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Messages - DrkPaladin

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OXCE Suggestions Abandoned / Re: Add Execution Advanced Option
« on: August 16, 2015, 03:10:26 am »
Maybe a mod that would allow us to 'prime' unconscious aliens, and then throw them across the map so that they can explode in a dramatic (but pointless) explosion.  Have it do damage based on the throwing soldier's strength and do extra damage to terrain :)

Oh, or maybe a 'kill' command for the attack dog that does damage to the tile it is standing on.

Ooh, or maybe a mod for a weapon that can be loaded with unconscious or dead aliens and then catapulted across the map.

Oooh, it doesn't even need to be a weapon, it could just be a giant wood chipper, meat grinder, or furnace that one of your soldiers carries on their back and gets loaded.  Then they get the option to 'turn the crank'.... which doesn't do anything except make some satisfying noise and get rid of whats inside.

Sorry, I've been playing alot of Piratez, so this is what came to mind.

XPiratez / Re: [TOTAL CONVERSION] Piratez Extended - 0.92 - 25 Jun
« on: August 15, 2015, 11:31:25 pm »
Looks like you need Star God Coordinator, there is usually one per base or battleship. And Cardinals indeed cannot be broken/interrogated, so you are perfectly fine on that front.

Thanks! I will give that a try.  I'll get my Suicide squad equipped and harden my heart for the missions ahead. :)

XPiratez / Re: [TOTAL CONVERSION] Piratez Extended - 0.92 - 25 Jun
« on: August 15, 2015, 09:56:57 pm »
Spoilery question regarding the end-endgame.  Very Spoilery  Seriously, don't read if you don't want spoilers.

(back story)  I've been mostly surviving by the skin of my teeth, shooting down as many sway-government missions as possible (though i've lost about half of my countries in the last couple years).  Since I've been going for so long (year 6 maybe?), I have multiple Ethereal bases across the globe and they are very very active.  So active, that missions from other factions are less common.  I interrogated two of the leaders of the major factions, except for the church.  I was pretty convinced that I would unlock the final mission after capturing the Church leader and doing an interrogation. 

I never spotted a church leader in all those in-game years, none survived the few crashes I was able to cause from larger ships and none landed, so my plan was to survive as long as possible and hope that the Church would sway a government (which I would allow) and create a base that I could raid a couple times.... this seems to have been a viable strategy... even though it took years to implement (end back story)

Anyways, to cut to the question.  After finally capturing a church leader and researching him, I unlocked the Dragon and Tesla Coil.  I didn't get an option to start crafting the interrogation of the next leader I capture.  Does the church leader work differently than the other two, is it something I will need to research multiple times instead of through interrogating?  Is there a rank above Cardinal that I somehow missed, or could I have missed a mid level interrogation from a different faction somehow?  Is this stage of the game not yet implemented?

I did also capture and research a few Guardians and Operatives, I'm not sure if there is a Rank above Operative. Or if this would also be needed. I can (with substantial losses) destroy their bases, and I definitely have enough bases to try and raid.

Anywho, awesome mod!  I might start over on a higher difficulty soon, even if I can't beat it.  I would try lots of things differently.   :) 

XPiratez / Re: [TOTAL CONVERSION] Piratez Extended - 0.92 - 25 Jun
« on: August 09, 2015, 07:03:12 pm »
I haven't posted before, but I just had to create an account to say that this mod is absolutely amazing.  Been playing a ton the last few weeks, and I love the non-linear nature of this mod.  After getting through the challenging early game, and into to the late game (4 years in).  Still occasionally finding new topics to research, and just waiting/hunting for the last couple interrogations.  Just when it seemed to be looking all downhill, the swaying local government missions have really ramped up (I assume in response to me taking on the larger craft and bases).  I'm not sure if I should respond by laying off and waiting for the right targets or by ramping up my own air game, but fun either way.

small bug report with minor spoilers
As far as bugs go, I assume that most of the mod is working as intended.  The only small bug I feel I've found is specifically in regards to the Recoiless Rifle.  After crafting my first batch of 2 or 3, I found that they disappeared from the manufacturing window.  This might have been a bug related to Extended rather than the mod though.  Luckily the ammo was still available for crafting so I was still able to put them to some use until other weapon technology surpassed them, although I only have one left due to some losses over large numbers of missions.  I'm not sure if this would happen every playthrough, but I'll make sure to craft a large batch on my next playthrough just in case. 
The very rare crash to desktops or unloadable level have all been easy to work around by reloading and checking or unchecking the 'savescum' option in the mod menu to change the seeds.
Someone else did mention small numbers of encrypted data disks, and this does seem to be my experience as well now that I'm pretty much just dealing with large craft and bases. 

Anyways, keep up the great work.  I'm looking forward to a second playthrough as soon and I finish up this first one.

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