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Messages - sirmik

Pages: [1]
The X-Com Files / project roadmap?
« on: July 11, 2024, 03:52:39 pm »
Is there a project roadmap and what is planned for its future? In many posts, Solarius Scorch writes that "something" is being planned and "ideas" are being developed, but could this be compiled in one place? I’m asking out of curiosity and also because I’m considering a new campaign, but on the other hand, I’m wondering if I should wait a bit longer as something might come up that could significantly change the game (as in some earlier versions) or if the changes in the coming months will be more cosmetic and you simply plan to add some new enrichment content?"

Nooooo! Don't change that, it's the whole charm of the game and... realism. Just think for a moment - in movies alone, how many times are there ambushes on agents, cops rushing to the scene? Besides, you guys are like cultists, seeing that flying in with a roar (big propellers, lots of dust) is the big Xcom vehicle that previously killed so many of your buddies, what do you do? You pull out your guns and wait for those bastards to come out so you can shoot them, once they step out of that metal bird;) Realism!"

The X-Com Files / Re: The X-Com Files - 3.0: Beyond Human
« on: July 28, 2023, 11:48:44 am »

Hmm... aggressive retaliation option? I'm running out of ideas here.

same problem, maybe this will help?

  - "month: 22 script: afterYearResearch id: 380 type: STR_ALIEN_RESEARCH_EARLY race: STR_SECTOID region: STR_PACIFIC targetZone: -1 targetArea: -1"
  - "month: 22 script: recurringRetaliation id: 381 type: STR_SENTRY_RETALIATION race: STR_MUTON region: STR_NORTH_AFRICA targetZone: -1 targetArea: -1"

  - "gameTime: 1998-10-05 15:00:00 ufoId: 44 ufoType: STR_SMALL_SCOUT race: STR_MUTON region: STR_NORTH_AFRICA trajectory: P8 missionId: 381 missionType: STR_SENTRY_RETALIATION"
  - "gameTime: 1998-10-05 23:30:00 siteId: 10 siteType: STR_DEAD_CATTLE race: STR_FARMER region: STR_SOUTH_EAST_ASIA deployment: STR_DEAD_CATTLE missionId: 394 missionType: STR_DEAD_CATTLE"
  - "gameTime: 1998-10-07 13:30:00 ufoId: 45 ufoType: STR_MEDIUM_GROUND_CONVOY race: STR_ZSRR region: STR_SIBERIA trajectory: P_CHWC1_Z3 missionId: 379 missionType: STR_CULT_INFILTRATION_ZSRR"
  - "gameTime: 1998-10-07 21:30:00 ufoId: 46 ufoType: STR_SENTRY_SHIP race: STR_MUTON region: STR_NORTH_AFRICA trajectory: __RETALIATION_ASSAULT_RUN missionId: 381 missionType: STR_SENTRY_RETALIATION"

and before that, only two UFOs with the Secdoids crew on it...

The X-Com Files / Re: The X-Com Files - 3.0: Beyond Human
« on: July 27, 2023, 01:11:47 pm »
Yes, they won't prevent other soldiers from taking their stuff if they share it.

No, it's not normal. Either you managed to shoot down a Muton UFO (I don't really believe this, but hey, strange things happen) or you are using some submod which does such things.

I have the same problem. Before the invasion (middle of 98), the "sentry ship" attack as I checked in the save code. Then in the first months of 99 another two - one base lost. Maybe it's a submod issue ( XCom Files Arsenal Additions)? I don't use any other than the recommended resound

The X-Com Files / Re: Bugs, crashes, typos & bad taste
« on: July 21, 2023, 12:25:21 pm »
something is wrong with muton sprites, they miss the top as it turns around... By the way, attack on the base in the middle of '98? shit!

The X-Com Files / Re: Idea - not all soldiers skill cap are equal
« on: July 12, 2023, 03:41:56 pm »
jeeee! Kozinsky big THX!


Does anyone know how this works with version 3.0?

The X-Com Files / Idea - not all soldiers skill cap are equal
« on: July 03, 2023, 01:46:02 pm »
I've been playing X-com files for some time (earlier as an 8-year-old on Amiga 1200 in the 90's original - thanks for adding music from those times!;), but I have one problem with the game. repeatability of soldiers...

After some time and some training during the mission, everyone turns into the same super soldier with almost twin stats (even with transformations and medals, unless I'm missing something). The initial phase is perfect - you can see the differences in the "skills" You can even give them characters in RPG way (eg Mathias is a born sniper and Stephan is a former boxer who excels in hand-to-hand combat). Then everything flattens out...

I was looking for a solution (maybe you know another?) And I found a very interesting mod:

in short, it modifies the soldier's skill caps limit in an unexpected way (by default, it can be 20 less or more), but in fact, until you reach it, you don't know what it is like. This actually makes for some super soldiers in "something" and gives them more... humanity (omen nomem). I'm trying to add it to x-com files but fail. Is anyone willing to help? Or to be added to the base game. I know that it would change and make the balance difficult, but on the other hand, it's a two-way deal. Some soldiers just wouldn't have a knack for certain things, and some...

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