Hello, My first suggestion.
Can i Suggest the AI for picking up bomb or weapon on the ground. Because people think when they gonna get mindcontroled they will drop weapon and bomb (if the AI pickup that, people gonna get surprised and horribly murdered by their own guy

and if people are not droping items but they throw it but not too far away about 4~6 tiles away the mind controled unit will go there and pick it up and if bomb include in that square the AI will do just activate the bomb 0 turn and drop it, because it will blow up next turn (and alien will say: "Oh Beautiful"

The total TU consumed are range of the item + pickup 8 TUs+ activate the bomb 50% max TUs + drop 8 TUs.
But if people just drop the weapon and bomb it will be more efficient if the mind controled unit pickup those items, activate the bomb 0 turn, drop the bomb and shot the other guys.
This will make people think the only thing will save their own guy is throwing weapon and bomb far far away or throw those items to the other guy and that will consume 50% of their TUs.
This will make psionic especially ethereals are more deadly. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA

And for the aliens when they are panicked or mind controled they will try to pickup weapon on the ground on the next turn.
Also make the aliens pick up nearby bomb when no X-COM soldier on sight and not to overweight them.
