Instant grenades are cheaty beyond any reason.
Feel free to use them, but remember you won't be playing Piratez any more.
Yeah, yeah, sure. It's so "natural" to see if you killed the target or not - only on the next turn.... You know what? You should also make the same "very Piriate style" rule not only for grenades, but for the bullets too. Yeah, that would be so "very Pirate" experience, just make this option also locked for all players, here is how it should work (just the same as very Pirate non-instant-grenades):
1. when your soldier will fire from any weapon with any type of bullets - the bullets will fly to the enemy target and freeze around with no dammage effect to the target...
2. The player should not know (in the same turn) what dammage did his bullet made (just like non-instant-granades, right?). So the player could just guess - if the first bullet dammage was enough to kill the target or not. I repeat, the player should not see the effect of his shots, so he should fire and fire a random number of bullets, 10 shots for example, just to play a damage lottery.
3. then the player should end the turn, and only here he will see - that the enemy target was killed from the 2nd bullet and the other 8 bullets was just fired to the empty cell. That's exactly the same how non-instant-grenades works for now. The player need to throw 1-10 grenades just to pass the turn and see that the target was killed from the damage of 2nd grenade, and the other 8 grenades were just blowing the air, also destroing the loot and the dead body and any usefull stuff around...
Oh boy, I can't feel myself a Real Pirate while I still can't "enjoy the very realistic and logicaly based rule of non-instant-bullets damage". Please make such a very pirate rule and ruin the mod to a completly fuked up condition... Non-instant-granades are simply not enough for that. The player should suffer completly: non-instant-granades and non-instant-bullets should live together in this mod and must be locked for sure... Damn lockers... ^_^