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Messages - Grober Nitho

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OXCE Support / Re: Alien side
« on: November 08, 2023, 11:01:58 pm »
Problem with underwater animation and sound still not solved, have some unfinished section, What not completted section simply phisical work and not a real problem, just need time, but right now there are things that are more important to me to be resolved. After slved all problems will working further the stopped sections. Have a chance still contain some tresh, becouse not cleaned up yet totally, but not causing problem in funcianaliity. No more fatal errors in mod, and game not colapse, but few action become extra long time action, one terror site become nearly 4 hours in real life's time. I think this make too much hostil units. Have 25 if I good recall. Iím bad recalled. Have 50 hostile units. 10 tanks and 40 soldiers in terror, but few civilians which represent agent hwo need your help, realli not want them your help, they helping for you. :D IÍm lookin again, searching which files not want, but not found, so have only few comments in  rul files, before publishing will deletting coments from files which not need.

OXCE Support / Re: Alien side
« on: March 31, 2023, 03:12:08 am »
I did say this is it will behave this way :>

We can limit scope of this "insanity" be checking who hit who, one way is to add tags to items to allow script to filter when should be do transformation.

I check source code and see that `damageSpecialUnit` do not have sibling hook that is linked to item, and we can't put this script easily on it.
I think I will add in next release of OXCE new hook `damageSpecialUnitAmmo` that will be called when given "bullet" hit unit.

Interesting like vanilla game, the mind controlled Chryss can't making zombi, just kill the victim. And mind controlled Zombie take undercontroll another zombie with kill, or other unit making zombie under player controll. So this is good working, just not working how I want. The Chryssalids can't making zombie.

OXCE Support / Re: Alien side
« on: March 31, 2023, 02:21:32 am »
You do not combine them as each is called in different moment, `createUnit` is called when game create any unit, and my `damageSpecialUnit` is called when any unit get hit.
If you mean to simply have both in one file, then you need follow standard yaml rules, effect would look like:

Code: [Select]
        - offset: 1
          code: |
            var ptr RuleArmor armorRuleSet;
            var int faction;
            var text armor_type;
            var int fulltu;
            unit.getRuleArmor armorRuleSet;
            armorRuleSet.getType armor_type;
            unit.getFaction faction;
            if eq faction 0;
              if eq armor_type "ZOMBIE_ARMOR";
                debug_log "Turn " turn ", setting Friendly spawnunit for new faction " faction " unit, Armor type " armor_type;
                unit.setSpawnUnitFaction 0;
                debug_log "Turn " turn ", Giving new friendly Zombie full TUs";
                unit.getTimeUnitsMax fulltu;
                unit.setTimeUnits fulltu;
              if eq armor_type "STR_CHRYSSALID_ARMOR_B_UC";
                debug_log "Turn " turn ", Giving new friendly Chryssalid full TUs";
                unit.getTimeUnitsMax fulltu;
                unit.setTimeUnits fulltu;
      - offset: 13
        code: |
          if gt health_damage 0;
            var ptr RuleUnit zombie;
            var int faction;
            attacker.getFaction faction;
            rules.getRuleUnit zombie "STR_ZOMBIE";
            unit.setSpawnUnit zombie;
            unit.setSpawnUnitInstantRespawn 1;
            unit.setSpawnUnitFaction faction;
            # disable defualt transforamtion
            set transform_chance 0;

It works, but again something is wrong. Regardless of what the murder weapon was, the dead unit turns into a zombie. Who's in control? The one who created it. :D If a civilian kills an X-com agent, the X-com agent becomes a zombie, even though the murder weapon was a plasma. Zombies are controlled by civilians. If the X-com agent kills a civilian with any weapon, the civilian turns into a Zombie and is ruled by the X-com. If the player's agent kills an X-com agent, or a civilian, or kills his own unit with whatever weapon, it also becomes a Zombie and is still controlled by the player, If the Zombie is killed nothing happens, only the side that killed it takes control of it, but if you stun the Zombie, it will release a Chryss, but who will control it is not clear even to me. Now understand stunning. If stun zombie, the new Chryss controlled who controlled stunned Zombie. :D Not understand why become zombie all dead units.

OXCE Support / Re: Alien side
« on: March 31, 2023, 01:20:13 am »
I main using both two in one file. Actually in end of armors.rul file. And trying with zombieUnit. I am curious to see what effect it will have.

OXCE Support / Re: Alien side
« on: March 31, 2023, 12:58:49 am »
For example of functionality I had in mind.
In this mode not see how help for me. But I'll try latter.

OXCE Support / Re: Alien side
« on: March 31, 2023, 12:54:17 am »
Code: [Select]
        - offset: 1
          code: |
            var ptr RuleArmor armorRuleSet;
            var int faction;
            var text armor_type;
            var int fulltu;
            unit.getRuleArmor armorRuleSet;
            armorRuleSet.getType armor_type;
            unit.getFaction faction;
            if eq faction 0;
              if eq armor_type "ZOMBIE_ARMOR";
                debug_log "Turn " turn ", setting Friendly spawnunit for new faction " faction " unit, Armor type " armor_type;
                unit.setSpawnUnitFaction 0;
                debug_log "Turn " turn ", Giving new friendly Zombie full TUs";
                unit.getTimeUnitsMax fulltu;
                unit.setTimeUnits fulltu;
              if eq armor_type "STR_CHRYSSALID_ARMOR_B_UC";
                debug_log "Turn " turn ", Giving new friendly Chryssalid full TUs";
                unit.getTimeUnitsMax fulltu;
                unit.setTimeUnits fulltu;

Thanks. I have copied the scripted one, but I don't know how to combine it with the one from Skyhawk to make it work. These two together might solve my problem. But if I put it together wrong, the mode won't work either.

OXCE Support / Re: Alien side
« on: March 30, 2023, 09:43:30 pm »
Based on what you say this? Whole point of exposing zombification to y-scripts was to allow for changing faction of spawned zombi.
Can you help me for that? I'm not programmer, the y-script is not my experience. The spawn unit was simply without y-script, but zombie unit not know how possible making that.

OXCE Support / Re: Alien side
« on: March 30, 2023, 08:01:48 pm »
I have an alternative solution to the problem. Use the **spawnUnit** command instead of **zombieUnit**, but I need some information about the **zombieImmune** command, what it does exactly, and how to make it so that all armor is knocked over by the Chryss except the armor that is immune to it and the victim dies instantly from the first hit regardless of the armor. This guarantees that a unit will never be more than one zombie.

OXCE Support / Re: Alien side
« on: March 28, 2023, 11:47:19 pm »
spawnUnit: STR_ZOMBIE
    spawnUnitFaction: 0
This form works fine, it does about what I want it to do, but it does it wrong.
zombieUnit: STR_ZOMBIE
    spawnUnitFaction: 0
This one does perfectly what I would expect from the previous one, but my problem with this form is that the zombie becomes hostile. Well I should make the zombie not be hostile, but unfortunately I'm stupid for scripts.

OXCE Support / Re: Alien side
« on: March 28, 2023, 09:40:42 pm »
Essentially I want to make minimal changes to the game, but stay as close to the vanilla version as possible. The primary goal is not to make a unit more than one zombie, so the unlucky unit should die the first one hit by the Chryssalid, the tank should die too, but it should not be a zombie. Is the zombieImmun a good solution in case the zombieUnit doesn't work out after all? The secondary goal is to not only make the weapon not work underwater, which I told the game could only be used in land actions, but also to make the units that are banned underwater not be able to move.

OXCE Support / Re: Alien side
« on: March 28, 2023, 08:00:03 pm »
I cannot access Discord.

Please upload somewhere else... you can also just attach a zip file here on the forum.
I hope will work. But this is the spawnUnit version with little fixing. The other way is making hostile zombies and after die the hostil zombie become hostil Chrys.

OXCE Support / Re: Alien side
« on: March 28, 2023, 05:37:54 pm »
Can we get a link to download the mod and a test save to debug the issues?

No, there is no classic ruleset attribute for that, zombies always spawn as hostile.

I see there is a Y-script method to be able to change the zombie faction, but I don't think it is usable in this context... maybe Yankes can clarify.
The game doesn't crash. With the help of Skyhawk, it was managed to make the new Chryssalid created after the zombie's death be friendly in addition to the "spawnUnit:" command. The zombie will be friendly by default. It is true that the Chrysalid created after the zombie's death will lose its ability to control the mind or cause panic, because it will be of the "Unit" category and not of the "Soldier" category, and the ability to use the weapon built into the armor will be taken away. Also thanks to Skyhawk, as soon as the new unit is created, it can be used immediately, and you don't have to wait for the next turn. In any case, I am attaching a zip file, you don't need a saved game, any impromptu battle will do, but according to the basic rules of the mode, it is mandatory that the battle be on land, because the Chrysalid cannot exist underwater, its weaponry does not work. I would have liked not only the weapon to be unusable underwater, but also the unit itself to become completely unusable underwater, but this is one of those things that I couldn't solve. In addition, there are no projectile animations, and there are no stun gun animations either, the sounds have not been put back in yet, I haven't gotten there yet, but the sounds are finally there. This will work roughly the way I want it to. But it would be nice if there was a way to prevent the tank from becoming a zombie, and all other weapons would be destroyed immediately, regardless of the strength of the armor, and only 1 zombie would be created instead. However, there is one exception, armor that is specially developed against Chryssalid attacks, it is immune to it from the start and works well.

OXCE Support / Alien side
« on: March 28, 2023, 05:08:58 am »
There is a little snag with Chryssalids. If I use **zombieUnit:** it creates an enemy zombie, and after the zombie dies it becomes an enemy Chryssalid, but it works fine. The Chrissalid is under the control of the player, like all other aliens. This is the alien side. If I use **spawnUnit:** then everything is fine except that it creates a new zombie after every attack, it also hits the tank 3 times before destroying it once, but it creates 2 zombies from the tank. Sometimes it also creates 2-3 zombies from the unit before it kills it.
**spawnUnitFaction: 0**- this pairs well with **spawnUnit**. Does **zombieUnit** happen to have a similar counterpart?

Incorrect loftemps index. Tftd has only 114, you're trying to access the 119th or 120th.
Success found what made the problem. Deletted loftemps.dat from terrains folder and problem was solved, not occures again _M_range error. Have some other problem, which not can solving. The enemy tanks are vanilla tanks, but not show turrets, those complettly missing. Not know how can fix it. Not caus fatal eror, and not caus error, but not looks normally. If using an player tank, everything is fine.

OpenXcom has crashed: vector::_M_range_check: __n (which is 1919) >= this->size() (which is 1824)
This is the only bug I can't handle. It appears at completely random intervals. It is completely independent of any activity and I have no idea what could be causing it. The mode I work is hybrid mode. It appeared more often during the underwater missions than the land missions, but now it also occurs during the land missions, but the problem is not present with the Geoscape, it only occurs during the missions. Aliendeployments.rul, on the other hand, does not contain anything that could be a problem.

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