OXCE Suggestions DONE / [DONE][Suggestion] Purchase from a country
« on: July 22, 2022, 10:08:41 am »
Slightly off topic but I came up with an association of ideas that could have some relevance and relevance to a possible implementation of the specific request as well 
I was reminded of the XCOM Apoc feature in which some goods were purchasable by some corporations and if you were in conflict with them you could not buy anything (Marsec-flying armor suit?). In OpenXcom we don't have corporations but there are countries, if they are controlled by aliens you can't buy anything. It could be an additional motivation free country under alien control in order to obtain otherwise unavailable items

I was reminded of the XCOM Apoc feature in which some goods were purchasable by some corporations and if you were in conflict with them you could not buy anything (Marsec-flying armor suit?). In OpenXcom we don't have corporations but there are countries, if they are controlled by aliens you can't buy anything. It could be an additional motivation free country under alien control in order to obtain otherwise unavailable items