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Messages - DrakenJ35

Pages: [1]
Work In Progress / Re: I have found a way to make new cutscenes!
« on: March 31, 2020, 08:05:21 pm »
That sounds great man, I'll try and see if I can come up with something that looks good as well! Right now, I'm stuck with a massive insurance estimation for some real estate in Cannes, but by Saturday, I should be done with it and will have time for ambitious projects at home.

Open Feedback / Re: How OpenXCom developed?
« on: March 31, 2020, 06:51:55 pm »
Thanks for the explanations, that's quite interesting to hear about how this was all developed! I guess it's the same for many old games that were brought back to life by fans?

THanks, it fixed the issue for me as well!

Open Feedback / Re: Destroying Radar Bases
« on: March 30, 2020, 10:07:50 am »
+1 on the small base, I used to do gigantic sprawling bases, until I noticed how hard to defend they were, especially when your defense line is broken and when the aliens are inside of "the wire", wreaking havoc. I now go for minimalistic designs and it's become much better!

Pages: [1]