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Messages - shinr

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XPiratez / Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - N9 1-Jul-2024 Second Coming
« on: July 12, 2024, 06:55:52 pm »
Just downloaded the new version to replace the old one, and on my decade old PC it came to about 1-2 minutes of unpacking.

XPiratez / Re: Stuff I'd love to see in XPiratez!
« on: July 05, 2024, 05:30:22 pm »
1) as for the "defend the fort" mission i'd like a more western feeling: that is to say horse-mounted enemies instead tha APC! Better yet such mission should come in two variants, an early one with horses and a second one with the mentioned vehicle. Alongside, how about to have a western outfit for gals, paeasants and slave soldier each?

Dio said that one of the reasons for the Fort Defense is to give the early-game heavy/explosive weapons some use, so the APC have to stay regardless.

But speaking of horses and APCs...

1) Tachanka/Toyoya/Technicals as a lesser APC equivalent for other missions. For example, a Ratman Rodeo could spawn a stationary cart/wagon with a machinegun on it.

6) related to point 5) a new enemy, "bounty hunters" that hunts gals and/or bandits, might appear in some missions...

IDK, it seems that are plenty of existing enemies that can be easily slotted into the Bounty Hunter role, like the Drifters, Highwaymen and the Brigands.

XPiratez / Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - N8 28-Apr-2024 Labyrinthus Noctis
« on: June 18, 2024, 07:54:17 pm »
There is nothing preventing multiple missions from appearing in the same game second.

This happened to me recently.

A Bandit Mission spawned, so I pressed "I", clicked on the Airbus, clicked on the mission...

And it presented a choice between the Bandits and the Highway House.

I was like, "Wha?", but an in-game hour later, a belayed notification about the Highway House appeared.

I guess that game cannot show more that one mission notification at the same hour, even one-after-another.

XPiratez / Re: Brutal AI
« on: June 14, 2024, 10:56:13 am »
I can't seem to find the previous topic on it, but I remember that the answer was that X-Piratez is firmly designed around the default AI behavior, quirks and all, and will break quite a few important missions.


It is already there in place of the Debug Mode, at least in XPiratez?

XPiratez / Re: Stuff I'd love to see in XPiratez!
« on: June 01, 2024, 11:52:27 pm »
1) From my recent experience trying a few trial runs, Fort Defense could use more variety, at the very least the APC could spawn elsewhere other than near the north-eastern corner.

2) Remembering from experience from longer runs in previous versions, I would like for the Access Lift and/or Vaults to be able to house the Hunt Party and/or Expedition in case that "Differently sized Hangars that are able to house several different crafts at once in them, with a Craft dis/allowed list" code gets implemented. Or at least have them host the "Just Walk Outside You Lazy Bums-"Craft"" with very, very, very limited range but high max crew.

XPiratez / Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - N8 28-Apr-2024 Labyrinthus Noctis
« on: May 20, 2024, 08:44:59 am »

From the top of my head, the "Spy on Ninjas" project in X-Piratez could use something like this to be more "realistic":

Currently it is:
Runts "producing" the Project (probably simulating Spy support) > Random Results upon completion

With this, it can be:
Runts "produce" preparations (cheaper than above) for the Spy mission > Upon completion, a Delay Simulating the Young Uber spying on Ninjas > Random Results

You can also make sure that needed soldiers stat-wise are at the front by selecting them first when assigning crew.

XPiratez / Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - N8 28-Apr-2024 Labyrinthus Noctis
« on: May 03, 2024, 10:58:24 pm »
more ideas and personalities or what?

At very least, with a look at tech tree viewer, there is a new Test #2, with old #2 and #3 becoming #3 and #4.

A probably more annoying to implement way to show a missing 4th resource is to dynamically put the resource that you don't have enough of at the top of the list of requirements.

XPiratez / Re: Names of used music
« on: March 18, 2024, 08:06:51 am »
Sorry, don't think so.

Searched around the forum, and the best I could find were a few topics with similar questions and little to no answers.

XPiratez / Re: Names of used music
« on: March 17, 2024, 08:04:11 am »
If you enable Extended Links under Options > Advanced > Extended, you will have an Extended button replacing the Funding and Multi-Level View buttons in Geo and Battlescape respectively that open up a list of additional options (the original functions are folded into them) and one of those options is Select Music Track, which has them named.

But of course, those are quite likely either not their original names or very shortened, and some cannot be selected this way (the Black Knight 2000 theme that plays when winning races, for example.)

EDIT/ Btw, shouldn't it be XBuccaneers? I mean, we are being paid...

Privateers is a more accurate overarching term for a government-paid Pirate, though Buccaneers, Corsairs and the like are both regional variants with some cultural and/or religious quirks, and the simple synonym for Pirate.

XPiratez / Re: Stuff I'd love to see in XPiratez!
« on: March 09, 2024, 07:41:29 am »
Maybe it was said before or it can't be done per engine limitations, but.... It would be nice to have idle runts to add some ship repair time reduced.

Edit: Typo

It would be easier to make some facilities to give passive bonuses to Craft repair times, and probably make it so that there are diminishing returns or that it only uses the highest bonus, and for that same bonus not apply fully to low-hp crafts to prevent instant repairs, for balance purposes.

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