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Messages - Leflair

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 18
« on: January 04, 2025, 10:51:21 am »
For those giving the new Chaos path a spin (nightly ROSIGMA or using the older submod with 2.8A) I've put together this themed soundtrack as well.


« on: December 27, 2024, 10:31:24 am »
And for good measure, the Guard themed soundtrack replacement submod,


« on: December 23, 2024, 05:31:45 pm »
I bring Christmas gifts, a new Sisters themed soundtrack replacement submod - SOB OST ROSIGMA 40K:

It contains some 70-80 tracks replacing geoscape, battlescape and half a dozen other tracks.

The zip contains a readme with installation instructions (as do the

« on: December 23, 2024, 05:28:42 pm »
Looks like a installation error.

Check so you have version 7.15 of OXCE, 038 of 40k and the latest rosigma+submods.

« on: December 08, 2024, 03:20:30 pm »
ROSIGMA 2.8A is now live and available on the

ROSIGMA Update 2.8A notes:

- Chaos Path (Cultist) v74+, will be integrated in the main mod for 2.9.
- MarboMod, allows you to start the IG campaign with the One Man Army, intended for solo Marbo challenge runs (yes he can handle entire armies himself, of course).

- Mapfix: More map block fixes for chaos ships missing tiles.
- Mapfix: Fixed floor hitboxes for Tzeentch ships and a invisible wall.
- Mapfix: GSC Hive and nurgle battleship map blocker fixes.
- Mapfix: Polar map crash "Too tall" error fix.
- Mapfix: Removed a map block in catacomb blocking movement pathing.
- Mapfix: Updated Deathwatch Barracks Map basement for the new player base defense.
- Mapfix: Wrong footsteps sound on a particular tile in the Slaanesh base part 2 map.
- Mapfix: Flashing pixel frame in the slaanesh stairs sprites animation cycle.
- Mapfix: Untraversable stair in the arbites precinct/prison ship.
- Mapfix: Fix for valk inq south ramp wall
- Mapfix: Fix for Sly Marbo mission spawning multiple times or as a Base.
- Mapfix: Eldar gate maps force field half working
- Mapfix: traitor guard base foot sound fix
- Mapfix: Gunshot footstep sound on jungle temple maps.
- Mapfix: fix slaanesh supply ship walk-through wall
- Mapfix: Removed cover to give clear exit from player craft on Hangar maps.
- Sprinting disabled on enemy armors to increase balance compatibility with Brutal AI (which would otherwise default to sprinting at half TU cost).
- Fix for Frag mortar impact damage bug.
- Under the hood: Fix for ufopaedia item misses type_id attribute.
- Under the hood: Fix nonexisting conflicts.
- Inquisition Radical Road access to vault item.
- Eldar codex palette fix for a couple of codex images from vanilla 40k.
- Space Marine Captains Armor cape will no longer disappear when looking in certain directions.
- Some Chaos Paths didn´t get access to the research that allows them to use chaos-tainted weapons.
- Disappearing troops in the default valkyrie spawn.
- Player Iron Guard weren't using the existing Iron Guard sprite sheet.
- Arbites pilot armor custom armor preview icon corrected, was using commissar preview icon.
- Added category and mid-tier requirement to the Arbites LE10 armor upgrade recipe
- Scion Volleygun Reload not working; Minor Refactor for Munition Reloads.
- Text String added: STR_ORK_AIR_PATROL_RETALIATION: "Ork Air Patrol and Retaliation"
- Testlists given text strings.

- OXCE 8.0 compatibility preparations. Deletion of white spaces and some syntax changes to shorten load times.
- Advanced Turret System code refactor by Filip. May cause some issues for saved games where you may need to rebuy turrets. The new system no longer allows cross-craft compatible turrets, so you need to buy turrets for your specific craft.
- 40+ New Chaos related background art images added.
-Condensed Live Capture Items for Chaos Enemies
Adds file Ruleset/ALLFACTIONS/prisoner_captures.rul that defines new grouped live capture items and assigns the majority of chaos units a liveAlien entry to recover one of these at the end of battle. Existing research topics relating to live captures have been directed to the research topics for these items where applicable.
All manufacturing recipes (Adeptas, Radical Recruitment, Convince Chaos, Chamber Militant Radical, and Chamber Militant Heretical) have been redone completely to use these items and greatly condensed in terms of total entries. Where possible without adding new soldier types, some units that were as lower tier units have been given improved recruitment (Such as chaos terminators). Some new manufacturing categories have been introduced to help the player flip through them, as a chaos path player might have access to a LOT of recruitment recipes even with the categories being condensed.
Iron Servitor and Iron Maiden servitors each condensed into one recipe that does not rely on a prisoner, but does still rely on Iron Warrior Servitor Research via the Warsmith or contacting the iron guard.
- Added a new enemy weaponSets reference system for semi-randomization of enemy loadouts through weighted pre-made weaponSets, function introduced in OXCE 7.15. This will allow us to have fewer unit types (for research, codex articles etc) while still offering more variety in enemy encounters.

- Most thrown grenades have impact detonation enabled.

- Integrated Filips Remaining TU check vision mode. Press alt to see color coded which of your units still has TU left.
- Scion Hellguns and Volleyguns given the red laser treatment.  Lasgun SFX Adjustment; Added Lasgun Impact Sound.
- Added Poxwalker Corpse Floor Sprite
- Khorne terminator inventory sprite updated, minor pixel fixing for the helmet.
- New Khorne Bloodletter inventory, battlesprite, corpsesprites and sword art by Brenshar.
- New Khorne Flying Daemon inventory art using Brenshars new inventory sprite.
- Slaanesh Behemoth Commander given new purple+face inventory and battlesprite to make it easier to identify as a Commander unit.
- Nurgle surface base update for more variety in visuals.
- Catachan veteran sprite tweaks
- Art assets for Plaguetoads tongue and spit.
- Chaos Hell(gun)weapons Updated with new VFX+SFX.
- Added armor previews for Chaos Marine/Terminator/Chaos Sister armors accessible to the player. All player chaos armors should now have custom armor previews distinct from loyalist ones.

- Added several new map blocks to Traitor Guard Bases. Basic Bunker Facility, COM/Sat Centre tower, Barracks facility, missile silo, flak tower, sandbag pillboxes and gun towers.

- Combat Servitor Program research made available with Apothecary Bay as a prerequisite, meaning all factions will be able to access it during mid tier. Combat Servitors include Heavy Bolter, Melta Missile launcher and Heavy Plasma versions, gated behind appropriate research requirements.

- Access to Webber pistols and Heavy Webbers.

- Ogryn training cap for strength raised from 60 to 70. Should be enough to hold a ripper gun+wear carapace.
- Added Mounted Heavy Lascannon Unit as a late game wheeled unit.
- Added Penitent Beastmen (Available to Guard Strategy and Abhuman Strategy). Penitent Beastmen are now the default penitents for the abhuman strategy.
- Scion armors now have heat vision values.
- Scion Hellguns and Volleyguns Now Use Munitions (Thanks to Beagle and Mercury for New Sound and Art Assets)
- Expanded Munition System to Remaining Scion Armors (for the armors with infinite ammo, you'll need to recharge/cooldown those guns).
- Infiltrator able units now also nullify psivision while infiltrated.
- Added Remote Det Explosive Satchels. Earlier alternative to melta bombs. HE and Krak versions.
- Traitor Catachan soldier rank update, loadout update
- Finalizes Officer Tag Scripts; Boneheads, Commissars and Commissar Lords Now Count as Officers
- Updated Officer Requisites
- Hybrid Stubber + 20 weight to be closer to Assault stubber in weight. Also gave it 40mm krak grenade compatibility.
- Added Ufopaedia Entries for Individual Mortar Rounds
- Kriegsmen stats updated to be more in line with regular guardsmen (+their bravery and melee bonus).

- Inq Medicae Energy Shield Removed; Inq Stormies Can Get Inq Rosarius that grants energy shield.
- Radical Road now have a high tier tech gate and gets to use tainted weapons at mid tier.
- The penitent beastmen are now integrated with Radical Road and Radical Recruitment recruitment recipes.
- Deathwatch can now build defense corridors for bases.

- AI Ultramarine Cataphractii can now appear on the chaos-shrine drop pod missions. Their loadouts have been updated to stormbolters and powerfists, or heavy plasma.
- Added Primaris Executor Rifle (Thanks to Theron for Ammo Sprites).

- UNITS: Slaanesh Behemoth Commander version front and side armor buffed. Resistance vs AP and flamers improved. Removed from some race lists and now only sohw up in the commander slot.
- UNITS: Slaanesh Behemoth (non-commander) version added, lower armor, HP and resistances. Added to some Slaanesh CSM+ and Mixed CSM list Terrorist unit slots. The Behemoth is a Slaaneshified Centurion. Uses the old art, but given a new codex art to set it apart.
- UNITS: Added Brimstone (yellow) Horrors. Smallest, angriest horrors you'll ever find. Lights things on fire. Small AoE explosion. Rework of Horror spawning-on-death. Art by Brenshar.
- UNITS: Added Exalted Flamers of Tzeentch with art by Brenshar. They are pink and slightly tougher than the old Flamers and appear in later game lists. The standard blue Flamer are now "lesser" daemons, lose 20 HP and 20% resistance vs lascannons and plasma, and instead of the stronger melta attack they have the gleaming one scatter weapon at higher tech-progression levels, early Tzeentch lists slightly easier as a result.
- UNITS: Added KHARN the Betrayer, art by Theron.
- UNITS: New Khorne Exalted Bloodletter "Bloodreaper" leader with art assets by Brenshar, mixed into late game Khorne lists.
- UNITS: New Black Legion Saturnine and Cataphractii Terminators added to relevant lists.
- UNITS: New undivided Chaos Cultists by Theron, derived from the Chaos Path submod units. Mixed into existing cult lists, replacing some khornate cultists, especially in nightlords and iron warrior lists. Also mingles with deserters. Their dedicated Undivided chaos cult list has also been added to mission rotation, subplanting some occurances of the Khornate cult.
- UNITS: New Undivided Cultists include several variant of units and armor upgrade system, including cult leaders/witches, precursor CSM "scouts" and Ogryn types.
- UNITS: Added new undivided Chaos Marine Aspirants and Chaos Legionaires, these can be encountered in many undivided lists. The Aspirants represent CSM in training (or wannabes), armed with shotguns, light bolters and grenades they're a somewhat formidable midgame threat at close ranges. They'll appear with Black Legion, Iron Warriors, Night lords and Alpha Legion lists as well.
- UNITS: Added new undivided enemy chaos legion sorcerers and terminator, they'll be appearing in existing lists.
- UNITS: Nurgle Lesser Rotfly added.
- Added AI Frateris Militia and Frateris Militia Veterans to the captured units capable of being recruited by chaos players.
- There is now a properly gated way to convert units into Heretic Sisters available.

- Termagants added, ranged Fleshborer and Devourer variants, by Brenshar. Tyranid racelist updated, and they can also appear in Space hulks.
- Tyranid Warriors added to tyranid lists, by Brenshar.

« on: October 21, 2024, 09:48:21 pm »

New stuff in 2.8 and beyond.

« on: October 21, 2024, 09:35:51 pm »
ROSIGMA 2.8 is now live and available on the

ROSIGMA Update 2.8:

- Added back the 2 Missing slots with the new green Guard Chimeras from main 40k mod.
- Guard Dig-In ability now Prevents Dodging.
- HeatVision values dropped to 40-50% max for performance reasons. Little/no gameplay effect due to how HeatVision works.
- Space Hulk special dungeon will now not disappear on retreating.
- Sprite sheet updates to some terminator sheets with short leg syndrome.
- Ork bike battlesprite floating pixel fix when driving in certain directions.
- Scare grenades updated to not damage tiles and terrain.

- Frag grenades power updated to 80 from 70.
- Terminator armor resist to lascannons lowered by 10%.
- Handheld Heavy Weapons Apply Reaction Penalties While Not Kneeling
- Added 25-50% Reaction Penalty to More Heavy Weapons. Adeptas Throne Missile Launcher and heavy bolters, sniper weapons and one-use disposable rocket launchers. Helpful for not blasting your own men with a reaction shot.
- Eldar armor and resistances (vs AP) buffed slightly.
- Chaos Heavy Stubber buffed, longer effective range accuracy.
- Ogryn devotion values buffed.
- Chaos Blight Grenades (STR_ALIEN_GRENADES) rejigged to be more of a HE grenade, power 90.
- Light Bolter Enforcer updated with double tap burst fire; specialized in overwatch and mid-range fighting. Ranges and TU costs updated.
- Light Bolter Locke now has 4 shot autofire instead of 3 shots.
- Lascarbine Accatran now has autofire.
- Ripper Shotgun drop off in accuracy increased 5->6 per tile
- Voss Mini Lascarbine drop off in accuracy increased 5->6 per tile.

- New automatic Soldier Prefixes by Contributoris Mackeroni. Note: For soldiers that can promote with armor you may need to do some manual updating of the prefix.

- Lasgun should now fire ze red lasers instead of blue pew pew.
- New Hormagaunt inventory sprite by Brenshar.

- Improved Player Base Defense maps (Surrealistik), expanded basement and spawn spots. There's a submod to grab if you want a stronger basement (or 6).
- Therons new Catachan Autumn and forest map tilesets for special missions, new terror missions added.
- Gothic and outpost mcd and urban24 map fixes for some LOS and hitbox issues.
- Updated bugged stair that couldn´t be used, in the large Arbites/GSC ship map (Suppression Palace).
- Space Hulk level 5 spawns updated.
- Added some holes to the HIVE map to allow reinforcement spawned GSC to get out, and the player to win those missions without applying melta to every structure.

- New Medicae Kit and Stim injector items. Stim costs 1 HP, 25 MORALE and +25 STUN to use, for +50 energy.

- Added Therons Catachan Jungle Fighter Guardsmen and special missions. Survivors can be recruited and small numbers can arrive through events once certain conditions are met.
- Catachans have stronger statlines than guardsmen and a special stealth trait when deploying, but limited armor upgrades. Catachan Fighters that obtained a Veteran commendation can be promoted to Catachan Veterans. Catachan Veterans that have obtained a Crux Terminator commendation can be promoted to Catachan Officers. Catachans have 1x20% chance to dodge a incoming attack per turn.
- Added Traitor Catachans/Jungle Fighters. Several unit types with different loadouts.
- Added Special Marbo mission chain. Are you Sly enough to obtain the secret Marbo?

- Lucius Heavy Lasgun for Krieg veterans (Grenadiers) buffed. Increased damage to 70 up from 65 and doubled the cooling rate. POWER SHOT! now does 60% more damage for 4 heat instead of 30% more damage for 2 heat. Renamed Maximal shot.

- Added new Scion armors (pixel art by Kris). Heavy versions of the stormtrooper armor for troopers and officers for the late game (ceramite tier+master crafting), as well as a Scion Jump armor (mid-tier + jump armor related research). All the new armors are manufactured.
For stats they have slightly improved armor values (+10/+25), in particular sides and rear armor, as well as 10% better resistance values for standard (AP), INCendiary, HE, ACID and melee.  The jump armor has somewhat lower armor values than the ground versions, but the same improved resistances.
The armors do not have integrated stormtrooper weapon (hellgun) alternatives, as they are meant for late game special equipment (master-crafted/plasma/grav etc weapons). The ground armors can DIG IN.
- Scion troopers can now get the personal shield upgrade.

- New Ultramarine Cataphractii armor added by Theron. More on assembling it in the future. There's also some friendly AI units that can appear with this armor on certain missions.

- Lowered primaris lvl 5 armor promotion cost by a thousand tokens.
- Primaris Arsenal Expanded. Bolter and Plasma weapons. Art by Filip + Ashtroboy.
- Volkite Serpentis, Caliver and Charger. Uses updated OXCE particle effects. Art by Ashtroboy.
- Primaris expanded arsenal expansion.
Primaris Weapons tiers and research gating
Tier 0 (starting):
- 1 unscoped carbine [Basically a standard Astartes Boltgun, specced for 2x snapshot/shorter range rapid fire combat. Cheap TU Snap/Autofire. Some ammo upgrade potential after adamantium/mid-tier/MC ammo research to keep the gun relevant]

Tier 1 (unlocked pre mid-tier):
- Scoped Occulus carbine [Scoped Carbine can be locked behind the motion sensor for the better optics] [Standard mid-range boltgun]
- Cawl standard Bolter [Kraken Ammo behind Adamantium] [DMR type Boltgun]
- Heavy Bolt Pistol  [Unlocked after researching Adamantium Better AP Kraken Ammo gating]

Tier 2 (mid-tier+ gated):
- Heavy Bolt Rifle [DMR role, packs a paunch like a heavy bolter or sniper rifle]
- Assault Bolter
- Fancier Absolvor Heavy Bolt Pistol [comparable to the 40mm stub cannon sidearm guard gets]
- Melta Rifle [A beefier version of the Conversion/Harmonic Beamer melta - a melta lascannon]
- Exterminator Plasma gun

Tier 3 (Ceramite tier gated):
- Executor Heavy Bolt Rifle with special sauce ammo [Competing with Heavy Gravis inbuilt Autocannons]
- any Mastercrafted versions of previous Bolters / MC Ammo types for compatible weapons 
- Heavy/Assault Incinerator Plasma
[Plasma weapons gating behind Chaos Dekker/Heavy Plasmas]
[Special Ammo types behind high tier master-crafting]
[Cawl/Primaris Plasma do not suffer overheating, supposedly more rapid fire and better than normal plasma, so somewhere inbetween those and the MC Plasmas if we want to avoid having to make Golden Primaris Plasma weapons]

- Higher Aggressiveness values for mainly Evil Sunz (red) Orks to get them into proper krumpin' range. Slightly higher values for some other Orks as well.
Coding:- Heavy Lascannon Orks 2x2 (Kris)
Coding: - Implement New Kommando Nobz unit (Xom)

- Genestealer Primarch and Broodlords added (by Theron). These big boys are dangerous, killing them causes morale issues for GSC units.
- Carnifex stats updated and buffed. Used to be very close to vanilla values, which made them quite squishy. Armor buffed 20 points, resistance to AP buffed 10% and health set to 600 from 340.

- Slaanesh Sonic weapons buffed.
- STR_SLAANESH_CORRUPTING_TOUCH now has a reaction bonus.
- Nurgle Toads tongue now more powerful at licking.
- Nurgle Poxburster new battlesprite and corpse sprite by Theron, will now stand out from the other zombie types.
- New Nurgle Cataphractii Blightlord Terminator by Theron. Added to very late game Nurgle lists.
- New Nurgle Saturnine Deathshroud Terminator by Theron. Added to very late game Nurgle lists.
- New Black Legion Cataphractii Terminator by Theron.
- New Nightlords Cataphractii Terminator by Theron.
- New Alpha Legion Indomitus Terminator by Theron.
- New Alpha Legion CSM Squad Leader by Theron added.
- More new Elite Chaos lists added and terminators concentrated (mostly) there to make fewer terminators early/mid game happen.

« on: July 29, 2024, 08:39:06 pm »
ROSIGMA 2.7A is now live and available on the


Works with OXCE 7.12 and 7.13. 40k mod v038.

- The Minimod collection (by Theron): Allows you to tweak difficulty with a dozen options.
- Space Marine Tweaks (by CoolHandTeezyGreasy/Darox): Tougher Space Marines, geneseed and some additional toys.
- New World Map (new final base codex+location, change of mission zones), by Lecatac (may need some updating to work again).

- Jetpack Bug Fix
- Steel Legion final mission crashes.
- AL Purge repeating event glitch fix.
- Fixed some visuals that were bugged on some chaos ship maps.
- Fixed some Gorgon tile issues.
- Corrected to index 1040 handsprite for SL hellgun.
- Fixes Minor Sprite Bug With Combiplasma
- Corrected Nurgling and Rotbearer height values (too high vs too low), will affect hitbox.

- Increase Token Cost for Hologram grenades from 2 to 5.
- Reduced spawn-ins during phase 2 of the final mission for Marines, Sisters and Chamber Militant to compensate for some of the new units and abilities Chaos gets.
- Grav Weapons Ignore Resistance Typing and Scale More With Armor.

- Overwatch trait added to some Khorne units.
- Overheating Plasma now Ignites Wielder
- Melting Plasma Weapon Now Deals Heavy Damage to Wielder

- Nurgle Chaos Base updated with new nurgly graphics by Theron, Nurgle no longer room-mate with Khorne.
- The final level of the special Space Hulk is now destroy-the-objective instead of kill-them-all & you can now retreat from level 1-4.
- Armory Facility for base defense map updated.
- Mind Shield Base Facility Update: Now Has Basement/Attic Entrance/Exit
- Com Center Updated to New Map Standard; Minor Pathing/Map Updates
- Base Defense Facility Updated With Extra Ingress/Exit
- Library Facility Map Updated
- Adamantine Forge Map Updated

- New Inventory and Battlesprites for Scions (Kris)
- New smaller bigobs for six Steel Legion lasguns to better fit the scale of other lasguns.
- Updated armor column soldier spawn order to first spawn on interior tile slots and then tank riders.
- Soldier type GUARDSL can now wear carapace.

- Tweaked stat values for Chaos God Specific Craft Traits.
Several new late game race lists added for the 4 gods, containing some new units:
- Alpha Legion Cataphractii Terminators (by Theron)
- Khorne Terminators (by Theron)
- Khorne Dreadnought Berserker (by Brenshar), a new 2x2 sized dreadnought that appear in Khorne lists.
- Slaanesh Cataphractii Terminators (by Theron)
- Tzeentch Terminators and Saturnine Terminators (byTheron)
Expect these to pop up around month 10-12.
- Added Tzeentch Soulreaper Inferno Ammo for autocannons.
- Added Doombolt Spell for Undivided Sorcerers
- Added Nurgle Lesser and Greater Plague Toads, art by Brenshar. Found in early and cult lists, these hopping menaces have long reaching tongues and spit attacks. High HP, low armor, they are weak to INC fire damage but resistant to AP, HE, ACID and MELEE.

- Necron Wound Rate Reduced + Melta Vulnerability Added

« on: June 16, 2024, 04:51:12 pm »
ROSIGMA 2.7 is now live and available on the

ROSIGMA 2.7 Notes:


Heads Up:
- Requires 40k version 038.
- GUARD: If you got an ongoing pre2.7 save with Guard and have a normal Valkyrie/Crassus/Gorgon the save might crash upon entering the baseUI. This is due to an update to those craft code entries in rosigma to get around limitations to submodding in OXCE. 

- Some Regen fixes.
- Some Melee Scaling fixes.
- ASTARTES: Devastators now have their big backpacks again, if they were missing.
- Replaced some faulty Player Frateris death sounds
- Implemented a method to restrict Perils of the Warp checks per turn to prevent instant warpification by using big AoE items (like the buff/smoke tomes).
- Crash fix for missing Nurgle Interception craft alienDeployment data.
- Corrected Webber ammo (Dark Mass) manufacturing cost from 20 ceramite to 10 promethium.
- Various other minor fixes and tweaks.

- Updated some more items (primarily ammo) armor values to 200 to prevent item pile disintegration from stray Tzeentch shenanigans.
- Grav weapon stats standardization.
- Melee weapon stats updates and standardization efforts.
- Smite Buffed: 10 Energy instead of 25 to use, stun damage reduced from 10 to 5 for using it. Damage bonus from user psi ability. Ignores armor, maxRange 20.
- Changed spawned/turned enemy units TU to 15% default instead of 25%, to prevent them using snap fire and possibly causing some conga line issues.
- Made Mastercrafted Stormbolter ammo available for manufacture for factions that aren't Greyknights, after ceramite and mastercrafting is reasearched.
- Standardized Order Max Range at 7.
- Orbital Beacon reactions doubled to counter the 2xPistol reaction bonus on enemies. Also given 1x100% chance to dodge if shot at.

- Integrated Therons excellent Ancient Space Hulk dungeon work. This includes 4 new space hulk map set themes and several new genestealer variants. Leflair has built a couple dozen, or forty, map blocks based on the tilesets, Surrealistik got in on it too and before you knew it we had a [lot] of maps.
- You'll encounter new music tracks per map based on the old space hulk games.
- The special space hulk will appear once certain conditions are met. Either discovered by the player (through destroying genestealer related bases) or from world events. There's several ways to trigger it, and once the Hulk appears on the geoscape it will not time out nor disappear if you evacuate from it.
- Archeotech Lootbox:
If you manage to complete the Ancient Hulk-Dungeon you get an "Ancient Vault" item.
You need to research the corresponding topic and then you can open it in the related manufacture "Opening Ancient Vault" and you get an ancient set of power armor, unique per faction, including Arbites, based on the LE10 Power Armor).

- ARMOR: New Bloody Rose variant of the Elohim, stats towards melee. New inventory art.
- TRANSPORT: Added 2xSkull Probes for the Corvus, these can be used for scouting and to draw some reaction fire on turn 1.
- TRANSPORT: Added 2xAssault Cannon turrets to the front of the Corvus.
- TRANSPORT: Added Inquisition Valkyrie variant with a new paintjob and slightly tuned up engines. Replaces Guard Valkyrie for this faction.
- SFX: Added more motivational deathsounds to the Servo Skulls.
- CODEX: Removed requirements for some sister armors, that articles were unavailable despite fulfilling the requirements.
- ARMOR: Updated requirements for Celestian and Sacresant armor types, they are now dependent on Armory of Faith, Master Crafting and Ceramite.
- ARMOR: Deathcult Assassin melee bonus restored to +20, ranged bonus nerfed a bit further to -20 from -10.
- ARMOR: Removed inbuilt Skull Probes. A little too strong when massed.


- Personal Shield and Bionics projects now available to Judges.
- New Justicar Power Armor, if you can recover the LE10 armor from the new deep Space Hulk location.

- BANEBLADE: New craft with 40k 038. Increased speed from 75 to 150. Gun turrets updated and beefed up.
- BALANCE: Added Scaling to Officer Melee Weapons.
- BALANCE: Added a Mortar Marker, whch delays the mortar strike by a turn. Mortar ammo cost lowered as compensation.
- RESEARCH: Moved airstrike research to starting unlocks for Scions/Elite Strategy Guard.
- RESEARCH: Carapace armor research unlocked by Scions/Elite Strategy.
- ARMOR: Scions can now use the Elysian jump armor and Harakoni Warhawk jump armor, research reqs unlocked with strategy.
- ARMOR: Felinid regular sensor armor vision stats lowered to soft cap 40/40 from 45/45.
- START: Elite Strategy IG (Scions) now gets:
1xValkyrie Grav Drop token
1xTauros Grav Drop token
6x Elysian Jump armors
6x Accatran Lasguns
2x Accatran Missile Launchers
2x Accatran Bolters.
In their starting package. They lose the normal Valkyrie Token. They get 1 more craft token than they have hangar space, so you'll need to pick what to deploy first.
- CODEX: Crassus codex article requirement given mid-tier to match research access (previously high-tier).
- ART: New Kris-made Commissar spritework for normal and carapace versions, battlesprites/floorob/bigob/inventory art.

- Added the mechanized Steel Legion of Armageddon as a guard Strategy, with excellent sprite art by Kris.
- Design wise they are a little more streamlined than the default strategy, with more skilled starting troops and a focus on ground craft. Their ground vehicles have a speed bonus.
They lack some air options lack grav drop Valkyries. 
Steel Legion has better range on their autofire (codex doctrine armoured fist and mount up!).
They have 10-30% ACID resistance better than standard Guard, to represent their toxic world origin and sealed equipment.
- For Abhuman support options they have the Squats (Ratlings may come in the future) but lack Felinids, Beastguard and Ogryn (Ogryn bodyguards may be added in some more limited form later).
Includes: Soldier types and armors (officer, medic, vox, carapace etc), custom Sentinels (with some ACID resistance).
- Steel Legion arsenal of guns, low/mid-tier voss variant lasguns (scoped) and carbines (bayonet), hellguns and volleyguns, missile & grenade launchers, heavy flamer, new chainsword and powerfist. Some weapons appear at mid-tier or after researching ceramite.
- End game armor: Steel Legion Stormtrooper armor (replaces Guard void/power armor). They have better resistance vs ACID damage type.
- Steel Legion variant mounted guns, HB, Lascannon and Autocannon. Purchased as normal, shows SL skins when used by SL guardsmen.
- Steel Legion versions of Chimera convoy, and Leman Rus convoys with and without tank rider slots. Their go-to high end Leman Rus is the Executioner (plasma). They get early access to the non-tankrider version of the Leman Rus convoy in early tier after researching adamantium.
- Steel Legion convoys containing Chimeras get a ~20% discount to purchase price and upkeep cost.
- Steel Legion Lightning and Thunderbolt interceptors (re-skins). They are more expensive as a downside to the SL ground focus and boons (cost, speed and armor boons).
- Steel Legion Crassus and Gorgon variants (re-skins). They have the Steel Legion boon to speed.

- ARMOR: Heatvision for Advanced Scout Armor
- ARMOR: Buffed Armor Resistances of Officer+ (includes Techmarines, Librarians etc) Power Armor and Terminator Armors by 10-20%.
- ARMOR: Buffed Armor Resistances for Primaris.
- TRANSPORT: Updated the speed of the Chapter Army Craft to 250 instead of 20.
- TRANSPORT: Gave the Chapter Army Craft heavy bolter sponsons, turned the Rhinos into Razerbacks (turrets) and added some recon capability (2 skull probes) to the Landspeeder.
- TRANSPORT: Added 4 tiles and 4 additional slots (total of 30 instead of 26) to the Chapter Army Craft for support and 2x2 units (Dreadnoughts). Can't really restrict specific tiles to specific unit types, so place them however you want in the Craft Preview.
- TRANSPORT: Moved item pile to the back of the Landraider for the Chapter Army Craft to save it from explosions.
- TRANSPORT: Added 8 ground tiles and slots to the Landspeeder craft (14->22) with additional space for Support units (servitors) and HWPs.
- TRANSPORT: Guard Valkyrie no longer available for Space Marines.
- SPONSONS: Buffed armor of the Thunderhawk/Landraider heavy bolter sponsons so they can survive a bit longer.
- FINAL MISSION: Buff damage, armor and health for the Vindicator cannon. Damage roll updated to 50-200% to always do some damage.
- BANNER: Space Marine Banner is now AoE again.
- Crozius damage bonus from psiSkill. Power range drop off set to 20, 5 points of power reduction per tile after.
- Smoke spell now modified by user psychic ability.

CHAMBER MILITANT (and friends):
- Immunity to the Perils of the Warp added to armors.
- Deathwatch Armor Resistances buffed.
- ARMOR: New Grey Knight and Deathwatch Saturnine bases terminator armors can be acquired from the Ancient Hulk loot.
- TRANSPORT: 2x Skull Probes for the Corvus.
- TRANSPORT: Added 2xAssault Cannon turrets to the front of the Corvus.
- TRANSPORT: Added Inquisition Valkyrie variant with a new paintjob and slightly tuned up engines. Replaces Guard Valkyrie for this faction.

- Blood Ravens Space Marines can now appear to assist the player, if playing a non-space marine faction, after fulfilling certain requirements. THREAT_ONE required, and reseaching the chapel helps. One event with a 5% chance of firing per month for 1 veteran Blood Raven, and one event with a higher chance of firing once the chapel has been built for 4 Blood Raven Marines.
- The Blood Raven marines are tactical marines, with slightly higher psi ability stat rolls (but lower devotion).

- Reduced effective range of Nurgle Midwife/Daemonette spit and spray, and max number of spits per turn.
- Made the Nurgle Elite final list somewhat harder, the engineer slot can now spawn a blessed deathguard that transforms instead of just havocs, medic slot nurgle sisters/daemonettes removed and replaced with more Deathguard spewers and Terminators, the navigator slot will now also spawn a nurgle assassin 33% of the time, the soldier slot will now spawn a few normal deathguards (fewer terminators) but also maybe an nurgle blighted assassin, the terrorist slots will spawn more Blight Haulers.
- Nurgle Blightbearer assassins now tougher, higher firing/melee accuracy and unbreakable. Will now toss a Plaguebearer spawner first instead of a Nurgling spawner. Nurgling spawner replaced with another blight grenade. Will snipe outside of LOS more often (90% instead of 50% of attacks).
- Nurgle Cult Leaders will now attack outside of LOS 75% instead of 50% of times.
- Chaos Gravgun now has less accuracy drop off (6->5) and 5% higher snap accuracy (70% instead of 65%). No longer capped at 24 maxRange but instead have 2 power drop off after 18 tiles.
- Nurgle AOE Gravgun now has less accuracy drop off (10->5) and 10% higher snap accuracy (55% instead of 45%). No longer capped at 20 maxRange but instead have 2 power drop off after 16 tiles.
- Nurgle Gravcannon  now has less accuracy drop off (7->4), powerRangeThreshold: 14 and powerRangeReduction: 0.25 changed to    powerRangeThreshold: 25 powerRangeReduction: 2 (no power reduction until 25 tiles out). MaxRange 25 changed to AimRange 25 (can now fire further than 25 tiles). minRange set to 5.
- Nurgle Gravgun now has less accuracy drop off (10->6), power drops off after 14 tiles.
- Nurgle Gravpistol now has less accuracy drop off (7->6) but removed aimed fire mode. Accuracy drop off begins after 14 tiles. Power drop off starts after 16 tiles.
- Nurgle Needler rifle changed from 5 accuracy drop off to 2 drop off per tile, and accuracy increased from 80% to 110%, aimRange increased to 30 from 25. So you'll now be hit and infected pretty much every time it fires. Added 100% energy and stun damage to it. Damage bonus increased from 30% to 40% (scales with accuracy). minRange set to 7 (less accurate closer than 7 tiles).
- Nurgle Autopistol given 10% nurgle infection damage.
- Changed daemonette armors spawn TU to 5% from 10% to prevent them getting a melee attack off when they spawn.
- Changed ranged daemon spells to flatRate: false from true.
- Reduced toItem damage for several Tzeentch spells that was previously set to 500%.
- Reduced some morale damage from 800-1000% to 500% or lower for some tzeentch spells.
- Slightly increased armor effectiveness from 50% to 60% vs some chaos spells (tzeentch).
- Changed some daemon melee attacks accuracyMultiplier to meleeMultiplier (you'll probably not notice anything).
- Reduced effective range of Mr Crabby's tzeentch spray attack.
- Increased Tu cost of Pink Horrors standard spell by 5 points. Can no longer aim fire twice a turn, or snap fire 5 times a turn. Snap fire drop off range begins at 15 tiles instead of 18 and 26 tiles.
- Created a STR_SLAANESH_LATE race list for month 10+ Slaanesh missions and bases, containing more Slaanesh Marines and other nasties.
- Iron Guard given a custom Battlesprite sheet and corpse sprite with pixels done by Sboven.


- HP Normalization for Necrons
- VFX/SFX: Necron Flayed Ones melee attack graphics and sound effects updated.
- MAP/BASE: Necron Tomb 2x 20x20 Map Block Additions: Stasis Chamber Array, Security Room.

« on: April 29, 2024, 09:36:33 am »
The Daemonette sound files are from a combination of Diablo 1 (death sounds) and Marvel vs Capcom/Deathstalkers (You've Been Naughty).

Simi822: The Judges/Arbites are on the ToDoList, but those ideas are in line with that. Will take a look.

40k / Re: Sharing Is Caring (Contributions)
« on: April 13, 2024, 04:32:29 pm »
Cool concepts, perhaps we'll finally have both types of Hrud to cause maximum confusion  :D

« on: April 10, 2024, 05:30:33 pm »
Melta, lascannon, plasma, power (melee) weapons or even chainswords should do it.

« on: April 05, 2024, 09:44:35 pm »
Unless we bump into some critical bugs, the next update will focus on some more new content.

Available via the discord already: New World Map (new final base codex+location, change of mission zones), by Lecatac.

A few things in the WIP pipe (not promising all will make it into the next update).
    -Blood Ravens Space Marines (event reinforcements, mission recruitment, soldier+armor type). Art by Chaotic Tabris/Leflair.
    -Primaris Arsenal Expanded. Bolter and Plasma weapons. Art by Filip + Ashtroboy.
    -Combi-Plasma (Ettykitty) Code draft done.
    -Volkite Weaponry: Volkite Serpentis, Caliver and Charger, dependent on next version of OXCE. Art by Ashtroboy.
    -CHAMBER Strategy Split by Filip. Fleshed out GreyKnights with added Power Armor Aegis soldiers. Later, a Inq Stormtrooper Killteam Strategy. (4-5 Strategies).
    -Assets partially done: Space Wolves Strategy, assets by Chaotic Tabris
    -Assets partially done: Guard Rattlings - ChaoticTabris
    -Assets partially done: Nurgle Toads - Brenshar
    -Assets partially done: Penal Legion (Flak) Chemdogs - StarSquid.
    -Assets partially done: New Commissar Inventory art variants by Kris.
    -Assets partially done: Steel Legion for Guard, art by Kris.
    -Tzeentch Sorcerer on Disc 2x2
    -Orky Multimelta
    -Expanded Necron Base Map variety

« on: April 05, 2024, 09:33:31 pm »
2.6A is now available on Usual place.
Works with 40k037.2 (hotfixes)

Contains a bunch of map fixes, some from issues with 037 and others that have been reported previously but not tracked down until now.

ROSIGMA 2.6A Notes:

The Ork containment unit have been repaired. Nothing to see here citizens.

- MAP: Fix for tzeentch ship 06B and 06C.MAP glitchy walls/floors.
- MAP: Fix for Stormraven entry tiles.
- MAP: Fix Orkbase Height and GSC Base Ship Deployment without access paths (in city maps).
- MAP: Minor map gen fixes for bombardment provided by two crafts and deserter hideout.
- MAP: Revert Tauros Map to 40k036 type.
- MAP: Revert CH and CHI1-5.PCK to 40k036 type due to missing tile type in 037, reverted to old 07 and 07B.MAP battleships, this would cause missing tiles, walls and wrong colors in some larger ships.
- MAP: Morbid Graveship Fixes
- MAP: Updated mapScript for Droppods and fix GSC base ship tiles for accessibility in some rare cases.
- PRICING: Dominion adamantium price corrected from 2 to 20.
- Fixes Instances of Units Surviving Self-Destruct
- Corrected Assaultcannon, MC stormbolter and some other bolters have armor value 200 (very hard to be destroyed on the ground).
- Swap Catacombs mission text string to STR_CATACOMBS_MONTHLY_MISSION_TITLE
- Fixes Melee (damage type) bypassing Not Working Vs Self-Destruct Units;
- Sounds: Gave AI Imperials/Adeptas correct death sounds.
- Allow medikits to "heal" troops which cannot bleed (certain Deathwatch chapters).
- Certain hostile Eldar now use Eldar craft UFO rather than Imperial ones.
- Handflamer ammo now available if you can buy the weapon (Assault Marines, Inquisition).
- IG Support Tanks don't care about the advanced turret system (which would previously cause some issues if you didn't bring spare leman russ turrets).
- MISSION: Disabled broken STR_GENE_INFILTRATION with inherited values from vanilla.
- CRAFT:  Disabled STR_CORVUS_TOKEN with conflicting values.
- Fix for broken Gretchin graphics.

- Rebalances Power Knuckles, Knives and Power Fists.
- Chainsword and MC Chainsword Retooled to Have Scaling
- Decoder Outposts now also provide provideBaseFunc: HANGAR + IMPERIUM
- 40k037 added turrets updated to rosigma standard.
- Added Falloff to Officer's Sword, energy cost in %.
- Added Damage Scaling to More Melee Weapons.

- Elohim bolters and Seraphim boltguns will now be available to Novice Strategy after researching mid-tier, along with the ammo manufacturing.

- Bayonet energy cost set to 2 points per use.

- Added a Teleporter Script, experiment with a new Assault Terminator Teleporter unit.
- Buffed the Assault Bike. Tougher frontal armor, and dodge, plus a little cheaper RAM attack that does 20% more damage.
- Terminator unit types can now turn to chaos if you go down that path.
- Advanced Drop Pods now have stormbolter turrets too.

- Raptor armor updated to work like other jump packs.

- Clean up playable Chaos Armors with more standardized stats, which also gives Impact Shock resistance to them for drop pods.

- Added Brenshars Necron Flayers.

- Buffed some of the NPC units. The specific unit is REDACTED for your safety.
- AI Frateris and Sister death sounds changed to more suitable noises.

« on: March 15, 2024, 01:43:06 pm »
Likely due to OXCE 7.12 updates enabling spawning of singular craft without using a token system.
Will take a look, the corvus token can likely be removed from the radical road research.

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