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Topics - Tentaculat Soup

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Released Mods / Laser Reskin Mod
« on: July 03, 2014, 03:25:07 pm »
So, yeah, it's in the modpage.  Totally awesome.  Took them non-matching laser guns and set them straight!  Now they all look like they're related to that dashing laser rifle, who is, you will agree, both handsome and sleek.

You'll find it here: 
Assuming the site will let you download them, of course. 


This is a reskin of the laser pistol and the heavy laser to make them look a little more like the very distinctive laser rifle. None of the weapons' stats are affected. The new graphics make the laser weapons look less like military hardware and more science fiction.

Installation Instructions:

Open the zip file and find the files 'resources' and 'ruleset'.  Copy and paste them into your data folder.  Merge files, nothing will get overwritten.  (Well, unless you have a ruleset called 'Laser_Reskin' already.)

Edit:  The file's also attached here, so enjoy!

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