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Messages - Retroactive

Pages: [1]
Yeah comparing it to higher tier gear was a mistake on my part  :P, but still that freshness drain is crazy high, several turns into a shot down terror ship and that gal was already at half maximum freshness.

I don't see how you can use rev on any extended operation without becoming a hardcore smoker (which cost lots of hitpoints) or spamming pillow books (high TU's and stun damage).

I just hope rev's upgrade (brute armor) doesn't have quite as much freshness drain.

Isn't the freshness drain on revenant armor a little over the top? Its even more than the blitz and ironman superhero armors!

And it isn't even particularly strong to justify it like with the latter 2 armors.

XPiratez / Re: Bugs & Crash Reports #F42 Cyra Avatar/Party Dress crash
« on: October 11, 2020, 10:27:41 am »
After investigating the crash some more I found that Avatar #F42 Cyra (the one with cyan hair and a robotic right eye) caused the crash when you use it with party dress and then try and view the gal in the equipment screen.

And this makes the game crash even when not on the mission.

The gal I was trying to select during the party mission.

XPiratez / Re: Bugs & Crash Reports - Gal Party Equipment Screen Crash
« on: October 11, 2020, 04:13:53 am »
Hello, I'm getting a crash on the equipment screen for the "Gal Party" mission when attempting to shuffle through my gals, as soon as I try to go past "Echo Helga".

Steps to reproduce crash:

1. Go to equipment screen and try to go past "Echo Helga".

Playing on the latest version  L4 "Mad Melee Massacre".

No mods, on davy jones difficulty.

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