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Messages - kebkeb

Pages: [1]
Inexperienced Ogres need babysitting because they recruit with bad stats, but their caps are insane. A trained ogre is basically as fast  as a gal in the same tier of armor (5 less TUs but better stamina), has the same firing/throwing skill, is much tankier, has way more energy/regen, has way more freshness , and can carry way more stuff. They don't like CQC very much because they can't protect themselves with reaction fire, but you can use them to draw out enemies (enemy types permitting) and protect them with your teammates' reaction fire, or have them serve as backline bombardment and supply carrier. In general it's hard to go wrong putting them in the most up-to-date armor and giving them some super heavy weapon like an autocannon, HGL, Heavy Flamer, Quad Launcher, AHMG, and a bunch of grenades or logistical items. At worst they'll be mediocre, run a high ammo expense, and spend a long time in the infirmary, but unless they get hit by a dangerous melee enemy or shot by a tank they should almost never die. Being almost unkillable also means they're very safe commendation stackers. Basically, by having the biggest guns, the heaviest armor, and the biggest HP pool, they deliver the most to an open firefight out of anybody in the roster for their crew slot, but due to their inflexibility they do benefit from a mixed team that can compensate their weaknesses.

Catgirls have bad strength, HP, and armor, which are arguably the best stats in the game (hence Ogres being the most competitive non-gal units in terms of performance). Cat NV and camo gimmicks can let them bully earlygame stuff hard, but that type of strength doesn't persist past like, 5 months. Basically just until spotter-sniper starts appearing.

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