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Messages - Delian

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 28
The point is, they're not craft you can reliably get in the early to mid game (unless you start in those countries). The same way you can't reliably get BATTLE CAB. Researching craft and craft weapons takes too much time, which is why the best research path for interceptors is simply GUNWAGON -> LITTLE BIRD -> AIR SPEEDER/PIRANHA -> Codex craft


DAREDEVIL is an IRON TRIBE-specific craft. Same with FAUST being a BLACKMARCH-specific craft.

Should've gone for GUNWAGON + Nitro Booster first. Anyway, Little Bird comes with its own gun (and you get 200 ammo from researching Explore Tunnels and We Need Craft Weapons, more from bandit craft), so it's fine for a while as an interceptor. The next step is reaching Rank: Rogue. This will cause Megapol patrols to start spawning. They often land, allowing you to capture their crafts and weapons. You can put these weapons on AIRCAR or AIRSPEEDER which you can buy after researching Contacts: Car Thieves (it also needs Rank: Rogue).

XPiratez / Re: A thread for little questions
« on: October 11, 2024, 12:40:50 am »
The "usual" ubers (Hand, Warrior, Veteran) have a base salary. But Lunatics do not. So that's the main benefit of this type of uber. As you say, and as the Lunatic article says, "They are a bit stronger than common Ubers". Which implies they all should have that trait, yet recruited Castaway Girls don't have it. I think you should report it as a visual bug in the bug report thread.

I don't remember if recruiting castaway gals ever gave them the said trait. I checked L7 and N5.2.1, and neither have that.

One possible suggestion that you could make would be to change the logger code so that when a new openxcom.log file is created, the previous one isn't deleted, but is instead renamed to openxcom.log.bak. So once someone gets such an error again, they would have a backup log file they could provide.

On ironman, as soon as you enter the mission, the game normally autosaves. So even if the last saving failed, the save should have contained battlescape game. This means that the game saving process on your machine has been failing for a while, not just the last time you exited the game.

The save file is also not corrupted (if only battlegame entry in the save file failed to be created, then when you loaded, your craft would remain above the mission site). I tested this by entering a battlescape game and saving, then manually removing the battlegame part. And when I loaded, the craft with soldiers was right above the mission site and immediately asked me if I wanted to start the mission. In other words, you didn't lose the craft or the soldiers, they're simply in a base somewhere. Or perhaps the last time saving worked, you haven't even hired those soldiers yet.

Why has saving been failing? Who knows. Problem with your device most likely. I don't notice any recent changes to the game saving process in the code. And we can't do much without openxcom.log file.

XPiratez / Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - N9.7.7 12-Sep-2024 Second Coming
« on: October 06, 2024, 11:35:47 am »
Code: [Select]
if (_currentDist < _targetDist ...)
distanceChange = 2 * _craftAccelerationBonus; //note that _craftAccelerationBonus is (acceleration/3+1); a value between 1 and 4
When you're disengaging, the target distance (the distance to which you're trying to move to) will always be above current distance, so yes, acceleration will help disengage faster. It's a minor thing, so I think the main benefits of SHADOW VEIL are the +100 craft speed and +3 dodge bonuses.

XPiratez / Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
« on: October 05, 2024, 12:43:31 pm »
I'm not sure which version this was changed in, but there seems to be a bug in Piratez_Globals.rul:

Code: [Select]
  extendedMovementCostRounding: 1 #0-floor, 1-standard, 2-up

Both wrong value and wrongly documented.
0 = Floor, 1 = Round(0.5 up), 2 = Round(0.5 down)
It should be set to 0 or 2, not 1.
0 is standard.

XPiratez / Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - N9.7.7 12-Sep-2024 Second Coming
« on: October 04, 2024, 07:53:03 pm »
No. Nevermind that then. Anyway, Bandit Town (!Bandit Business!), 39% per month, also spawns a Lieutenant.

XPiratez / Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - N9.7.7 12-Sep-2024 Second Coming
« on: October 04, 2024, 07:37:54 pm »
lack of Ratman missions of any kind

If you research "!Underground Missions!", the "Ratmen Cache" mission will have a 100% spawn until you finish it once. The Ratmen Rodeo has a 63% chance to spawn per month for the first 15 months tho.

XPiratez / Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - N9.7.7 12-Sep-2024 Second Coming
« on: October 04, 2024, 01:22:04 pm »
There's a 2% chance to get it from opening an Old Earth Weapons Box. And 4% chance to get it from Bank Robbery mission. No easy way to get it.
You basically have to research everything else first, before researching Human Commando, to reduce the chance of getting something else. Or keep researching Decrypted Data Disc until you get it.

OXCE Suggestions DONE / Re: [DONE][Suggestion] Experience Overview UI
« on: October 04, 2024, 01:34:32 am »
Btw, ACC should probably be FIR instead, since it's Firing experience.

XPiratez / Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
« on: October 03, 2024, 01:00:39 pm »
I'm not getting "blackmailing dr.x"

post sav file

OXCE Suggestions DONE / Re: [DONE][Suggestion] Experience Overview UI
« on: September 29, 2024, 11:02:28 pm »
This brings tears into my eyes, because I wanted such a feature for so long. But I never suggested it because I thought I'd just get flamed if I did.

Suggestions / Modify a couple of icons of the default forum theme
« on: September 29, 2024, 07:08:00 pm »
Personally, I find it a bit hard to distinct the two icons (both are just shades of grey), so I suggest that the default forum theme (Insidious) be modified:

Change the "No new posts" icon from the current to
Change the "New posts" icons (on.png and on2.png) from the current / to

Change the "No new posts" legend icon from the current to
Change the "New posts" legend icon from the current to

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