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Messages - B@R5uk

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Released Mods / Re: [COMPILATION] Final Mod Pack (FMP)
« on: April 23, 2021, 12:19:21 am »
No, I simply changed how grass works, to make it count as ground and not as an object.

Then this grass will be indestructible unlike wheat is in wheat fields. Sometimes it's handy to clean up path with grenade(s)...

There is one more thing, which i don't know what it is (typo or feature or what), but it keeps bothering me. A noun "hold" usually means something inside ship, used for containment, not outside appearance. Hence my doubts in red ellipse on the image below.

Released Mods / Re: [COMPILATION] Final Mod Pack (FMP)
« on: April 22, 2021, 09:59:24 pm »
What was the problem about? By grass images I guess tile should have heightened unusual moving cost. Did map author forget to set tile properties?

And will fixes come with next version of mod and will be the version compatible with current saves?

Bringing along a pistol with a clip for everyone makes it way easier to train reactions/accuracy. Doing very little damage is very useful as you get xp per actual hit and number of aliens are limited.

Yeah, that's true! For those who play FMP bringing Sub Machine Gun even better as it deal 1 less damage and has 15% SNAP SHOT cost instead of 18% for Pistol. Unfortunately it do not come along with auto reaction experience points count of 12 round clip limit (SMG clip is 30 rounds large), so you have to do it yourself every turn, which will add some fun but waste time.

But that is all nothing compared to smoke grenade! It has crazy RADIUS, counts toward firing accuracy, but deals ZERO damage! Better yet, it counts for every smoked sell occupied by enemy units. See those two Reapers partying together? Get your worst shooter and smoke them! He'll instantly gets 8 exp points, which now easily can be turned 11 and that is +2...+6 to Firing Accuracy by the price of $150 and some otherwise useless pawn TU.

Now, you've started your new game and shot your first scripted scout (turning off missiles and shooting only cannon, of course). But all you have is crappy rookies with low strength and no TU at all? There is a way to train every one! Get each soldier armed smoke and make them unload them all on single present enemy. This will get insane stat boost out of almost nothing. And at the start every stat point counts.

Suggestions / [SUGGESTION] Window to display experience and other data
« on: April 22, 2021, 05:50:03 pm »
It will be really great if there is an option to open window any moment in battlescape which will show all the experience points troops got so far during battle. Like one on the end of combat displaying table of attributes gain, but only scored points not gain (as gain will be randomly calculated only on battle end).

While this is still a suggestion which may or may not be realised, I've made a workaround. It's simple homebrew console Java program, it scans save file and displays table like this:

16 soldier(s) on mission found:
    ID   Name                         BRV REA FAC THR PSK PST MLE   Base
    21   69.59!85 Chris Athanadis       0   0   2   7   0   0   0   USA HQ
   123   65.56.80 Gowo Orakwe           0   0   2   7   0   0   0   USA HQ
    97   54.53.90 Soo-jin Nan           0   0   4   7   0   0   0   USA HQ
    46   54.53.71 Mouris Norgard        0   0   4   7   0   0   0   USA HQ
     3   83.54.88 Hukapapa Hohaia       0   0   3   7   0   0   0   USA HQ
    41   83.54.73 Jorge Herrera         0   0   4   7   0   0   0   USA HQ
    52   71.52.77 Inbar Yosef           0   0   1   6   0   0   0   USA HQ
   122   80.52.97 Oudry Tshiyola        0   0   1   6   0   0   0   USA HQ
   106   59.52.96 Toma Dragomir         0   0   3   7   0   0   0   USA HQ
   110   62.50.86 Graham Jonlan         0   0   1   7   0   0   0   USA HQ
   120   58.48.76 Momchil Stanimir      0   0   3   7   0   0   0   USA HQ
   117   77.43.76 Nathan Pauwels        0   0   4   7   0   0   0   USA HQ
   121   61.43.89 Oluwaseyi Okoye       0   0   3   7   0   0   0   USA HQ
   115   74.43.92 Alessio Colombo       0   0   5   7   0   0   0   USA HQ
    64   80.51!70 Tityus Gonatas        0   0   8   4   0   0   0   USA HQ
    61   69!61.82 Oliver Voros          0   0   3   7   0   0   0   USA HQ
End of list.

I just cobbles it together yesterday night, not sure if it don't have any issues. It doesn't even have input option, you have to recompile it to account to different save files. So far it works fine for me.

I used to count every experience points "manually" and "by sight" using notepad, but as it's tedious and i've grown tired of it, I decided it's high time to find different solution. Original game devs seem to think gamer shouldn't have this information. But as it's available for any one who has excellent memory and observation skills, IMO it should be accessible any time for any one who wants to see it.

On the same note, there is vital data such as TU and ENERGY regeneration rates, which may highly affects decision making during battle, but is not presented anywhere. It can be calculated in theory, but that is tough call, as ENERGY regeneration for example requires knowing soldier's starting TU stat value, which can only be seen in geoscape mode. It will be really helpful to have this data present on soldier's stats screen where all armor, morale and other stats are presented.

Released Mods / Re: [COMPILATION] Final Mod Pack (FMP)
« on: April 22, 2021, 04:32:33 pm »
I'm playing FMP v2.8e. Found some terrain tiles with zero moving cost (see images below). Do you need save file or something more to check?

Released Mods / Re: [COMPILATION] Final Mod Pack (FMP)
« on: April 25, 2020, 07:32:48 pm »
Found a different solution without altering save files: loaded latest battlescape save and took a different set of actions that lead to the end of battle. After that there was no crash.

And I also found some bugged terrain, not sure if it the same tileset from different angle or not.

Released Mods / Re: [COMPILATION] Final Mod Pack (FMP)
« on: April 24, 2020, 10:17:28 pm »
Some days ago I've started new game with new FMP 2.6. Now I've got a OXC crash (see image below) and am wondering: what to do? I've read some pages earlier about shaman voodoo with save file, but will it help permanently and without any loss? I mean game (or something) have placed these lines in save file so there is a need for them or they may be restored even after deletion.

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