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Topics - shadics

Pages: [1]
Work In Progress / Xcom enemy unknow soundtrak battle scape
« on: March 07, 2018, 06:49:06 pm »
Sometime ago, i edited the xcom enemy unkown 's soundtrack. I use it in my gameplays, and i will put them here, if someone is interested  :)

Work In Progress / Little graphic change 2
« on: September 01, 2017, 09:01:43 am »
Hi guys :) i was making improvements on sound editing (sectopod walk, shot and hit sound to make it look more powerfull)
In this video i want to show you the sound of the walk of the sectopod, and the diferences of power, sizes of the shot and the hit animations between the rifle, pistol, heavy plasma and sectopod

Suggestions / group mobility
« on: February 09, 2017, 07:11:54 am »
You know guys, it would be cool if you can select a group of soldiers and move them in group! :D
to make the troops move less tedious

Work In Progress / EDIT: 09/01/2017 Little graphic change
« on: April 25, 2016, 12:21:50 am »
Hi guys! I was editing this mod for a better recognizement of the alien weapons.  I was tired of the similarity between the shot, all of them were the same, even the sectopod and the cyberdisc had the same shot. So this is the result. Hope you enjoy it :)

i was thinking in change the hitsound and the animation of the heavy laserbeam so it sounds more powerful

EDIT: 09/01/2017

Hi guys :) i was making improvements on sound editing (sectopod walk, shot and hit sound to make it look more powerfull)
In this video i want to show you the sound of the walk of the sectopod, and the diferences of power, sizes of the shot and the hit animations between the rifle, pistol, heavy plasma and sectopod

Work In Progress / Ligthsight (QUESTION)
« on: August 03, 2015, 10:30:27 pm »
Is it possible to change the ligthsight of the aliens to the same of the soldiers?

Troubleshooting / Graphic arm bug?
« on: July 13, 2015, 11:55:56 pm »
look the arm when the soldier with the pistol walk

Resources / [ARMOR] Rebelstar Armor
« on: June 04, 2015, 01:57:02 am »
Hi guys, this time it's reedition of the ''Rebel star tactical command'' armor.
I started kidding in paint, and this come out.
This game was my first close up to the Xcom series. i knew it in 2008, when i was bored, looking for a good strategy game for Gameboy Advanced (tired of the advance wars series), and it appeared.
I get really exited with this game, so i started to look if there was a sequel. Instead, i found that, this game had a pc version, with a different story (the original ufo defense)
But, i was never able to finnish the original game, for problems of compatibility in the previous windows version. Thanks to Openxcom, i finally could end the game! And that was awesome!
well so i made this for fun :)

I dont know how to desing the big sprite :(

i dont know if it is a bug but, i cant sprint with ctrl+clik anymore after installing the new nightly 2015-05-25

Work In Progress / [WEAPON][ARMOR] Question
« on: March 23, 2015, 05:46:48 am »
I was thinking, would be, a way, to improve tecnology automatically, without creating a new item?

I mean, keep using the same item (armor, or weapon) but better, using the scientist research.?

Hey guys! I modified this mod, from MKSheppard With my girlfriend. She made the pink one. (Sorry about my English, I asked her to write this for me)

The reason why we decided to edit this mod, was because it was awesome the idea of colored armors! But when I installed it, I found that It hasn't all the colours available. So, we started editing the commands and introducing the modified sprites, also adding some new details, and it came out good.
I put here some screens for you to see them guys. Hope you like it!
Complete mod:

Better Personal Armor:
it has no information in the ufopedia section. Maybe we can put the information in spanish (our home language)
our last update:
*fixed color problem corpse body
*armors are available researching power armor suit (for power armor colors) and flying suit (for flying suit colors)
our last update:
*support english and spanish language
*fixed ufopedia item appear researchig (power suit and flying suit) (thanks Deskulpa)
our last update:
testing better look for the personal armor
our last update:
testing a combination of many armors and camouflage for ops armor  ;D
the ligthing dising its from this mod:,3505.0.html
and the combinations of armors  was some from:,1898.0.html
and the main base:,2913.0.html (i love his armors)



how we started the mod:


EDIT: 06/30/14

Hi guys! I'm shadic's girlfriend... And i couldn't resist to make some Fan Art of the colored armors xD

So, I'll leave this here...

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