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Messages - AuEllai

Pages: [1]
XPiratez / Re: A thread for little questions
« on: October 26, 2022, 12:05:58 pm »
You can always trust the ufopeadia. The numbered articles are true in the sense that they're 100% false. If it says bravery isn't important, for example, that means it's very important. It's the best source of info there is and should be used often, especially those numbered "false" articles, because once you realize that you can just assume the opposite of what it says, you realize it's the closest the game ever gets to giving you clear, straightforward tips instead of just hints.

EDIT: I don't remember exactly, it's not ALL the numbered articles (and it might not even be the numbered articles), but there's a set of "hints" that basically give you opposite day info. Regardless, the point is that the ufopeadia can absolutely be trusted as an authoritative source.

XPiratez / Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - N2 Apocalyptic Edition 22-Oct-2022
« on: October 26, 2022, 11:26:34 am »
I had the same problem and then use the attached file from Iazo and it worked fine.

You have to replace the Research.rul in the city lore mod, not the main Piratez Research.rul

Pages: [1]