« on: June 27, 2022, 04:27:58 pm »
Hi all.
I'm playing a game of vanilla TFTD, and for some reason the game just ends at the monthly report for September 2040. Is there a time limit I don't know about?
The odd thing is I'm doing very well, never lost a funding country, destroyed the two alien artifact sites that appeared, never lost a tactical or terror mission, etc. I have Mag Ion armor, Psi disruptors and was researching the first new sub based on alien tech but at the monthly review it just says I failed to stop the alien invasion and it's game over. There are two alien bases that I left as the supply ships that land at them give me a steady supply of zrbite/aqua plastics, if I destroy those before the end of the month will the game continue? Or can anyone tell me why it's just suddenly game over?