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Messages - georg7490

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XPiratez / Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - K2 - 2 Nov - Ice Ice Cool
« on: March 25, 2020, 10:42:32 am »
So there are big public relations consequences for doing these missions. The score malus is intended that way.
Actually, I've started\completed that 1st ES mission in about 26th of the current mounts, so I just skipped all other events to reach the payday on a start of a next mounth and you know what - everybody quite happy about me... everybody, except ES... I just did a good job for ES. :o WTF? That was the main thing that troubled my understanding.
Ok, maybe, just maybe -  I did something bad to ES previously in that mounth? I don't really remember ALL the battles in time period from the start of that mounth till that 1st ES mission on day 26th. Sometimes I can catch a random ship landed on a ground nearby, but i still don't have a decoding waves or whatever to scan some expanded information about ships (race\union, ship type, destanation or mission info). So it is possible that I caught an ES ship or even ships on the ground previously and separated them from their lives & goods, like a good pirate, but maybe I just forgot about it or didn't even mention\knew that it was ES ship this time... That theory could expain that bad ES mounth score issue.
But what if not? If that was not happened, then what? Why ES might be angree on me EVEN if I made a good job for ES and (version) did not make them suffer from me previosly?

Approaching by foot in my understanding means that the mission layout includes no ship, but you are able land nearby using a ship.
Yes... but why it started from INSIDE the whole levels of a randome building?
Well, I was surprised while few experiments on that mission about the fact, that when once I landed there on 1 of my flying ships to that mission - it started normally - as usual for that type of mission - inside the building... But why, actually?
The soldiers respawn point was not in the ships, but after "walking by foots" from the ship to the... inside the building? Srsly? Is that somekind of secret swat tactic? Why on Earth they all landed on a ship nearby, then walked by foots to the mission town and, when they entered the town - the first thing they did is entered the randome building and ocupied all levels of it including the roof? And sometimes the enemies were respawned inside the closest building to my soldier's bulding... And they start the war of buildings, high explosives throwings in windows, simetimes I've just completly destroyed that whole building and buried enemies under ruins with a rain of big booms.
I believe it is more logical to make a respawn poing on that mission type for Player's soldiers NOT INSIDE the building, but somewhere on the streets, or even before the outpost with enemy guardians on the entrance to the perimeter, or anyrhing more logically based version - anything is better than to start from inside the building I suppose.
p.s. also - any other respawn point will allow tanks.

Oh, and 1 more thing - about naked soldiers inside a tank...
I was just wandering what will happen if I'd try to take on that mission some support units, like 4*rpg-tanks, which are actually restricted for that mission, mostly just because the desidion to make a respawn point INSIDE a bulding, tanks will not fit\move inside a living\dining rooms.
I was surprised that when the mission started - all soldiers that were WEARING the armor type like 4*rpg-tanks - are respawned absolutly naked.
Ok, I see the programming logic: if the armor is restricted - then take it off, but if there is no any armor on a soldier - than apply the default skin, the defauld skin for a soldier without any armor is a NAKED BODY.
But there is no realistic logic in that gameplay desidion. That simply means that the auther of the mod wants to say to a player that all the soldiers inside all the tanks (which needs a crew\operators) in that game - are sitting inside their tanks being completly naked. Why? I still did not mention in ufopedia not a single word about a reason why on Earth all tank pilots need to be naked inside a tank to operate it. And I hope that I will never find an article about such rubish, like a try to explain in humoristical way that bug (error) like a fiture (option).
I rly suggest to redesign that organisation of "wearing" a tank as an ordinary armor.
I think it is more natural to ADD A SECOND ARMOR CLASS - assign it on a separate button somewhere near the ordinary armor button.
Also, even if it is a deep future and single pilot tanks are quite possible, I believe that the classic idea of a tank is - a collective armor. Which means that it might need more crew to controll that single tank unit: a driver, a gun aimer, a commander, or more exotic specialisations which suits to tanks of future, like a reloader which reloads a tank gun with a power of magic spells or whatever, no need in shells, just feed the reloader sourcer and bring to him fresh virgins\victims\vegitables to restore his magical powers ^_^
That way you can keep a classical armor menu and create a new aremor menu, which will allow soldiers
1st- to wear some light armor types to fit inside
2nd - to assign a soldier or even several soldiers (which are already wearing allowed\fittable\compact armor) to a single tank unit.
Also - it will allow to disembarg the tank operator\operators from any tank not only in game eqipment menu, but even on a battlefield. That would be so cool, realistic and handy, for example - when the tank will be dammaged or out of shells\energy or even tank is ok but a player will need the tank crew to leave the tank to fit\enter the building door or other small passages.

I know, I know, a lot of hard work, nobody wants it, but I belive that when you doing something rly cool, valuable, right thing - it's not a work, it is a happiness of life, right? So go and happily do it, i don't want to hear reasons why it is impossible, all is possible when you trually want it. ^_^

XPiratez / Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - K2 - 2 Nov - Ice Ice Cool
« on: March 23, 2020, 12:53:41 am »
Question 1: I've got a problem with the battle mission...

I've researced the communication with ES (EuroSindicate?). ES can now sell to me some more improoved laser guns, like HeavyLaserES, ImpulseGunES and so on. ES told me that they will require my assistance, like doing some battle missions for them, they say the first mission will be available after a mounth. When the time have come - the 1st ES mission dot appeared on the map. It is written in the mission description something like I should bring my soldiers to the mission only by walk (no ships) and 'kill all enemy units there' and all types of armor are allowed, except Tanks. Well, specially for that mission I've ordered Expedition-1 unit - it's written that it's moving by foots, like walking on the ground, I assigned about 10 soldiers "on board" and send Expedition-1 to that 1st ES mission by foots. All seems to be normal, right?

I've completed it several times by several different ways (each time loaded on a map and "landed" on different\new battle location) but in the end of the mission I've constantly got MINUSes in scores for almost EVERY actions I made.

1st string is about how many enemies got killed =42 and MINUS 1142 scores for doing that.
2nd string is about how many corpses were searced =7 and MINUS 105 scores for doing that.
3rd string is about how many hostages were taken =1 and MINUS 50 scores for doing that.
and it is MINUS 1330 in total.
What am I done wrong? Maybe it's a bug? Or a mistake in the mission description or translation?

Question 2: In classic UFO it is 6*6 buildins available to build on any base. In the XPirates mod appeared A LOT more types of buildings. I wander - is there any way to add some more space to the bases? Like to made it at least 7*7?
p.s. I can see no such option (expand the base space) available in the game. Please don't tell me how it's wrong and how you satisfied with 6*6 bases - I respect your opinion, but don't want to offtopic - I only ask you to share a method if you know\guess how to do it: like applying another mod compatible with XPirates (for classic UFO it's interesting to expant a base space too), or changing resources\files\cfg...

XPiratez / Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - K2 - 2 Nov - Ice Ice Cool
« on: February 24, 2020, 12:06:26 pm »
Instant grenades are cheaty beyond any reason.

Feel free to use them, but remember you won't be playing Piratez any more.

Yeah, yeah, sure. It's so "natural" to see if you killed the target or not - only on the next turn.... You know what? You should also make the same "very Piriate style" rule not only for grenades, but for the bullets too. Yeah, that would be so "very Pirate" experience, just make this option also locked for all players, here is how it should work (just the same as very Pirate non-instant-grenades):
1. when your soldier will fire from any weapon with any type of bullets - the bullets will fly to the enemy target and freeze around with no dammage effect to the target...
2. The player should not know (in the same turn) what dammage did his bullet made (just like non-instant-granades, right?). So the player could just guess - if the first bullet dammage was enough to kill the target or not. I repeat, the player should not see the effect of his shots, so he should fire and fire a random number of bullets, 10 shots for example, just to play a damage lottery.
3. then the player should end the turn, and only here he will see - that the enemy target was killed from the 2nd bullet and the other 8 bullets was just fired to the empty cell. That's exactly the same how non-instant-grenades works for now. The player need to throw 1-10 grenades just to pass the turn and see that the target was killed from the damage of 2nd grenade, and the other 8 grenades were just blowing the air, also destroing the loot and the dead body and any usefull stuff around...
Oh boy, I can't feel myself a Real Pirate while I still can't "enjoy the very realistic and logicaly based rule of non-instant-bullets damage". Please make such a very pirate rule and ruin the mod to a completly fuked up condition... Non-instant-granades are simply not enough for that. The player should suffer completly: non-instant-granades and non-instant-bullets should live together in this mod and must be locked for sure... Damn lockers... ^_^

XPiratez / Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - K2 - 2 Nov - Ice Ice Cool
« on: February 24, 2020, 02:20:17 am »
Please help me to edit in CFG file some options that are become uneditable in game options menu. Pls, don't tell me how it is wrong ang unholly! I know what I want and I want INSTANT GRANADES to become TRUE.
I'm editing options.cfg, saving the file (even tryed to made it ReadOnly) but this option is always getting back to it's locked value (which is False). Please help to break the lock, i need it and i know why!

Also, when I take to the mission 1 (in any soldier's slots) or more grenades which are Activated - they are starting to blow inside the inventory slots of my soldiers right after I end the very first turn... That is so stupid! I want it as it was previously - so I can bring with me to a battleground A LOT of already Activated grenades (to instant, 0 turns explision mode), and just place it one by one into a soldier's hand to trow it one by one (without a need to activate each one of it one by one, as it is for me for now, so stupid).

Please help to unlock this options. If you like it locked - fine, i don't, i'm pretty sure in it, i got my logic, pls let me play how i like!!!

XPiratez / Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - K2 - 2 Nov - Ice Ice Cool
« on: February 11, 2020, 01:54:35 am »
I'm terrebly sorry for interrupting your conversation, but could you please tell me - what was the last version of this mod where:
1. ALL options of the game were available to modify. As for now I can see that many options in main menu are locked (purple colour) and unavailable to change. Is that a joke or the diagnosis? :(
2. The attacking of a single enemy air unit on the globe view was available with multiple air crafts of a player. In K3 version I can see that the auther have made unavailable to minimize the air attck window jut to wait while other player's air craft will join the air battle with the same enemy's air unit.

That is... quite... i don't have decent words to describe my feelings about that gameplay "improvement".
3. I don't know what other bad surprises (like previous two) are waiting for me in K3 and further versions - so please suggest me the version of the mod that was normaly playable, just before the auther of this mod become crazy enough to made that kind of mistakes. Thank you very much for your kind attention. ^_^

p.s. about number 2 issue - when i started a new game I can see that there is no such a horror like on upper screenshot. I guess that's just a bug that happened because I was loaded in K3 a save file that was made in version 0.99C1. I guess they are not playable anymore in K3 version...

Released Mods / Re: [TFTD] [MODPACK] UFOnizing TFTD
« on: March 12, 2016, 09:58:01 am »
Thank you for your kind explanation, I thought the v1.0 was attached in the 1st message, also great thanks for some link fixing activity on the site and good sence of humor. But it still not downloadable for now on the site, if you like this word that much that you even renamed your mod. I clicked it several times there but both links gave me an error message, I know it's not your fault, but it is bad for your nice mod, rare user will look for the correct link on the forum. But it is downloadable here, very downloadable indeed. ^_^

Released Mods / Re: [TFTD] [MODPACK] UFOnizing TFTD
« on: March 08, 2016, 09:22:09 am »
Please attach/post the v1.2 mod here or fix the download link on the mod section of the site. It is not downloadable for now. :(

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