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Topics - Osobist

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That will allow modders to randomly place booby traps under some passages.

Unfortunately it's impossible to finish or hit a knocked out unit if it lies beside a wall. All projectiles shot fly into the wall instead of unit that lies on the floor. In example attached unit 1 is invulnerable for shots while unit 2 could be hit easily. From gameplay POV you should pick the body and put into nearby tile without walls.

Hi! I have another humble request for scripts, in fact, two requests.

1) Sqrt function with lower round-off, very convenient for range calculations.

2) Dynamic change for skillIconSprite depending on tags tied with BattleUnit or skillUseUnit. With this we'll make fancy aiming mode indicator (with highlighted bodyparts).

OXCE Suggestions OK / [SUGGESTION]: Add scripthook returnFromMissionItem
« on: September 28, 2023, 05:48:18 am »
Can we have function returnFromMissionItem as analogue of returnFromMissionUnit? Got a problem that weapon with huge ammo count (1296 in fact) got lost at the end of a mission if at least one round was spent.

The script example in our particular case could look like:

  returnFromMissionItem: |
    item.setAmmoQuantity 1296;

OXCE Bugs FIXED / [FIXED] Pedia's articles scrolling bug (OXC and OXCE)
« on: August 13, 2023, 06:31:16 pm »
Weird bug with pedia's text scrolling due to, I believe, big article's title. Example:

In this entry the title is short enough to consist of only one line. The scrollable text goes from image bottom which is correct.


But in this entry the title is two lines long. And the scrollable text goes from very screen bottom instead of image.


The rulesets for both entries are identical.

Entry with correct scrolling:
  - id: STR_SCP_087_DESCENT_C
    type_id: 7
    section: STR_SCPS
    image_id: 087_STAIRS
      - STR_SCP_087_DESCENT_C
    text_width: 140

Entry with incorrect scrolling:
    type_id: 7
    section: STR_SCPS
    image_id: 087_STAIRS
    text_width: 140

Hello. Can we have a feature that would show different bigob depending on soldier's gender?

Examples of bigobs are below.


OXCE Suggestions DONE / [DONE][Suggestion] Cutscenes on events
« on: May 16, 2023, 02:37:30 pm »
[Suggestion] loseCutscene on mission site's despawns and events

Hello. Right now we can effectively lose the the game if lose or retreat from mission. But if it comes to despawn of same mission site we cannot do the same, as despawnEvent does not allow us to play losing cutscene and finish the game, which is kinda illogical.

Can we have the same function on mission despawns and events?

Hello. Can we have a feature to dynamically change skillIconSprite depending on tags, which are tied to current BattleUnit? One of the possible usages that we're currently working on right now is the indicator of taken aiming mode.

OXCE Support / [QUESTION] maxDistance, aimDistance etc. for ammo
« on: March 29, 2023, 11:42:50 am »
Hello, I've encountered a problem during ammo modding. I'm trying to make separate attack distances for various ammo of same weapon. StatsForNerds show that such attributes allowed to specify for items with battleType = 2. But despite different stats specified in ruleset the accuracy displayed for both ammo types during aiming is same.
Is it okay? Cause it would be confusing situation for player which I'd like to avoid.

Ammo and weapon ruleset snippets are below:

  - type: STR_JUDGE
    battleType: 1
    accuracyAimed: 75 #85
    accuracySnap: 60 #65
    accuracyAuto: 40 #35
    accuracyMelee: 75
    accuracyCloseQuarters: 120 #100
    kneelBonus: 105
      firing: [0.0, 0.002]
      reactions: 0.3
      flatHundred: 0.55

  - type: STR_JUDGE_DRUM
    battleType: 2
    sprayWaypoints: 3
    maxRange: 5 #26
    aimRange: 4 #20
    snapRange: 3 #16
    autoRange: 2 #10
    dropoff: 50 #2
    powerRangeThreshold: 5
    powerRangeReduction: 50
      name: STR_SLAMFIRE
      shots: 5

    battleType: 2
    shotgunPellets: 5
    shotgunBehavior: 1
    shotgunSpread: 25
    maxRange: 16
    aimRange: 14
    snapRange: 10
    autoRange: 7
    dropoff: 4
    powerRangeThreshold: 18
    powerRangeReduction: 4
      name: STR_DOUBLE_TAP
      shots: 2

Hello. I have a feature request - implementation of ptre BattleUnit for target_unit & observer_unit, which allow modder to change unit's stats depending of whether it sees enemy or spotted by it.

Background: I'm working under SCP Foundation theme mod and I think it's possible to implement the most iconic and in fact very first SCP ever written The script for it could look like this:

Code: [Select]
  - type: SECTOID_ARMOR0
      IS_SCP173: 1

      IS_SCP173: int

      - offset: 4
        code: |
          var ptr RuleArmor armorRuleset;
          var int scp173;
          var int observerFaction;
          var int targetTU;
          var int targetTUmax;
          var int observerMorale;
          var int observerBravery;
          var int cowardness 110;

          target_unit.getRuleArmor armorRuleset;
          armorRuleset.getTag scp173 Tag.IS_SCP173;

          if eq scp173 1;
            target_unit.Stats.getTimeUnits targetTUmax;
            target_unit.setTimeUnits targetTUmax;
            observer_unit.getFaction observerFaction;
            debug_log "SCP is" target_unit "Observer is" observer_unit;

            if neq observerFaction 1;
              target_unit.setTimeUnits 0;
              observer_unit.Stats.getBravery observerBravery;
              observer_unit.getMorale observerMorale;
              sub cowardness observerBravery;
              sub observerMorale cowardness;
              observer_unit.setMorale observerMorale;


          return current_visibility visibility_mode;

This could be useful in general when modder needs to, e.g., disrupt enemy's accuracy by wearing a chameleon armor of some sort.

Suggesstion: add spawnItem to items: in OXCE.

I had an idea to add flare-rounds for grenade launcher to light up dark places. But I can't place items via shots.

Sometimes it's not convenient to use actual flares because of small throw distance. Also it's useful when you want to places mines around the map. Perhaps there is other uses might be.

Of course I could spawn the unit that emits the light but the problem is that aliens can attack the flare instead of player's units which seems incorrect. More than that - the spawned flare can detect enemies as unit if they come close enough. It's okay for remote cameras but not for flares.

Hello. I want to request a feature - a check and rule for player's dead or unconscious soldiers to display a proper body bigob, female or male depending on gender. Something like bigSpriteAlter or similar. Making a whole separate unit types for this is kinda complicated and not worth it in general. 

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