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Topics - aziza

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Brutal AI / Controls, Mods, Options
« on: June 25, 2024, 09:41:38 am »

Offtopic / XcomUtil vs OpenXcom - XcomUtil and you will win!
« on: June 25, 2024, 07:15:28 am »
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Here is:
1. List of XcomUtil features (Ufopaedia does not have a complete list)
2. Maximum description of each feature from different sources
3. Search and Compare each feature in the OXCE

XcomUtil Features in OXCE --- Statistics:
4Ingame options
22Default mod
3Separate mod
12Is different
14Need check
114 Total

Need check list:
Spoiler"Need check list":
Alien Craft Spawn Points and Routes
X-Com Base Spawn Points
Alien Base Terrain
Alien Craft Terrain
Explosive Terrain
Desert Map
Mountain Terrain
Lightning MCD and LOF
Interception Screen
Recover TFTD Bugs
Battle Field and Terrain
Battle Field Generator (BFG)

Is different list:
Spoiler"Is different list":
Improved Weapons: Dye Grenade --- Explosion power is 60, not 40
Help From Captured Aliens --- Different balance
XcomUtil messages after combat --- STATS LOOT after combat
Pre-Combat Sort --- Manual sorting, no autosort, not temporary
Re-equip Soldiers / Aquanauts before combat --- Manual equipping each soldier, no auto for all
AutoCombat - Automatic Combat Resolution --- No quick combat
ACT , ACT:0 --- SCORE 0 , Spam each day
ACT:n --- SCORE 0 , Spam each day
MNY , MNY:0 --- Not any amount , 999999999 only
MNY:n --- Not any amount , 999999999 only
SRT --- Manual sorting, no autosort
SWP --- No human AI

Absent list:
Spoiler"Absent  list":
Determine version of your X-Com game
Swap Survey Ship and Escort
Improved Weapons: Alternate Laser Tech
Soldiers / Aquanauts Name Rank
Soldiers / Aquanauts Kill Number
Battle Field Generator (BFG) - choose terrain
Battle Field Generator (BFG) - choose alien craft
Battle Field Generator (BFG) - choose daytime
Randomize Alien Craft Floor Plan
Soldiers Different Directions inside the craft
FND:n [10-10000]
INC:n [0-150]
LVL:n [1-5]
LVL:EXP:n [0-6]

Info links:

Related topics:
How Vanilla is Vanilla?
XcoumUtil feature(s)
Always visible soldier psi stats?
Converting XCUTIL to OpenXCOM
Old XCOM Tools and OpenXcom
Auto-calc battles?
[Suggestion] - XComUtil's Research help from captured aliens
Alternate Laser Tech
Can't add auto mode to weapons?
Research Alive Aliens - v1.54 Final - Translators needed
UFOExtender "Alien Pets" option + XCOMUtil-ish maniupulation?
TFTD - 2-stage missions
Live Alien Research Assistance
Auto finish mission
[UFO]&[TFTD][Beta?]Hybrid Mod for UFO enemy unknown and TFTD
XCOM Automation
Open-xcom Hotseat Battlescape Multiplayer Engine
Extender vs OpenXcom - Exten does what OpenXdon't
XcomUtil vs OpenXcom - XcomUtil and you will win!

VS Posters:

Compare List images: (v1_full / v2_mini / v3_mini)

list by Firstrun70
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Offtopic / Extender vs OpenXcom - Exten does what OpenXdon't
« on: June 25, 2024, 06:54:31 am »
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Here is:
1. List of Extender features (Ufopaedia does not have a complete list)
2. Maximum description of each feature from different sources
3. Search and Compare each feature in the OXCE

Extender Features in OXCE --- Statistics:
38Ingame options
3Default mod
7Separate mod
33Is different
6Need check
139 Total

Need check list:
Spoiler"Need check list":
Show Error Messages / Debug Messages
Scale Mouse
Limit Berserk Shooting
Deep Colonies
Bugfixes compare is absent

Is different list:
Spoiler"Is different list":
Fast Speed Shooting like in original X-Com --- Similar but not 100% equal
Video Pitch --- Not switchable
Clip Cursor --- 1 mode only
TFTD Doors --- Not switchable
De-equip crafts / De-equip Craft --- Not switchable, Another button
Reorder soldiers in craft / Reorder Soldiers In Crafts --- Not switchable
Save Reserve Mode --- Not switchable
Alien Inventory --- Not switchable
Explode after touch the ground - Hot grenades --- HE and MPE are not hot in Extended
Stunned Units KIA --- Not switchable , Without "got blasted" window
More Smoke --- Not switchable
Start With All Missiles --- For xcom1 only / Extender = Stingray+Avalanche, OXC = 2xAvalanche
Rank In Inventory --- Not switchable
Fast Base Defenses --- Not switchable , Defense speed is slower, No auto-shoot
Zombies Will Hatch --- Is different
Alternate Research Tree --- Not a full realisation
True Cautious Mode --- Similar option but not 100% equal
Crafts Always Ready / Crafts Ready --- 1 mode only
Intro Sounds --- Not switchable
Music Change Freeze --- Not switchable
Show Stats / Equipment Screen --- Without TU
Show Grenade State --- Not switchable
Save Equipment --- Manual equipping each soldier, no auto for all
Auto Flares --- No autoequip at night
Shortcuts Hotkeys - Battlescape --- FlyUpDown is absent
Prevent game over / No Score Game Over --- Not permanent , SCORE 0 , Spam each day
Big brother --- Not permanent , Spam each mission
Alien pets --- With all map view only
Show All Locations --- OXCE - Not permanent , Spam each day
Show All Locations --- BOXCE - No silent mode , Notify Message Spam
No Alien Psi --- Both sides only
AutoSave --- Each 10 days only
Soldiers can Stun Anyone / Stun Anyone --- Not switchable

Absent list:
Spoiler"Absent  list":
Always On Top
CPU Mask
High Priority
Keep Base Navigation Modules
More Chryssalid Sound Effects / Enhanced Chrysallid EFX
More Reaction Fire
No Blaster Bomb Drift
No Auto Wake Up
General Store Capacity
Improved Laser Tank
Know Thy Enemy
Ablative Armor
Alternate Weapon Loadouts / Alt Weapon Loadouts
Weak Sectoids
Human Limits
Difficulty Level of Interception / Difficulty Level of Interceptions / Interception Difficulty
Manual Interception Fire Mode
Surrender Defense Missions / Surrender Defence Missions
Initial Alien Bases
Funding Council Income Only
Limited Military
Base Defense Prep
Base Retaliation Loop Fix / Fast Base Defenses
Music - PSX CD
Wreck Analysis
Craft Ready Message
Roswell mod
Directly Use Alien Weapons
Recover All Clips
Alt Craft Research
Alternate Terror Units
Battle Difficulty
Combine Base Research
Intercept Menu List
Interplanetary Lightning
Small Firestorm
Different Colony Races / Different Site Races
Small Colony Size / Smaller Colony Size
Smaller USO Battle Maps
Increase Sea Floor Terrain Variety
Improve Rearm Rate of Ajax
Block Can't Intercept Messages [Block Intercept Over Land Message, Block Mission Too Deep Message]
Improved Detector
Smaller Stun Blast

Info links:
Enemy Unknown (1994) Extended
Extender TOTAL txt ini list

Related topics:
How Vanilla is Vanilla?
UFOExtender-esque or original?
TFTD Extender
Best way to play TFTD
UFO Defense Extended Features
UFO Classes(Automatic soldier renaming) + More UFOextender features
Know Thy Enemy from UFO Extender
[SUGGESTION-UNCUT][#037] Chryssalid: Zombie Hatch - Adv. AI - Chryssalid Dialler
UFOExtender "Alien Pets" option + XCOMUtil-ish maniupulation?
Colony Missions and Terror Missions in TFTD
Alien autopsy damage bonus
[WEAPON] UfoExtender Alternate Research Tree (Laser Weapons)
[ARMOR] UfoExtender Stack Armor Production
Reward for autopsy
[Documentation] Spray Waypoints Explanation
[Solved] (OXCE) UFOextender's "Burst mode" & "Full auto" firing options?
Hatching Chryssalids and Tentaculats
What is difference between Extender and OpenXcom?
Wreck Analysis
Blues and Bullets v1.0
TFTD - No Underwater Weapons
Extender vs OpenXcom - Exten does what OpenXdon't
XcomUtil vs OpenXcom - XcomUtil and you will win!

VS Posters:

Compare List images: (v1_full / v2_mini / v3_mini)

list by Firstrun70
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Offtopic / Оriginal X-COM features that cannot be used in OXC OXCE
« on: June 11, 2024, 04:32:07 am »
what features can't OpenXcom and OXCE replicate from the original game?
and the only way to feel it is to play the original game:

- input copy protection code from X-COM manual [OXC and OXCE]
- empty "" Base name [OXC and OXCE]
- General Stores 50 [OXCE]
- TFTD dye grenade 10 , user mod , ufopaedia [OXC and OXCE]
- fast shots and doors animations / CPU cycle tuning , user shoot mod [OXC and OXCE]
- Using Psi with turning the soldier [OXC and OXCE]

add to this list, everything you could find

OXCE 2024 7.12.0 (v2024-02-24) x64
all mods and settings are turned off

bug - cydonia part 2, turtle moving under Celatid vision

to reproduce:
1 download save + options
2 move your unit like in image below, it will move 1 tile per click (and stops moving) just because Celatid sees him

original topic with this bug

as Xilmi mentioned:

What possibly happens is that the celatid supposedly reaction-fires but it doesn't work because of too low ceiling or something but it still interrupts the movement.

Edit 2: This issue goes deeper. Even if I control the Celatid myself I don't get any error-message if I try to shoot but the shot doesn't actually fire. So whatever is done to check whether a shot should be working seems to succeed but the actual shot doesn't.
Yes. It doesn't use the game-logic from Createprojectile to check whether the shot will be fired but some weird Mod-script or something that apparently says it's okay without doing actual checking.
I used a workaround to fix it in BOXCE which is letting it be checked by my AI, which I also had to teach not to think that impossible shots are possible and where I recreated the checks that are done in Createprojectile.
And when a human tries to use an arcing-shot-weapon it apparently uses the same faulty check that will give a false-positive so the human doesn't get an error either. This part I didn't fix though.

There should have been a proper API that implements the logic in one place and is just referenced at all other places. But instead the check whether it works was only done when the shot is already supposed to be fired and there's now 2 different methods who do a validity check before that happens. One works properly (mine) and one doesn't and creates false positives (the one that was used before).

But I didn't want to spend too much effort so I just did the simplest thing I could come up with to make it work.

Troubleshooting / [crit error crash] ctrl+W with tank
« on: June 10, 2024, 06:05:38 am »
OXC 2024 Nightly 2024_02_28_0704

OXC crit error when you are using Ctrl+W on the tank
it's writing about mod, but I have no installed user mods and all default mods are turned off

how to reproduce:
1. new battle button
2. equip craft - equipment - add any tank
3. start battle
4. ctrl+D ctrl+W with tank

save + options if you need, but it's fast to reproduce

[FATAL]   A fatal error has occurred: Segmentation fault. This usually indicates something missing in a mod.
[FATAL]   0x54f2d0 OpenXcom::CrossPlatform::stackTrace(void*)
[FATAL]   0x552ba0 OpenXcom::CrossPlatform::crashDump(void*, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)
[FATAL]   0x40dca0 signalLogger(int)
[FATAL]   0x87fe90 xbrz::nearestNeighborScale(unsigned int const*, int, int, int, unsigned int*, int, int, int, xbrz::SliceType, int, int)
[FATAL]   0x100015c0 CheckTargets
[FATAL]   0x77ec4650 RtlKnownExceptionFilter
[FATAL]   0x77e896cf RtlInitializeExceptionChain
[FATAL]   OpenXcom has crashed: Segmentation fault. This usually indicates something missing in a mod.
More details here:\user\openxcom.log
If this error was unexpected, please report it to the developers.

add motion scanner radius check button
what area can be scanned

add a list of the amount of items on different bases
sometimes it's a bit boring to check item amount on different bases (check a remaining ellerium-115 for fuel)
or to seek some item, jumping from base to base

else one related topic Showing which bases have specific items from the vaults screen.

 add multi-level view button to extended links

add four yellow arrows (motion scanner) (for big units)

same as direction arrows

Inventory stats - add soldier slot number in the airplane
often need to find the first soldier to plan equipment before the battle  (menu - new battle - too)

OXCE Suggestions DONE / [DONE][Suggestion] center on landing UFO
« on: May 14, 2024, 10:50:21 am »
when you have many radars and can see the whole globe and many UFOs - sometimes you need to look for a landing UFO
so "center button" will be good

hotkey for simultaneous start of an attack from all ships

OXCE Support / [Answered] Starting base available space question
« on: May 09, 2024, 08:55:35 am »
why does a General Stores hold 65 and not 50?
because the starting base is 40 + 11 aircraft = 51?

51 x
40 50
x = 51*50/40=63,75

How to equip a soldier slot, but not a soldier?
If I want 1th and 2nd slot with the Rifle
3rd and 4th with Laser
there are a lot of deaths and every time before each battle you need to re-equip all the slots, and all the soldiers change the craft slot each time
even after 1 death all is shifting

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