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Topics - grifflw

Pages: [1]
The X-Com Files / Is it safe to update mid game?
« on: May 26, 2023, 07:05:01 pm »
Hi, I started an LP of this game a while ago, about half a year ago at this point. And the version of the game I'm working with is Version 2.5. I would like to update to the newer version, but I don't want to break anything. Is it safe to do so? Or should I try and finish it out in version 2.5?

The X-Com Files / The Cure For Awful Luck: Save File Edits
« on: December 12, 2022, 04:30:03 am »
So I've hit September but haven't hit Promotion II because I've somehow only fought the basic Church of Dagon soldiers despite having researched them extensively. This is despite my having hit every other requirement 2 months ago. I'm having traumatic flashbacks of the last time I played this game and over a year in I somehow hadn't caught a Red dawn Pioneer yet.

How would I go about say... editing the safe file and putting a Tier 2 Church of Dagon soldier into my prison to be interrogated? And maybe double-check that the "Has Researched Church of Dagon" flag has been raised.

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