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Messages - Kain

Pages: [1]
Work In Progress / Re: Terror From the Deep Remastered Soundtrack
« on: September 13, 2012, 09:32:08 pm »
I agree on the trumpets and I'm actually looking for better samples for them. The strings however I actually recorded myself from two separate violins a cello and a viola. The reason they sound artificial is because they are made from sampled notes which are then sequenced, this is more noticeable on the intercept tracks. A few tracks also use a synth to emulate string swells, these are artificial on purpose as they give a more detuned and unnatural feel, which in turn fit well into the overall "creepy" tone.

I do however agree 100% with the trumpets. I made those from scratch using mostly other brass "sounding" instruments laying them on top of each other and applying reverb and other effects to give them a more natural "in the room" feel.

Work In Progress / Terror From the Deep Remastered Soundtrack
« on: September 10, 2012, 02:20:32 pm »
Hello everyone yesterday I released my remastered Terror From The Deep soundtrack. I always found the playstation versions of the songs to be a bit lacking so I redid all the music (minus the 2 tracks that TFTD Extender does not use).

OpenXComMods page

MP3 Version (Drop Box Mirror)
File Dropper didn't seem to like the mp3 version, so if you want that version use the dropbox mirror
OGG Version (Drop Box Mirror)
OGG Version (File Dropper Mirror)

---How to Install---

Install is very easy but it does require  use of TFTD Extender.
Simply create a folder named MP3 or OGG and extract all the files in the rar to that folder.
Then open TFTDExtender.cfg and find the music section.
simply change Apply=0 to Apply=1
If you are using the mp3 version you're done, Yay! If you're using the ogg version read on
change MP3 Folder=MP3 to MP3 Folder=OGG
Now change all the music files from .mp3 to .ogg

If you have any questions or comments leave them here, email me (its in the readme) or head on over to my twitch tv channel

I hope you all like the soundtrack, happy hunting

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