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Topics - crescentmoon

Pages: [1]
Work In Progress / Q. Firing acc., Armor and Psionics
« on: July 29, 2014, 01:27:31 am »
so I made a new alien and everything is working but 2 things are off.

The new alien appears with firing stat lower than what I set on the ruleset, and also it appears to be  missing some armor points ?
I mind control one of them right at the start to check if everything is working and I noticed this about the stats.

^ Nevermind, I think I just figured out about this.

The other weird thing is when I mind control an alien that has Psionic and I try to use their PSi on another Alien, the game will crash,
However I am using the Mod Real Vision version of the game so I know it's a different exe, so could that be the reason?
Much thanks.

Work In Progress / Some Ruleset and other questions
« on: July 06, 2014, 01:21:17 am »
Q1.  I've noticed that I can see my soldiers PSI staats right from the start of the game, but IIRC I did not select psi training at any time, or psi evaluation. So, it means that after making Psi Amps I can use it, without building Psi Labs ?

Q2. The ufo extender accuracy (when it's ON) is supposed to make the game harder by lowering acc. at long distance, or is it something else?

Q3.  In the Ufopaedia site, they list the hand Items in HANDOB.PCK from 0 to 15
but in the xcom1Ruleset file, there are items like: STR_PISTOL    handSprite: 96
and others as well, so there are more sprites? and is there an updated list somewhere?
My intention was to make each grenade look right while in the soldiers hands.


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