Don't drink and post? 

, been mostly sober couple of years now.
People are living in the matrix. Happily playing their games, watching movies and tv. Getting drunk. Occasionally they see news about distant wars, but yeah, that does not affect my life and they are those evil terrorists again.
The thing is that it is all coming to us too. Millions, maybe even billions will die.
I challenge people to take some time and study who is pulling the strings behind the curtains. Who controls USA, the presidents have now been always the same puppets, since they assassinated Kennedy. You don't find the answers on the western main stream media. It is mostly controlled to keep the people in the matrix.
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."
We are now in this position or maybe even worse. Actually many of us are supporting these wars and the rest are playing their games and watching "tell lie vision". It must be the truth as it was on the tv.
Iraq - false evidence that Saddam had WMDs. In total chaos now just like they wanted. Did people want this?
Afghanistan - total chaos like they planned, for what? Osama hunt? Did people want this?
Arab spring - ooh spring time, that must be something good, let's bomb them. Chaos again in Libya and Egypt. Libya was one of the stablest and richest nations in Africa before this madness.
Syria Assad - lies and smear campaigns, supporting the rebels. It is now a hell on earth and it used to be quite stable before. Again they used people's emotions that the "evil" dictator must be killed.
Iran - constant propaganda that Iran is the most evil nation on earth. In reality Shias are underdogs even in the muslim world. Never attacked anybody.
Ukraine - chaos and mayhem. They supported Ukrainian nationalists with millions and now already got rid of them. False coup for the people and some puppet put in the control.
Russia - constant propaganda and smear campaigns that Putin is the new Hitler. At the same time the people behind the curtains have killed insane amounts of people with the wars and chaos they have started.
These are not just some random things that are happening. They are going for world domination. Absolute sick people, wolves dressed as sheep. "We bring you democracy, freedom, spring, civil rights and peace." Again:
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."
In reality they bring people around the world totalitarian nightmare without freedom to decide for themselves.