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Topics - osunightfall

Pages: [1]
Suggestions / the 80 item limit
« on: June 17, 2014, 08:57:26 pm »
Guys, it's been a long, long ride. I think I never really believed this project would be finished. I've seen it here and there over the years, always in progress, with completion always a long way off. And now, out of the blue, I see that it's complete. Congratulations! I just...I couldn't be happier. This project means a lot to a great many people, and I'm one of them. I'll be hitting up the donate button later today. You all deserve it.

While I'm at it though, I do have two small pieces of feedback. Other than the feedback of "I absolutely love practically everything you've done, and it's amazing."

1. If I understand the differences page correctly, the blaster launcher and other waypoint based weapons that may be created no longer have limited waypoints. I'm curious about the rationale behind this decision. The blaster launcher was by far the most powerful and perhaps even broken weapon in the game. The only tiny, tiny balancing factor other than weight was that it only had 9 waypoints. Was it really necessary to make it even more capable of completing missions on its own?

2. I notice that the 80 item limit has been removed from the equipment slots on transports. This is a point. But it seems a little silly and kind of broken that I can literally bring hundreds of weapons and pieces of equipment on board and always pick the best stuff immediately before and during missions. I realize that since this is a change to the classic game, opinions will differ on how much gear is too much, but perhaps a configurable item limit could be implemented? And perhaps it could default back to 80 items, as in the original? Bug or not, it was an important factor in how the balance of the game played out.

Other than that, OpenXCom seems utterly fantastic. This project proves that dreams can come true.

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