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Topics - pedroterzero

Pages: [1]
OXCE Builds & Ports / OXCE docker container
« on: February 10, 2022, 04:50:45 pm »
I placed my instructions to 'build' and use an OXCE docker container here:

If I get permission, I could publish the built images to docker hub so any interested end user can skip the 'build' stage.

I have tested this on Ubuntu 20.04, the container itself is Ubuntu 18.04. It seems to work perfectly.

If one has docker installed this allows to run OXCE with just a few commands and no extra dependencies on the machine.

Tools / VSCode OpenXcom Modding Tools
« on: December 14, 2020, 03:17:24 pm »
Hi there!

I recently started work on a visual studio code extension that works in addition to the existing excellent Ruleset Validator by SupSuper.

My aim is to make a bit more of modding IDE experience for OpenXcom (Extended) rulesets by adding some IDE like features to the ruleset editing itself. The goal is to increase the quality of life during modding even more by solving a few of the problems that I saw myself while doing some work on mods. It should also raise the general quality of the rulesets themselves by pointing out issues that are easily overlooked if they're only inspected manually.

Some of the more interesting features are:

  • Jump from a string ID or sprite ID to its definition. This saves a lot switching back and forth manually between files
  • Y-script syntax highlighting/colouring
  • Spreadsheet/CSV editor. This allows you to view and edit a ruleset as a spreadsheet
  • See translations for string IDs by hovering on them
  • Reference checking. This means that it checks automatically whether a string ID you've entered actually exists and whether it is of the right type (so if something expects a research entry, it checks that it is)
  • Documentation hover. The tool integrates the documentation from the ruleset wiki page into the tool itself, so you can hover over a rule to see what it means and what the options are.
  • Context aware autocomplete across files: offer autocomplete on items that are in other files, and also of the correct type (so if a research entry is required, only offer those and not manufacture rules for example)
  • Preview extraSprites by hovering over them in the ruleset file itself
  • Finds duplicate string ids and sprite ids. That way if you inadvertently defined something twice, you can easily see it in an overview (this feature is disabled by default)

Some features I hope to add in the future:

  • Show missing translations
  • Detect common problems that may lead to crashes or segmentation faults and prevent them before they happen
  • and more

Where to get it and more information
The extension and instructions how to install it, and a lot more information can be found on the visual studio marketplace:

Some demos of what this looks like:

Jump to definition

Syntax highlighting/colouring

CSV/Spreadsheet editor

Reference checking:

Documentation hover:

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