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Open Feedback / Sectopods - Can't be Psionicly captured?
« on: September 05, 2021, 02:05:50 pm »
Was this just me or when you have the Psi capture activated, that Sectopods can't be captured? Or is this because it was never supposed to be possible in the vanilla game and would cause some shenigans? I presume the same for Cyber Discs.

Help / Xcom: UD - Simple soldier stat tweak
« on: August 24, 2021, 12:12:40 pm »
Now I know I've done this long ago and I've seen older mods about tweaking the stat ranges of your new soldiers. But I cannot figure it out in the latest iterations of openxcom/extended.

The prior thread I found said to find the ruleset file and find the 'soldiers' entry where you can than edit the 'minStats', 'maxStats' and 'statCaps'. I cannot for the life of me find this file that pertains to the core UFO defender rules.

Admittedly its not even a major tweak, I just want to change the Bravery range to 30 to 60, given I tended to just sack soldiers under that number anyway.

Help / Music Pack - Making abit of a 'Legacy'?
« on: August 18, 2021, 11:31:06 am »
So its been a long time since I've been tackling anything OpenXCom related.

I've seen some music packs. Now I know this is probably not something someone can put out there due to copyright. But given one owns XCom 2's legacy soundtrack, would it be very hard to slip the tracks over the ones in Xcom?

Offtopic / Your pick of best tactical game elements?
« on: May 09, 2017, 11:11:40 am »
Well, I'm sure you guys understand. Before 2012 there would always been threads in various forums of how would you like to see X-Com redone, most of which went pretty quiet after we had a redone X-Com. Personally, although I enjoy XCom 2012 I still enjoy pondering how else it could of been redone.

Which brings me to this topic. X-Com's tactical combat is very much the main course of the original and remake, but both seem to do things that could possibly be done better? If one where to pick the best elements they could have of both what would they be?

Following that, what other tactical games had elements you would of really wanted to see in an X-Com style game? If some dude with overly ambitious visions of indie game design was thinking about doing something like that would you suggest they include (putting aside their likelihood of success/failure, etc etc. for humouring purposes).

Work In Progress / Another tech tree thread.
« on: February 28, 2014, 03:02:58 am »
Just my thoughts on extending the tech tree out with some changes. All these typically include the prerequisite alien artifact as well (So Plasma Pistols will need you to have a Plasma Pistol).

Alien Containment
Research Required: Any alien corpse

Mind Probe
Research Required: Sectoid corpse (with slightly modified fluff on cybernetic interfaces).
Manufacture: 1 Sectoid corpse + 1 Elerium 115

Plasma Pistol/Clip
Research Required: Elerium 115 + Any live alien soldier.

Plasma Rifle/Clip
Research Required: Plasma Pistol + Live Snakeman or Muton soldier.

Heavy Plasma/Clip
Research Required: Plasma Rifle + Live Muton soldier.

UFO Power Source
Research Required: Any live alien engineer + Elerium 115.

UFO Navigation
Research Required: Any live alien navigator.

Research Required: Psi-Lab + Ethereal Corpse
Manufacture: 1 Ethereal Corpse + 1 (or more?) Elerium 115

Flying Suit
Research Required: Alien Alloys, Power Source, UFO Navigation, Floater corpse or Cyberdisc corpse.

Research Required: (Normal stuff) + Live Cyberdisc

Small Launcher
Research Required: Any live alien medic.

Hyper-wave Decoder
??? (UFO Navigation research?)

Work In Progress / Doable? Laser Weapon internal power supply (not clips)
« on: February 22, 2014, 10:33:36 am »
This was just a random idea that came to me, we all know the issue with balance and laser weapons (infinite ammo mainly) ... and I've seen the idea of 'laser' clips down. But part of me feels this takes something away from the laser's character and what makes it different.

Internal Power Supply
Hows this different from clips? Well I picture it as laser weapons have no clips, but have a preset amount of "power". Shots take up power, simple enough ... since a new clip can't be loaded in these power supplies will regenerate every turn. So say a shot costs 1 power and you regenerate 2 power per turn ... you could get off a couple of snap shots/aimed shots and be fine, but unloading 3 or more or a bunch of autoshots greatly saps your power and can leave you with not enough at a crucial time.

Afraid I'm entirely new to the whole openxcom scene, let alone modding so I'm not sure how doable this is, but thought I'd throw the idea out at least.

Work In Progress / Seperate carry weight and throw weight?
« on: February 21, 2014, 01:37:02 am »
Once awhile ago I used one of those X-Com tools to try and re balance the weapons. Changing the weight on certain things meant that they where impossible to throw (They kept hitting the battlescape 'ceiling'). So I was wonder if there is a way to separate out how much an item weighs for sake of inventory and how much it weighs for calculating throwing?

Offtopic / Would you play a X-Com/Evil Genius love child?
« on: February 18, 2014, 10:07:25 pm »
I mean there is no such thing I'm aware of, but the idea appeals to me lately, sort of X-Com with more in-depth base building in the vain of Evil Genius, Dungeon Keeper ... even alittle bit Theme Hospital. Layout rooms, corridors, internal defenses etc, build amenities to make your personnel happy, etc.

Just a thought.

Troubleshooting / Battlescape Scrolling
« on: February 10, 2014, 09:11:09 am »
Hi, just trying out OpenXcom for the first time ... seemed great up until I got into my first mission. I normally use the arrow keys or moving the mouse to the very edge to scroll in vanilla X-Com, but here it seems to get hung up and refuses to scroll in the desired direction via either method, and often seems to forces the map to scroll over the opposite direction.

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