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Topics - Windwalker

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Playthroughs / Non-verbal commentary: ARCONATH TFTD SUPERHUMAN PLAYTHROUGH
« on: December 16, 2020, 08:38:49 pm »
Hello everyone.
First allow me to thank the amazing people who have created openxcom.
Unlike most of you, I started playing the series with TFTD. It was the game that changed me from a boy to a man. It's many lessons (and scars) on me are still strongly felt.
Over the years its numerous bugs and odd design choices had began to make themselves felt as well. But with the Advent of OpenXCOM (See what I did there? Advent?) it suddenly became a fresh game for me. Now I can enjoy the best game of my life a second time as if it's the first! This is a blessing few people could have felt during their lives.
So I decided to make a youtube playthrough of it. I am also providing non-verbal, text-based commentary all over the video.
I would be glad if you watched and commented on the video, to help me develop this format into a much healthier form.

You can find the first video here

The follow-up is on edit right now, and should be released within a couple of days.
Thanks in advance, best regards!

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