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Messages - Multiheaded

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XPiratez / Re: A thread for little questions
« on: May 25, 2018, 02:38:13 pm »
How the hell do I fight the ghosts in the island mission? No voodoo available quite yet. Would a Neural Whip work, dealing mind damage?

Guild Engineers usually carry wrenches, from what I've seen.

Where do I get a heavy freighter flight plan? It's required to research Activities:Commercial (-> Plastasteel Forging) but there didn't seem to be one in the 2 heavy freighters that I've caught so far (0.99J)

Edit: never mind, found it in the third one... I guess it might have been getting torn to shreds either by the crash, or by my liberal use of room-clearing explosives, hehehe.

XPiratez / Re: A thread for little questions
« on: May 11, 2018, 05:31:32 pm »
Yeah, managing space is a colossal pain in the ass. On that note, being able to automatically ship some of the post-battle loot to auxiliary bases and/or recurring shipments (every X days) would make managing their production/maintenance easier.

XPiratez / Re: Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - 0.99H3 - 4 Dec - 4 Elemelokk'Narrs
« on: December 04, 2017, 10:03:44 pm »
Finished Bounty Hunt Prizes for the 3 basic customers

Does.... does that mean we can get Saya to join yet?  :-X

XPiratez / Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - 0.99H2 - 28 Oct - Born To Be Wild
« on: November 06, 2017, 08:19:49 pm »
More people giving out more chainsaw good stuff makes sense.
Personally my only issue atm is ore requirements for nukes. Scrap metal is common enough, and ore makes scrap. So why can't scrap make ore to make into illegal uranium. In terms of balance it does make some sense though.

Ironically, it was really hard for me to get Raiders back in 99.B2, but ore seems fairly abundant. Not only the big green civvie ships carry it, but the 3 floor small round ones as well (Guild and Gov't), and I think there can also some free ore on hilly maps?

I am in March 2061 now and I keep like 20 units in the main hideout as a reserve (I didn't even know it'll be usable in nukes later on, just seemed like compact scrap metal storage) and sell the rest.

XPiratez / Re: Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - 0.99H2 - 28 Oct - Born To Be Wild
« on: November 06, 2017, 12:08:04 am »
Like I'm saying, it's not a big mechanical problem, as even if you don't get raider UFOs/pogroms, their topic is on Experiment Victims' rather short list among other sources. It's just something that doesn't make sense story-wise; can't a Guild/Academy engineer just give you all the steps for the mechanical tools they routinely use?

XPiratez / Re: Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - 0.99H2 - 28 Oct - Born To Be Wild
« on: November 05, 2017, 07:20:10 pm »
One of the early-game keystone techs has a really nonsensical requirement; you need 'Raiders' for 'Chainsaw Good' -> 'Power Tools' - plastasteel etc.

That's not really onerous gameplay-wise - Experiment Victims now give it (a recent change?), among other captives - but why the hell is that a dependency in the first place? Shouldn't it be more logical to pick up 'Power Tools' from something engineers or laborers share with you, and *then* figure out chainsaws/auto-axes as a special case?

"Oh damn, Capt'n, only these primitive wandering raider bands can invent a choppy BRRRRR, and we ain't heard much about them, so all that fancy Guild stuff ain't getting built!"

XPiratez / Re: Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - 0.99H2 - 28 Oct - Born To Be Wild
« on: October 30, 2017, 09:10:07 pm »
Dioxine, you're freaking incredible, man. Your mod deserves to be in a strategy/RPG hall of fame. It's immensely better than most paid games nowdays.

XPiratez / Re: A thread for little questions
« on: October 11, 2017, 09:03:32 pm »
Many vessels will land somewhere eventually, depending on their mission type - an Academy survey mission or a Raider, well, raid are gonna land, a trade freighter won't.

Try shadowing with faster vessels and/or buying the Aircar if you come across a light gun for it somewhere (2x25mm or better).

Civillian-type Small/V. Small shipping can be shot down even with an aircar given a decent pilot. Avoid anything bigger than that until you have dedicated combat craft. If you have a Seagull Launcher and really need tech/materials from shipping, you can use it on an Airspeeder; just make sure not to send it close up at ramming speed, it's too fragile!

...oh, wait, and are you sure you know how to actually make time pass when an air combat is set to 'shadow'? Click the minimize icon in the upper left of the combat window! It'll collapse the window and actually let the Geoscape clock advance and the enemy fly around/continue to its destination. Same as in vanilla X-Com.

OXCE Support / Re: [Brainstorming] Pilots
« on: May 25, 2017, 01:57:24 pm »
Hi, I'm a bit of a military history fan, and let me tell y'all: while military pilots might not "panic" at the first hint of danger, they still hesitate, get nervous, make wrong calls in the moment or simply feel it's better not to die right now. This is ubiquitous in air warfare; true aces with nerves of steel are rare (and often don't live long).

Seconding the idea of pilots' morale coming into play when facing heavy fire. Not sure if a separate bravery gauge is doable, but a chance to forcibly disengaged on damage, reduced accuracy and slower approach speed/maybe even falling back to a longer range are definitely realistic consequences if the pilots fail a morale check.

I think it'd still be pretty relevant as a year 2 tech. A lot of weak Guild and Church units still around, Humanist activists/light infantry, etc. Also bandits and ratmen, which have been very annoying wastes of time for me.

(Giving the drone 50% piercing resist but 150+% laser/plasma vulnerability would make balancing its use easier, I guess; just explain it with something like exposed circuitry. And make it a small/very small target; hard to hit for a G.O. with a revolver, or a ratman with a flintlock, but terribly vulnerable to e.g. an assault laser.)

Maybe a 'Pacification Drone': flying, lightly armored (and expensive to manufacture, so there's more reason not to take it on higher-risk missions), with a morale-blasting loudspeaker attack ("SURRENDER, YE SCURVY DOGS") and a moderate-strength short range taser (not guaranteed to leave targets alive). Oh, and painted an intimidating red, with a pirate banner hanging from it.

This mod is seriously one of the best games I've ever tried. I am loving everything, the scope, the endless variety, the pulp sci-fi world.

Now a few random suggestions:

- Overly frustrating research gates. The 'implosion bomb launcher -> gravity physics' issue is mentioned above (am only just getting to that point in my playthrough; my plan to get around that is making two 4-hangar bases and ambushing a battleship with an expendable airspeeder swarm before sending in my main force). But there's also the nonsensical requirement to get 'Chainsaw Good' from a RAIDER for 'Basic Engineering' (at least in .F5), and I got no raiders at all within the first year. Actually had to buy a raider boss prisoner for that. How is that necessary? It's just chainsaws! At least make them possible to get from laborers and Guild people.

- As said above, maybe some tweaks to AI, namely making it less eager to shoot point-blank in light of the CQC shooting change. Also nerfing indirect fire a little, if AI can't exploit that + if it'd be too powerful in enemy hands.

- A random idea for an auxiliary unit/tank, for both the player and the enemy: something heavily armored but with an exposed weapon system on the front. It could be extremely strong when shooting and then turning its rear plate, but would naturally be very vulnerable to reaction shots. (Limit the weapon's range to make that more of a factor.)

- Perhaps more 'faction deals'/diplomacy research; that's very fun. An alliance with the Raiders, making the governments mad. A possibility to double-cross the Eurosyndicate (proposed by the governments or the mutants) and attack their headquarters. Contacting a disgruntled Osiron commander and protecting him while he hijacks an Academy ship and defects. For the endgame of the bounty hunt system, getting a contract for an infamous smuggler captain, freezing him in a stasis pod and delivering him to a mutant leader (hehehe, yes),... then mediating their feud and getting the smuggler's buddies to ally with your network.

- Better mop-up tools for zero-risk missions that you still feel like losing out for ignoring. Say, an armor that's *extremely* vulnerable but has penetrating AoE morale-nuking attacks (loudspeakers? war drums?) to get very weak enemies to surrender quickly instead of going through every apartment/room on a map. Or something like that. (i know the TK projector kind of works, but would like to see more tools for faster mop-up maybe)

- Variants of existing power armor with hardwired systems; perhaps one suit with both hands taken, and several with one hand free. That would be closer to what I feel such ultra-heavy gear might be like; fewer situations with putting a huge cannon away and wielding a feather-light carbine. Perhaps make those hardwired systems somewhat unique, like a stunning + obscuring ion smoke launcher, or a spore-launching symbiont that stuns but heals like the Stasis Grenade, or a very inaccurate micro-rocket cannon. Tons of possibilities!

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