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Messages - Allan Stark

Pages: [1]
The X-Com Files / Re: Bugs, crashes, typos & bad taste
« on: September 15, 2024, 05:47:50 am »
X-Com Files 3.4.1
OXCE 7.14
Veteran's level, no any other mods/tweaks/cheats.

Firast of all, this mod is really amazing, this is probably the best thing I've played in the last 5 years or more, it's even strange that I discovered it so late (I played the original XCom back in the late 90s).

2/10/1999 and mission "MiB Attack on a M.A.G.M.A. Base"...
Seriously? Your 6 agents can only have something like M16, taser cannon, holy beads and pepper spray vs MiB Heavy Troopers equipped super-duper alien rocket launchers with a splash on a quarter of the map.
This mission can only be completed by cheating, and the penalty for ignoring it is 1500 (!), which is approximately equal to grinding ALL missions for a month...
The same goes for MiBs attacks on your bases in 1999.
I was already forced to restart the game after two months of play, when they successively destroyed my two main bases with all their contents, and I did not yet have the technology to shoot down their dropships.
Laser technology is completely useless against MiB Shock Troopers, instead of starting the mission, you can just not bother the player and display a message about the loss of the base.
Missions to capture regular cultist bases (not HQs) also become quite funny at some point due to the looping generation of military reinforcements, my personal record is 85 killed enemies per such mission and apparently this is far from the limit.
I used mortarmen en masse (like 3-4 per such mission) and one of them managed to destroy 11 enemies in one shot.

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