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Pages: [1]
I checked wiki and the hotkey doc sticky but didnt see any info/answers to my problem
1) Im trying to streamline repetitive commands like using grenades but im having problem with the hotkeys. Here is what I do:
  • Equip gren L hand
  • press Q (hotkey that simulates clicking on the L hand to bring up action list)
  • press 1 to select first on the list "Prime"
  • Press Q again which now lists only "Throw" but I cant figure out what the hotkey is to select that, 1 doesnt work
P.S. is there a better way than the above that exists to make using grenades less tedious?

2) Select specific soldier -
Is there a hotkey or command to let me select a specific soldier? For example I have a soldier I leave in the dropship that I use only for using the Mind Probe. When I encounter an alien I have to scroll all the way back to dropship to select the mind probe soldier. Is there a way that exists for me to hotkey and auto select this specific soldier?
Thanks for your time

Pages: [1]