
There are also still some false awarded medals left like Taking Names (STR_MEDAL_ALLRANKS_NAME) or Armis Potens Medal (STR_MEDAL_ALLBATTLETYPES_NAME).
It was indeed the Commendations Mod. The only way to solve the crash was to remove these medals from the ruleset:
Of course had I converted the criteria to TFTD Strings, but not all of these even use game specific entries. I had crashes in regular UFO too, and I think there are still some critical bugs left in the commendations code.
Edit 2:
It seems the crashes are fixed with commit 3eb30c2 (https://github.com/SupSuper/OpenXcom/commit/3eb30c2087de6c33cfcaeb3426d9e3832a8604b9). I cannot reproduce these anymore for now with latest nightly.
Using the nightly from 2016-01-03 and I am on Windows 7 64-Bit.
This is from the log file:
Code: [Select]
[04-01-2016 00:11:10] [FATAL] A fatal error has occurred: code 0xc0000005
[04-01-2016 00:11:10] [FATAL] SymFromAddr failed: 487
[04-01-2016 00:11:10] [FATAL] SymFromAddr failed: 487
[04-01-2016 00:11:10] [FATAL] SymFromAddr failed: 487
[04-01-2016 00:11:10] [FATAL] SymFromAddr failed: 487
[04-01-2016 00:11:10] [FATAL] SymFromAddr failed: 487
[04-01-2016 00:11:10] [FATAL] SymFromAddr failed: 487
[04-01-2016 00:11:10] [FATAL] SymFromAddr failed: 487
[04-01-2016 00:11:10] [FATAL] SymFromAddr failed: 487
[04-01-2016 00:11:10] [FATAL] SymFromAddr failed: 487
[04-01-2016 00:11:10] [FATAL] 0x913060 SDL_MixAudio (SymGetLineFromAddr64 failed: 487)
[04-01-2016 00:11:10] [FATAL] SymFromAddr failed: 487
[04-01-2016 00:11:10] [FATAL] 0x77da9e8f RtlInitializeExceptionChain (SymGetLineFromAddr64 failed: 487)
[04-01-2016 00:11:10] [FATAL] 0x77da9e8f RtlInitializeExceptionChain (SymGetLineFromAddr64 failed: 487)
[04-01-2016 00:11:11] [FATAL] Crash dump generated at C:\Games\UFOs\UFO2_Remastered\user\04-01-2016_00-11-10.dmp
[04-01-2016 00:11:32] [FATAL] OpenXcom has crashed: code 0xc0000005
This is not the first time this happened since soldier diarys where added (not only in TFTD, also in EU), but luckily now I have a save file and the crash is reproducible every time.
The only active mods are aliens pick up weapons and my own modpack, but it changes nothing important on alien missions, except minor loadouts and number of aliens.
I attached a zip file with the save file, openxcom.log file and the created crash dump file.
Hope this helps somehow. Maybe it has something to do with commendations, because some crashes happened with the original standalone version in the past too.
There are also still some false awarded medals left like Taking Names (STR_MEDAL_ALLRANKS_NAME) or Armis Potens Medal (STR_MEDAL_ALLBATTLETYPES_NAME).
It was indeed the Commendations Mod. The only way to solve the crash was to remove these medals from the ruleset:
Of course had I converted the criteria to TFTD Strings, but not all of these even use game specific entries. I had crashes in regular UFO too, and I think there are still some critical bugs left in the commendations code.
Edit 2:
It seems the crashes are fixed with commit 3eb30c2 (https://github.com/SupSuper/OpenXcom/commit/3eb30c2087de6c33cfcaeb3426d9e3832a8604b9). I cannot reproduce these anymore for now with latest nightly.