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Messages - Juju Dredd

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Programming / Re: New graphical option: Black bands to keep aspect ratio
« on: December 02, 2013, 06:11:30 pm »
Sorry for bump, but I wanted to ask about something

Will there be an option to clear the black bands every frame? If you've got the Steam overlay going then you get a HOM effect on the black bands where notification boxes persist

Otherwise, it works great! (except for the option not being in the in-game Advanced Options)

It's me who is sorry, I have no time at the moment...
The way letterboxing is done will be completely redone.

Currently, it adds black bands after picture is enlarged. If you read the topic, another method has been given by redv, but I had no time to develop it so far because it requires some work. It consist in adding black bands before enlarging picture, it should solve your problem.

I do agree with that idea.

But I do! And I lose funding nations anyway...

This is surely pure luck.
I also always shot down infiltration scout as soon as I see them, and yet I lose council members.

Programming / Re: New graphical option: Black bands to keep aspect ratio
« on: October 05, 2013, 05:46:08 pm »
Okay. I compare what I have done with Redv's proposition:

Juju Dredd, I looked your code. I think simplest way to do what you want, just add ten strings to screen.cpp:
Code: [Select]
void Screen::setResolution(int width, int height)
if (Options::getBool("keepAspect"))
if (!_fullscreen && width * 200 / height < 320)
width = 320 * height / 200;
BASE_WIDTH = BASE_HEIGHT * width / height;

if (BASE_WIDTH & 1)
++BASE_WIDTH; https:// shouldn't be odd


This code does exactly what you need.

The way I was doing it is  changing the scaling so it uses only part of the window. It was rather simple but it has two drawbacks:
- it is impossible to draw the mouse cursor in the black bands. Or cursor should be drawn after scaling the picture. This would be wrong because cursor would not be scaled, as a purist I would hate that.
- not-opengl scaling should be reworked, because I am currently doing it using a supplementary buffer for adding the black band which is obviously not efficient. The problem is it seems to me unnecessarily complex to update not-opengl scaling.

The way Redv propose to do it is rather different, it is adding black bands before scaling the picture. Mouse cursor is then automatically drawn in black bands and not-opengl scaling doesn't need any update. The problem is it has other impacts I have mentioned there.

After examining Redv's proposition, I started to think using it as a base was a lot simpler than trying to improve mine.

So what I plan to do is doing another branch which rollbacks my previous one and then implement Redv's proposition. Do you agree with this?

Programming / Re: New graphical option: Black bands to keep aspect ratio
« on: October 05, 2013, 01:02:30 pm »

I don't understand. I received an automatic message from Github, and according to the link inside it somebody has merged my branch. But I thought you told me the way I was doing it was wrong. It was rather clear to me that you would refuse the branch...

Programming / Re: New graphical option: Black bands to keep aspect ratio
« on: September 10, 2013, 01:03:15 am »
@juju dredd: what hurts? the huge screenshots? I'm sorry, but scaling them down wouldn't really make sense in this context, I'd think.

No, the grey band, it looks rather ugly...

Programming / Re: New graphical option: Black bands to keep aspect ratio
« on: September 10, 2013, 12:02:38 am »
It hurts a bit...

Programming / Re: New graphical option: Black bands to keep aspect ratio
« on: September 08, 2013, 01:20:51 pm »
Yes, BattleScape and GeoScape specially designed for maintain wide screens.

If you have interest about solution this problem, this branch changes absolute coordinates to relative:

But, in my opinion, maintain wide screen is much more important.
I like, how looks the game on wide screen)

I have tried setting the base X resoltion to 356 to see it. Geoscape is just ugly: the background and buttons are moved to the right, letting appear a wide black band on the left, and if you zoom once the globe exceed the black band. I don't understand the way it has been done. If you really wanted to do it this way, you should have changed the background picture to make it wider.

Programming / Re: New graphical option: Black bands to keep aspect ratio
« on: September 07, 2013, 05:56:31 pm »
Does the way you made it permit the cursor to enter the black bands without turning invisible?

Programming / Re: New graphical option: Black bands to keep aspect ratio
« on: September 05, 2013, 07:18:45 pm »
Yes, BattleScape and GeoScape specially designed for maintain wide screens.

If you have interest about solution this problem, this branch changes absolute coordinates to relative:

But, in my opinion, maintain wide screen is much more important.
I like, how looks the game on wide screen)

Is this branch going to be merged in the main one?
If it is, this means I should wait this before implementing letter boxing.

Troubleshooting / Re: Problem to use Bug Tracker
« on: September 04, 2013, 07:44:54 pm »
OKay, but I did that to save some disk space...
Text files do compress well.

Troubleshooting / Re: Problem to use Bug Tracker
« on: September 03, 2013, 11:56:43 pm »
I succeed attaching the file after removing it from the archive. Does that mean we can't attach 7-zip archives in the bug tracker?

Programming / Re: New graphical option: Black bands to keep aspect ratio
« on: September 03, 2013, 09:32:42 pm »
My sample of code does letterbox for screen. Is this what you need?

I have tried your code. It seems to work but it is not really...
In most screens (battlescape, geoscape, introduction) the image is put on the left, it is ugly.
Change the size multiple times after the game start, and you are doomed.
Not speaking you consider there are only wide screens (I love my 5/4 secondary screen and play most games with it), and why the hell should fullscreen mode not be letterboxed if the user wish it?

I must admit your idea is a good base: this method handle mouse cursor very well. Increasing the size of the screen before enlarging it is probably the only way to draw the cursor in the black bands. But your ten lines of code are not enough at all.

For GeoScape, I have tried using centerAllSurfaces(), but the globe does not like this. It's better using an offset for the surface, globe, and each button.
With Battlescape, centerAllSurfaces() works better, but the scrolling with mouse cursor does not function, it seems to uses coordinates relatives to the window rather than relative to the shown screen.

Suggestions / Re: Transfer loot from sites
« on: September 02, 2013, 11:15:33 pm »
I thought about this, too, but somebody objected (rightfully) that this would increase the micro-management to a point where it would probably become tedious.

that's why I think it should be as simple as possible, hence my proposal from before. :)

I totally agree with that.  X-com is a well-balanced game between management and action, if you change that it will be bad.

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